Oh, beer style terminology. So often we want to put things in boxes, and define them by specific parameters. And to be honest, we enjoy the challenge of brewing to a precise style guideline, along with the reward of nailing those prescribed details and flavor profile in a finished product. On that note, this beer has nothing to do with any of that. This is a beer that fits no style. It has nuance, and balance, and tropical hop flavor and a tight finish - a concept born from a brewer’s mind. And we’ve made a couple of beers like this before, but it always seems like it’s a few years ahead of its time. So maybe the time is now? It starts kinda like a German-style Helles base (essentially a pale lager) with early hop additions of soft, flowery Hallertau Mittelfruh. Then it gets a kiss of Mosaic in the whirlpool, before it’s cold fermented with our house lager yeast, lightly dry hopped with Peacharine & splash of Nelson, and given lots of time - 7 total weeks in a tank - so it’s vivid and smooth and crisp and crushable. Call it whatever you like…or something.
Simply Irresistible IPA
IPA|6%|53 IBU
A kind of love is mythical…between Citra, Mosaic, & Nectaron hops. It’s just like this unavoidable, irreversible, invincible connection of tropical meets citrus meets stone fruit, with just a splash of funky/danky depth to round out all those juicy highlights. Like why should we deny you this combination so often? IT’S SO FINE. And it’s all yours, there’s no other way to go. For this week, at least.
Passin’ Time
Pre-Prohibition American Pilsner|5.1%|42 IBU
The inspiration for this beer goes back - way back - to the days of pre-prohibition, when lagers were a little more chewy, and spicy, and rustic, and probably not that great if we’re being honest because this was like 100 years ago and stainless steel wasn’t widely available and they didn’t sanitize equipment like we do now. ANYWAYS - this beer is kinda like that, but not really, as we took even more liberties by using a substantial portion of rye in this grist. Why’d we go that route? CHARACTER. Like, extra spicy/floral/gritty OOMPH. And we hopped it with Saaz and Tettnang because that’s what we like in our lagers (and those varieties DID exist 100 years ago). Plus, we kept the abv in check so we could throw back a few, easy peezy, like the good old days, and remember every moment on the nights with chew.
Here’s Your Future IPA
IPA|6.7%|53 IBU
God reached his hand down from the sky…and the Hop Quality Group breeding program swatted it away with a middle finger while saying “WE ARE SCIENTISTS MOTHERFUCKER.” Ok maybe that’s a little egregious/aggressive…but we are LEGIT THRILLED to finally brew with HQG 4 - an experimental public(!) variety we’ve championed since 2019, though it’s been in the pipeline as a baby since 2015 when it was known as HQG2015034-023. This harvest, we finally had enough of it to brew with - shout out to Crosby, CLS and Jackson farms for planting an acre each - and we went full send with it into a big batch of IPA. Afterall, it was ranked 2nd out of 32 blindly judged hops at the BA’s Hopsource this past year. Full disclosure, there’s a smidge of Citra and Mosaic in there, but this beer is a whopping 70% of HQG 4. So bend your knees and bow your heads, drink your babies, here’s your future.
No Cheating IPA
IPA|6.6%|55 IBU
This last week/month+ has been pretty tough, to say the least. For a light distraction, we’re naming our most recent release after a cute AF meme trend, where people on instagram (FUCK ZUCK, BTW) share the last picture in their phone of their pet a la no cheating (like, it cant be a curated one). So, here are our last pictures of all the pets whose parents work at Cloudburst. And to accompany that, here’s an IPA brewed with Citra, Vic Secret, and Idaho 7 hops. It’s soft and good and palatable, with a playful bite at the end - just like our fur babies.
Too Many Words
DDH West Coast IPA|7%|68 IBU
This beer was brewed with Chinook, Mosaic, Idaho 7 & Citra. (And now we bite our tongue to keep this description with as few words as possible.)
Meet Cute IPA
IPA|6.8%|50 IBU
Hey everybody! We’d like to introduce you to HBC 1134, brought to you by Yakima Chief’s FWD program. HBC 1134 - these are drinkers of Cloudburst beer!~ ~ ~ ~ ~This experimental hop was more intended for lighter beers - like pilsners, pales, other lagers - since it leans noble in its agronomics and aromatics…. BUT WE DECIDED TO PUT IT IN AN IPA ANYWAYS. For new hops at Cloudburst, it’s sink or swim in that beer style, after all. We paired it with - you guessed it - Citra hops just to see what it could do (for clarity: Citra makes up 40% of the hop bill, HBC1134 makes up 60%). The end result is SO MUCH CITRUS - navel orange, tangerine, lime peel, & lemon chiffon. Maybe this is the start of a long term relationship? If so, we hope you never forget your first taste.
