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We now have a vintage CB t-shirt rack at our Shilshole location. All shirts on that rack are only $10!

Free Taste* IPA

IPA  |  6.8% ABV  |  57 IBU

We try really hard not to look at review sites. Especially Google and Yelp. Sure, most of the feedback is kind and nice – some is actually informative and constructive – but a few are just upset blowhards giving you 1 star for a very small element of our actual business (if they even actually came to our brewery). 


For example, we have never offered free tastes or samples of our beer (aka the “try before you buy”) and this really rubs an entitled, vocal minority the wrong way. Other than ice cream shops, who normalized this annoying practice decades ago, there is NO OTHER MAJOR SERVICE MODEL that offers you a free taste. You don’t ask for a free taste of a cocktail before you order it, nor a coffee, nor slice of pizza, nor a pastry…why is beer the exception?


We initially justified this policy during our pre-pandemic times, when our small bar was crowded with a constant line to order (THOSE WERE THE DAYS, OH MY!). If somebody wanted a taste, it would be at the expense of MANY other people patiently waiting to order a beer behind them. And if one person gets a taste, then everyone else might want and expect one too, and now our never-ending line is so long that people are leaving for elsewhere. And don’t even get us started on the Untapped warriors that want to tick as many boxes as possible, rating beer off a .5 oz splash. 


Since then, we haven’t seen a need to change this policy. Every single person behind our bar, at any given moment in our past 9 years, has been a Cicerone Certified Beer Server. They are educated and informed enough to explain the nuances between every IPA on tap, between different hop varieties and different styles. And they are happy to help you make a proper decision that is more accurate than reading a random Untappd review. If you’re between two or three beers, just order 7oz pours of each! And if you’re not happy with your choice, we’re happy to swap you out for a different option (so long as you’re not an asshole about it). 


Ultimately, this is our business, and we can do whatever we choose. Do most breweries allow for a free taste? Sure. Are we the only brewery in this town that has this policy? Nope. But rest assured, we’ve heard your cries, your yelps, your pleas, your sad trombones. And so, for the next few weeks, you can have a Free Taste* IPA, loaded with notes of ruby red grapefruit, lime peel, meyer lemon, and spruce tips from a blend of Simcoe, Comet & Cascade hops, when you purchase a pour of it.