Ebb and Flow
Vienna Lager|5.3%|64 IBU
This light amber lager, of toasty medium malt depth, with lemony & floral hops, and a dry finish is the perfect winter companion when paired with the bounty of the sea. Dungeness Crab & brown butter? YUP. Baywater Indigos & shallot mignonette? UH HUH. Glazed Salmon over a bed of winter vegetables? YES. Smoked & charred Octopus? HELL YES. Fuck it even goes with mushrooms, potatoes and Aged Bavette Steak….AND DON’T GET US STARTED ON PORK CHOPS!!! HOT DAMN NOW WE’RE HUNGRYYYY. Ok ok, but also, this is a perfect little lager to be enjoyed on its own too. BON APPETIT BB!
Free Taste* IPA
IPA|6.8%|57 IBU
We try really hard not to look at review sites. Especially Google and Yelp. Sure, most of the feedback is kind and nice - some is actually informative and constructive - but a few are just upset blowhards giving you 1 star for a very small element of our actual business (if they even actually came to our brewery). For example, we have never offered free tastes or samples of our beer (aka the “try before you buy”) and this really rubs an entitled, vocal minority the wrong way. Other than ice cream shops, who normalized this annoying practice decades ago, there is NO OTHER MAJOR SERVICE MODEL that offers you a free taste. You don’t ask for a free taste of a cocktail before you order it, nor a coffee, nor slice of pizza, nor a pastry…why is beer the exception?We initially justified this policy during our pre-pandemic times, when our small bar was crowded with a constant line to order (THOSE WERE THE DAYS, OH MY!). If somebody wanted a taste, it would be at the expense of MANY other people patiently waiting to order a beer behind them. And if one person gets a taste, then everyone else might want and expect one too, and now our never-ending line is so long that people are leaving for elsewhere. And don’t even get us started on the Untapped warriors that want to tick as many boxes as possible, rating beer off a .5 oz splash. Since then, we haven’t seen a need to change this policy. Every single person behind our bar, at any given moment in our past 9 years, has been a Cicerone Certified Beer Server. They are educated and informed enough to explain the nuances between every IPA on tap, between different hop varieties and different styles. And they are happy to help you make a proper decision that is more accurate than reading a random Untappd review. If you’re between two or three beers, just order 7oz pours of each! And if you’re not happy with your choice, we’re happy to swap you out for a different option (so long as you’re not an asshole about it). Ultimately, this is our business, and we can do whatever we choose. Do most breweries allow for a free taste? Sure. Are we the only brewery in this town that has this policy? Nope. But rest assured, we’ve heard your cries, your yelps, your pleas, your sad trombones. And so, for the next few weeks, you can have a Free Taste* IPA, loaded with notes of ruby red grapefruit, lime peel, meyer lemon, and spruce tips from a blend of Simcoe, Comet & Cascade hops, when you purchase a pour of it.
Jokes On You
Bourbon Barrel Aged Milk Stout|6.5%|35 IBU
Ohhhh you forgot we sometimes (rarely) do barrel aged beers? WELP….fair enough. But this little diddy is ready just in time for our anniversary. We put some Milk Stout in two bourbon barrels from Heaven Hills back in March of 2023, and buried them in our cooler. After 21 months, one of these barrels tasted FAB (this one!) and one didn’t meet our expectations (the other one - RIP). Why? We don’t know! That’s just how the barrel creaks, as they say. This unblended, straight from the barrel cut has a big bourbon and brown sugar hit on the nose, but retains the bones of the original, smaller base beer. A sessionable barrel aged beer? A SESSIONABLE BARREL AGED BEER. It’s a thing. Jokes on you!
Party 4 U
IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
We only threw this party for you. For YOU. We were hopin’ you would come through. Come THROUGH. Seriously, we’ve got food and favors at Western this Friday 1/10! And live sets from Small Paul and Fluung starting at ~6pm at Shilshole this Saturday 1/11!And we made an extra special IPA for it all! What does that even mean?! It means we tried *EXTRA* hard on this brew, and loaded it with our choicest lots of Nectaron! And Galaxy! And Citra! Plus Mosaic! OH MY! We can’t believe we’ve been doing this thing for over 9 years - thanks for allowing us the privilege to do so. We’ll keep brewing if you keep drinking.
Exchanging Pleasantries IPA
IPA|6.7%|55 IBU
Mosaic walks into a crowded ballroom, instantly commanding the attention and envy of many. With all eyes upon them, they gracefully float through the room in search of something special, despite not knowing exactly what that may be. A nod to the elder varieties, a wink to the newer starlets, a casual “hello” to old pairings. Until they see them. Azacca. A hop with substantial overlap to them when placed into a Venn diagram, yet still with complex, complementary components as well. A comfortable match, yet still with a bit of mystery. This is JUST what Mosaic needs right now. They meet Azacca in the middle, extend a resinous leaf, and coolly ask “Care to join?”... the aftermath is a bit hazy, but the room reeks of pineapple flesh, tangerine skin, and mangos as a soft light fills the glass.
Unrecoverable Error
DDH New Zealand WCIPA|7%|62 IBU
Welcome. It is time to reboot another double dry-hopped New Zealand style IPA compressed with Nelson Sauvin and Riwaka hops, along with a hard drive of Mosaic. Ah fuck, but first it appears that we need to update our software. Ughhh. PROCESS initiated. Corrupted data? Calculation to fail? NO. NEVER. Unable to create a requested mechanism? GET FUCKED SLOW OLD COMPUTER. Oh WOW amazing and helpful, a link to a troubleshooting guide telling us all about external media and encryption software and some third party applications. SWEET. Hello AI pop up window that talks in circles. Wait what is UNRETRIEVABLE?! Ok welp we’re just going to terminate this description and crush this tropical beer. Also, this computer.
No Experience Needed IPA
IPA|6.4%|50 IBU
Why would we brew an IPA with Mandarina, Hallertau Blanc, Callista & Huell Melon - a bunch of meddling newer German hop varieties that do great in fruit forward pale lagers but don’t have the power, analytics, or experience to carry something as important as a “Cloudburst IPA” recipe? Because they are RICH in history, with a privileged lineage and VERY IMPORTANT parents, and they’re blindly LOYAL to our cooler. Like, some of them have been in our cooler for years, just cheering us on as YES MEN when we use other varieties. And yeah, occasionally their shadowy affiliated company makes a HUGE DONATION to us. With times like these, we wanted to buck the trend and go with some OUTSIDERS that we owed. The end result tastes of RIDICULOUS tangerine, IDIOTIC white grape, and INSANE honeydew melon - which is kinda WEIRD, but at least it won’t destroy humanity, our country or the entire world?
Good Problem
DDH West Coast IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
We keep running out of WCIPAs. So do our accounts. They say that’s “a good problem to have.” IS IT REALLY THO?! ‘Cause it seems like we’re missing out on an “opportunity” to sell all of you more deliciously dank, brightly tropical, sharply resinous, brilliantly clear, and assertively bitter DOUBLE DRY-HOPPED WEST COAST IPA. But here’s the rub - we only have 1, sometimes 2, single batch tanks that we can devote to the style. It’s brewed in 15 bbl batches, 4 weeks at a time, and that’s the best we can do. WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE, AN IPA FACTORY OR SOMETHING? Other types of beer need to be in other tanks - like pilsners and lagers, and other styles, some obscure, some traditional. But fine, queue the Sarah McLaughlin music, we have a special gift for you - this beer, brewed with Krush, Columbus, Mosaic, & Citra hops.
Snoozefest IPA
IPA|6.6%|53 IBU
We love Citra. You love Citra. Citra is life. But JUST Citra? We used to not know about that. In our egregious opinion, single hop beers tend to be kinda boring and one dimensional - that’s why we avoided making one for quite some time. BUT THE FIRST TIME WE DID IT, IT WAS FIRE. SO WE MADE IT AGAIN. AND AGAIN. And yes, it comes with the same twist. We used 10 different types of Citra hops - that came from 9ish separate farms over FIVE different crop years, and was processed in 3 different ways (T-90, Lupomax & Cryo) and packaged at 3 different facilities. And guess what?! It’s not that boring! It’s kinda interesting! ACTUALLY IT’S REALLY FUCKING AWESOME. If you snooze, you win?
Dirty Forest Hippie Vibes IPA
IPA|6.7%|53 IBU
This beer, brewed with Mosaic and Strata hops, is the embodiment of a many miles long muddy hike in the Hoh Rainforest (i.e. more beautiful than tough) while you’re pleasantly stoned from a tropical tasting gummy edible and as you find yourself intently staring at a MASSIVE fern in shades of indescribable GREEN, you trip over an exposed root and roll down an ever so slight embankment, catching a break at the base of a Sitka spruce tree, covered in pine needles and loam and damp forest debris but luckily no physical damage to yourself (your ego is another story) as you jubilantly laugh at the glorious wonder of it all.
Totally Oatally
Oatmeal Stout|5%|30 IBU
Back by popular demand from the people that work in the brewery and six regular customers! Y’all wanted a low abv dark beer for the Winter, and THIS beer fits the bill - a straight up, no frills, small bills oatmeal stout, with THREE types of oats making up a solid proportion of the grist! Big notes of milk chocolate and toffee, with a smooth, silky body; a sweet silky cereal mid-palate; and kiss of roast on the finish. It’s never tragic, mildly nutritious, totally classic, and oatally delicious! (Fuck, we need to copyright that line ASAP.)
Corporate Overlords IPA
IPA|6.6%|56 IBU
Welp, it’s been almost 10 YEARS since AB-Inbev purchased an important, local Seattle brewery and it appears to be going really well. Like, beer-business-geniuses-with-#noregrets well… NOT! HAHAHAHA!The largest brewing entity in the world slowed down its purchasing spree 5ish years ago, and it’s been a fucking DOOZY ever since. In the last couple years, they’ve offloaded half of those breweries for massive losses to a Canadian MNC that specializes in weed (and makes decisions like they’re stoned AF), they’ve shut down multiple existing locations (including two in WA), and they’ve discontinued/consolidated brands galore. We can go on… and on… FOREVER… but, we’d like to use the rest of this description to encourage you to shop small. When you buy beer at small retail outlets, locally owned and operated bars and restaurants, and brewery tasting rooms, a much larger % of that money goes directly to people that work and live right here. According to the BA (2023 data), there are roughly 459 craft breweries in this state with an economic impact of $1,956,000,000. THAT’S ALMOST 2 BILLION DOLLARS. There’s a lot of “doom and gloom” in the craft beer segment these days - and yes, most of us have seen better years - but your continued support to all the little guys makes a huge difference! As a thank you, we hope you enjoy this delicious IPA brewed with Simcoe and Krush hops.
Vampire Empire
Baltic Porter|8%|35 IBU
Wanna know when Baltic Porters were cool? Back when vampires ruled the world, or at least like, Eastern Europe. Facts are FACTS. What? You thought vampires only drink blood? Pshhh that’s some modern Hollywood half baked hot take. Get in the know - there are legit historical documents that have stated they drank all sorts of stuff, especially beer and one not dissimilar to this dark nectar of the night. It’s rich and fruity and chocolatey and strong and so smooth - we dare you to not sink your teeth into it. Plus there’s no holy water or garlic or sunlight used in the brewing process, making it still vampire friendly to this very day WE SEE YOU JERRY ALWAYS COMING IN RIGHT BEFORE CLOSE.
Bad Idea, Right?
IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
True story: Olivia Rodrigo was recently talking to Steve on the phone, and she said that we didn’t have the GUTS to brew an IPA with a hop bill of Citra, Sabro, Talus & Zappa. Yes we know that these hops wreck, but can’t a hop bill reconnect?We only used them just a speck, the biggest lie we ever said.Yes we know that these hops wreck, but can't a hop bill reconnect?Whoops too late they’re on the deck, drink a pint you won't be dead.Brewing you tonight… is a bad idea, right? Brewing you tonight… is a bad idea, right? Brewing you tonight… is a bad idea, right? Fuck it it’s fine.
Stoke the Flame
DDH West Coast IPA|7.3%|65 IBU
Collab with Grand Fir Brewing (PDX)If y’all don’t know Grand Fir Brewing down in Portland, you gotta get with the program! They have SLAYED this year - winning 3 medals at the World Beer Cup and 3 medals at the GABF, culminating in a Brewery of the Year Award for their size category. Steve and their Head Brewer Whitney first met in 2010, and worked together for a few years at Elysian before she moved to Oregon for a job at Pelican, and then 10 Barrel, prior to opening up Grand Fir with her Top Chef husband Doug. This beer pulls inspiration from our Seattle brewing roots (ala Scarlet Fire & Prometheus IPA) with a modernized West Coast twist. We started with a base of 2 Row, added a splash of Caramunich & Carahell for a warmer color, and tossed in a bag of Flaked Rye for a little spicy kiss. And then it’s hopped with a blend of Chinook, Amarillo, Cascade, Citra (T90, Hyperboost, Cryo) & Centennial Cryo. The end result is….FIRE!
Make It Make Sense IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
This past week has been tough. And while this is our last beer regarding current events, the consequences of the election results are going to weigh heavily on the people that work here for a long time. The majority of this country voted for a horrible, dangerous human (this is an objective statement) to lead our country for the next four (or more) years. Cloudburst is made up of humans that are: women; people of color; queer and trans; that have had abortions; that have children; that came from immigrants; that came from educators. And the majority of this country voted against the interests of every single one of those humans, putting blind privilege and shortsighted, selfish interests over empathy, the rights of others, and long term stability (and, in many cases, they naively voted against their own needs in doing so). And frankly, that makes us feel like shit. We’re going to try our best to be positive, and be thankful for our support system around us, and the state we live in - but it will be a concerted effort to do so. Beer seems so trivial right now, but it brings us joy, and we need that now more than ever. We hope you enjoy this batch - Mosaic, Citra, Waimea hops over a light base of 2 Row & Pils - and we hope you find comfort knowing we feel the same way as you do.
Ho Hum
American Pale Ale|5.9%|48 IBU
Oh hi. Hello. Thanks for joining us. Please have a seat. We need to talk about your attitude (or, lack thereof) towards pale ales. It appears that you are “unenthused” about their presence, that you can “take ‘em or leave ‘em,” that they do not “inspire” you nor do they “spark joy,” and that they are “just fine.” Frankly, we find this perspective troubling and downright offensive. This should be a beer style on the up and up! They are lower in abv, but loaded with interesting hop flavor, with just enough bitterness and dryness to keep you coming back for more! IS SUBTLETY AND FINESSE DEAD TO YOU? Ok, sorry for raising our font. It’s just that we are making pale ales less and less every year, and that’s because of this trend we’re seeing from you. So, as a little reminder of what you’re all missing, here’s a precious gift, hopped with a blend of Citra, Mosaic, & Talus. Um, did you just say “Ho Hum”? HO HUM INDEED.
Easy Choice IPA
IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
One of the most important elections of our lifetime is THIS WEEK and somehow, most of the polls are still showing that the two people running for President of the United States are within 1% of each other. HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS POSSIBLE?On one side - you have a woman of color, a daughter of immigrants, with a lifetime of work experience in state, congressional and federal government. An intelligent, thoughtful person who actually wants to protect individual rights and freedoms - like reproductive rights and abortion access, gender and LGBTQIA+ equity, our public education system, our planet - while keeping our justice system fair, fighting for common sense gun reform, and figuring out a pathway to financial stability for those less fortunate/marginalized/of lower socioeconomic status. She values science, makes decisions based on facts, and wants to tax billionaires a little more. On the other side - you have a twice-impeached convicted felon with more lawsuits in process, who idolizes dictators of past & present; is a misogynist with a verified history of sexual harassment and assault spanning 5+ decades; denigrates veterans and their families; is transphobic to the point of running a national ad campaign specifically against them; has stripped pregnant humans of body autonomy and personal health decisions; curries favor with white christian nationalists and racists in his disturbing rhetoric, public policies, and immigration stances; and is a corrupt, failed businessman who only cares about enriching big corporations and billionaires (while removing environmental and consumer protections), along with himself (while avoiding inevitable jail time and million dollar fines). THIS GUY IS OLD, DEMENTED, CANNOT COMPLETE A FULL SENTENCE, LIES THROUGH HIS TEETH, AND TRIED TO STAGE A FUCKING COUP WHEN HE LOST THE LAST ELECTION.Every rational human with even the smallest moral compass knows that this election shouldn’t be this close. But here we are, releasing a new beer with 3 reasonable parties (oh one can dream!) of hops - Citra, Idaho 7, Ekuanot - over a clean malt bill, so that we can stress drink ALL WEEK LONG while we contemplate the future of democracy as we know it.
Famous Last Words
German-Style Pilsner|4.9%|40 IBU
If you’ve ever dealt with a German engineer (a lot of people in the brewing industry have, as they’re brewhouse, tank and packaging equipment are top notch), you will quickly become aware that their default world is binary - yes or no, can or cannot, possible or not possible. At first, it’s jarring and off-putting but eventually it becomes cute…especially when you make them realize that there is SO much space and gray area that American brewers live in. Suddenly, the impossible becomes possible, and you can do many mind-blowing things! And it doesn’t matter that they won’t admit they’re wrong or even redact they’re previous claims…WE KNOW WE’RE RIGHT, GÜNTHER! IT IS VERY POSSIBLE TO MAKE A DELICIOUS GERMAN-STYLE PILS ON A BREWHOUSE DESIGNED FOR MAKING IPAS AND THE EXISTENCE OF THIS BEER IS PROOF.
But Make It Special IPA
IPA|6.4%|55 IBU
And just like that, we’re back to our pre-harvest old tricks. It kinda feels like cheating, making a “normal” IPA without the loads of cumbersome fresh picked whole cone wet hops. So, to make this recipe feel special - we brewed it entirely with certified salmon safe hops: Chinook & Strata from Roy Farms, Amarillo & Strata from Crosby Farm, and Chinook & Strata from Coleman’s Alluvial Farm. Three hops, three farms, three is a magic number!, especially when they’re farmed sustainably and ecologically friendly to our region’s watershed.
West Coast IPA is Dead
West Coast IPA|7.2%|65 IBU
This might be a hot take. Well guess what - it’s an even HOTTER beer. In our next rendition of Brew Your Friends Beer™️, Evan Price at Green Cheek gave us their 2018 World Beer Cup Award winning recipe that is loaded with Simcoe, Mosaic and Citra throughout the process. The end result is filled with complex citrusy and tropical notes anchored by assertive, clean bitterness. You should see versions of this beer around the west coast, Colorado, and EVEN the UK - so if you’re curious feel free to seek out and trade for other versions by Alvarado St, Cellarmaker, Cloudwater, Amalgam/Bierstadt, Breakside, North Park & Pinthouse.
Wet Hop IPA|6.66%|69 IBU
SURPRISE! Did we just save the best for last? That’s for you to decide, you alien loving wet hop weirdos. This year’s batch utilizes a simple malt bill - 2 Row and Pils - before we loaded it up with 28#/bbl of FRESH WET GREEN MOSAIC from Perrault Farm. So yeah, we just have one question for you: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE WET?
Wetabout Us?
DDH West Coast Wet Hop IPA|7%|62 IBU
It’s been AGES since we made a wet hop beer with Comet. It’s not like we’ve forgotten about it - we have a small, ongoing contract for pellets every year - but the pick window timing rarely works out with our brew schedule. That’s why we were STOKED whenLoza Farms - THE Comet Kings - were picking it on a day we found ourselves out there. We also used some Citra from Loftus Ranches. The end result is massive notes of LIME (like zest & flesh, but also green jello?!) along with some tangerine and nectarine and a kiss of pine and leafy, resinous bite at the end. We’ll let this serve as a reminder to NEVER FORGET about that Wapato Comet again!
World Wide Wet
Wet Hop IPA|6.6%|58 IBU
Pshhhkkkkkkrrrrkakingkakingkakingtshchchchchchchchcchdingdingding. You are now connected to the hub of wetness, a hardwired connection between Citra from Loftus Ranches + early pick Columbus from Virgil Gamache Farms, where you can enter a like minded chatroom of flavors like peaches and blackberries and tangerines and spruce tips. Let your palate explore the new world of webbed wetness, and reap the harvest before it CTRL + ALT + DELETEs. Fuck, maybe find a new coding wormhole on that black & green MS DOS screen?! Just don’t stay on too long because your sister needs to call Mark back, and you’re hogging the secondary phone line….MOMMMMMMMMM! IT’S NOT FAIR IT’S MY TURN!
Finding Wetness
Wet Hop IPA|6.3%|55 IBU
When Matt Brynildson, world-renowned Brewmaster of FW, wants to tag along on a wet hop brew day, there is only one thing to say: “OK!” (not, “Are you sure?” Or, “Do you mean us, us?”) And so, the day before the brew we found ourselves driving around the Yakima area, in search of a couple perfectly picked varieties. First, we headed over to Mabton where Sauve & Son Farms were picking some pristine little Simcoes. Then, we came back through Moxee to visit CLS farms…who sent us all the way over to their other Wenas Farm, buried deep in the Northwest region of the valley, for some choice Citra. It was…a long day. But you know what, we had a blast (and didn’t blow our Invitational invite…that we know of…), and this beer is fantastic because we decided to chase the right varieties for the right beer. An old crusty would call it “going the extra mile” and we did that (many miles over), just for you.
Kinda Wet
Wet Hop IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
Yeah, so, another harvest, another curveball. We always try to get some early picked Amarillo from Virgil Gamache Farms, and on this particular day they wrapped up picking about and hour before we could make it to the farm…so, we just grabbed a shovel and headed to the kiln, where we scooped up a couple hundred pounds off the top layer and called it a day. The moisture content was still pretty high, but it did add another unknown variable in regards to our process - Would we pick up more bitterness? Would the Amarillo throw some more interesting/different flavors? Would it still come across as chewy/leafy/cholorphylic?
Death By Wetness IPA
DDH West Coast Wet Hop IPA|7.1%|65 IBU
Oh hey quick easy question, um, DO YOU WANT TO KILL YOUR PALATE?! Like, just MURDER THE SHIT OUT OF your circumvallate, fungiform, and foliate papillae!? And just DESTROY THE FUCK OUT OF your olfactory receptors? WE THOUGHT SO. And thus, we combined wet whole cone Simcoe from Coleman’s Mt. Angel farm and wet whole cone Strata from Goschie Farm into this double dry-hopped West Coast IPA. Before your entire face goes numb from the uncut, unkilned grade A lupulin megadose, you might get notes of ruby red grapefruit, red berries, white pine, and flowery perfume followed by a clean yet leafy, bracing bitterness. It’s a good way to go, if you ask us!
For Wets Sake
Wet Hop IPA|6.4%|53 IBU
Our goal, every harvest, is to make one wet hop beer with a hop variety that we’ve never previously used - and we LUCKED THE FUCK OUT that Coleman’s Alluvial Farm was picking Luminosa the last week of August. We’ve played around with Luminosa recently - it was just featured in our “Will They, Won’t They” IPA - and have been digging the big notes of yellow peach, mango, and melon it contributes to hop forward beers. This is an exciting variety that we hope to see around town more often - FOR WETS SAKE IT’S A GODDAMN DELIGHT!
Wet Hop Keller Pils
Wet Hop Keller Pils|5%|42 IBU
Collab with WayfinderLast year, we brewed our first ever wet hop pilsner and HOLY SHIT HOW DID IT TAKE US THIS LONG. Following in the tradition, we brought in a brilliant friend - Natalie Rose Baldwin of Wayfinder Beer - to elevate this lager collab beer to the next level. A blend of pilsner malts, plus a bag of spelt to soften up the base beer so that we could load it up with both wet AND fresh kilned Tettnang from Goschie Farms. We gave it 5 cold weeks - young for us - but when you’re working with wet hops, freshness is of the imperative essence! We get notes of lemon zest, fresh cut grass, & cucumber peel upon a rounded, leafy mid palate and minerally, crisp, dry finish.
Make A Splash
Wet Hop IPA|6.4%|50 IBU
ZOMG IT’S OUR FIRST WET HOP BEER OF THE SEASON! With hops grown in Washington off to a slower start than usual, we dipped down to Oregon for some Centennial grown at Goschie Farms. Some of you may have noticed, we’ve been LOVING almost every “C” hop grown down South over the last few years - maybe it’s terroir, maybe it’s smaller acreages, maybe it’s pick windows…probably it’s a factor of all 3. And yet, we’ve never brewed with Oregon Centennial before! Why? NO IDEA! Because the notes of watermelon, blood orange, papaya & pink lemonade in this beer are some of the brightest and most unique characteristics we’ve ever smelled and tasted in a Centennial forward beer. JUMP ON IN, MAKE A SPLASH!
Yay, Space! IPA
IPA|6.4%|55 IBU
Y’all probably know the deal by now. Every year, the last IPA before our deluge of wet hops tends to highlight hops from either Australia and/or New Zealand. For this go around, Haas & HPA lined us up with some AMAZING lots of Galaxy from the 2023 and 2024 crop. Like no joke - THIS IS THE BEST GALAXY WE HAVE EVER BREWED WITH. And yes, it’s had some up and down years, but if they keep doing what they’re doing the last few harvests down there, then THIS HOP IS BACK, BABY! We feathered in some Citra too - a natural pairing as there ever was - and voila! All the notes of yellow peach, papaya, tangerine, and mango. Come on Barbie, let’s go party!
DDH American IPA|7%|65 IBU
Did you know: Richard Uihlein, the billionaire CEO of ULINE, is a conservative mega donor? Well, he fucking is. He donates TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars every year to some of the most morally corrupt and heinous PACs, politicians, and causes. In 2022, an article in the Chicago Tribune noted he’s donated over $31.5 million to Republican candidates since 1998. And he’s DOUBLED THAT AMOUNT in the last two years - as he’s currently up to over $68 million according to opensecrets.org, a site that tracks PAC donations. For example, this May, he donated $10 million dollars to Make America Great Again Inc alone. He’s also given millions of dollars to the Restoration PAC, Club for Growth Action PAC, and Fair Courts America - the latter is behind our current conservative Supreme Court justices and State judiciaries that have made a string of abhorrent decisions. And according to the Financial Times, he is the single largest donor to the anti-abortion movement and to pro-gun rights groups. SERIOUSLY FUCK THIS GUY.Why are we telling you all this? Because breweries all over the country purchase packaging, shipping, and warehouse supplies from the ULINE catalog everyday, and this money funnels directly into conservative causes and politicians, pushing anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-gun control, anti-social services and anti-free speech agendas. As business and humans, we all have a choice when it comes to where we spend our money - and we choose to boycott Uline. For some alternatives: WCP Solutions, Peri Wrap, Good Start, Cratecraft & Better Packaging Co. PS - Feel free to track political donations here: https://www.opensecrets.org/ and here: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/Oh SHIT we got so worked up that we forgot to talk about this kick ass beer! In protest to Uline, we brewed a true AMERICAN STYLE IPA that we hopped with Chinook, Columbus, Citra, & Amarillo (grown by farms in Washington that employ Immigrant workers!) for notes of pine, resin, white grapefruit, tangerine, and freedom. Like, actual freedom and not a corrupt, tyrannical fascist regime in disguise.
Emotional Motion Sickness IPA
IPA|6.4%|43 IBU
Here we go again. It’s GABF entry time (beers are due by the end of the week) and we find ourselves entering another crowded Juicy/Hazy category, where luck is needed as much as brewing prowess and excellent packaging operations. You gotta be EXCELLENT and LUCKY to win anything with over 200 entries, and we rarely enter our IPAs because they tend to edge the official style guidelines in terms of bitterness (too high) and terminal gravity (too low). But alas, when the Brewers Association throws you an extra entry because we have a booth this year - THAT’S RIGHT WE ARE ACTUALLY POURING AT THE FEST THIS TIME - might as well surrender to the sound and enter our freshest batch. This one is built around the classics - Citra & Mosaic - with some Nectaron to double down on the yellow peach note, and a splash of Sabro for a lil key lime highlight. And since we’ll HAVE to actually attend the award ceremony (Steve usually streams the awards from his couch, in comfy sweats, as one does when an innate competitive nature combines with concentrated, crippling anxiety), this name is how we’ll be feeling for that hour plus shindig. YAY! AH! EEK. OOF. UGHHHH.
My, you have some time on your hands!
(The White Lotus Theme Song)
DDH New Zealand IPA|6.9%|63 IBU
We know, we name A LOT of beers after song titles and lyrics…but this beer TRANSCENDS those fun names by EMBODYING the entire VIBE of this song. It’s like Nelson Sauvin is this trance warble - front & center - instantly transporting you to another time and place. And the Riwaka comes in with little taps and knocks and rattles of complexity - reminding you not all things might be what they seem. The entire time there’s this eerie uncertainty slowly building to a crescendo, you just don’t know when the climax will happen. Mosaic comes in with a deep, rhythmic heartbeat, anchoring the tropical nature of it all. Lastly, Citra joins the party like an angel playing a harp, harmonizing with the Nelson on a lower frequency, softening the edges just enough to comfort the palate. A sharp breeze, a sweltering bitterness, a bright moon on the darkest of purple skies - danger feels imminent, but this beer cannot break the spell, and you remain enraptured in the emanation of it all.
Take A Look IPA
IPA|6.8%|60 IBU
Hoppiness in the sky, I can go twice as high.Take a Look! It’s all Chinook! An old school hop bill.I can grow anywhereeeeCitrus to pine, straight off the bine,An old school hop bill.Iiiiiiiii can brew ANYTHING!Take a Look! It’s all Chinook! An old school hop bill.~~~Contributions of Chinook hops grown by CLS Farms, Roy Farms, C&C Farms, Champoux Farms, and Coleman’s Alluvial Farm.
Reeks of Cologne
Keller Kölsch-style Ale|5%|26 IBU
Ooo la la - it’s our second go at a traditional kölsch style recipe! This time, we wanted to put a little rustic twist on it - using a splash of white wheat in the malt bill and amping some brewing salts to boost the minerality a touch - all while retaining a soft, quenching experience. It’s still delicate and true to style - notes of flint and water cracker and orange blossom honey give way to highlights of honeydew melon and lemon balm and end with wet riverstone finish - but a faint haze persists as a reminder that this a unfiltered, existing in a more natural state.
Bystander Effect IPA
IPA|6.5%|67 IBU
LOOK, EKUANOT NEEDS HELP OK? AH! It’s broken down on the side of HWY 97…somebody will surely pullover and give them a helpful rub, right? RIGHT? Welp, PSYCH 101 says NOT because humans are kinda whack. Luckily, that lil hot shot Mosaic was cruising through and SAVED THE DAY! And maybe they become friends afterwards, reminiscing about how they met. “Oh Ekuanot - remember how much you smelled of pineapple and kumquat that you needed noseside assistance? And I was all like ‘Yo DUDE you smell so good’ and I also smell so good, like a little brighter and a little more tropical than you, honestly because I’m better than you, but that’s neither here nor there - we should make a beer together!” Haha, that’s SO Mosaic of them. ANYWAYS, at least there is a hoppy ending to this story?
So Last Summer
English Summer Ale|5.4%|27 IBU
2023: Vampires2021: Cottagecore2020: N95s2019: Birkenstocks2017: Citra Cryo Hops2010: Michael Cera2004: Puka shells2001: This beer style.1999: Birkenstocks again1998: Motueka Hops1982: The Go-Gos1970: Hippie Shit1966: Maris Otter Malt1910: Bathing Costumes1839: East Kent Golding Hops
Tickle Party IPA
IPA|6.4%|58 IBU
We CANNOT believe we last brewed Tickle Party in 2016 - time flies when you’re constantly edging euphoria with a little side of danger? Still, this beer starts off innocent, silly and fun. But then the hops join in and things ESCALATE pretty quickly – a whirlwind of citrus, white grape, ripe peach, and pine thanks to a blend of Nelson Sauvin, Citra, El Dorado, Cascade, & Amarillo. By the end of the party, your palate is exhausted and happy for some breathing room…until you dive right back in on the next sip. MORE? YES. NO. STOP! OK GO!
Good Luck Babe
DDH West Coast IPA|6.9%|70 IBU
It’s fine, it’s cool. You could say WCIPAs are nothing, but we know the truth. Wait, what is the truth? The truth is that Chappell Roan is on FIRE right now, and so are West Coast IPAs. And they have A LOT in common. They both take inspiration from earlier generations. They’re both considered “campy,” whatever that means. They both have independent roots, a cult following, go viral in their beloved circles, and are essentially part of the cultural zeitgeist. How’s that for a thesis? As for this current version, we’ve got a hop bill with very-soon-to-be-named HBC 586, Columbus, Mosaic, & Citra. It’s loaded with notes of blood orange, blackberry, fruit punch, pineapple & fir tips. So snap and clap and touch your toes, drink it out - it’s H-O-T-T-O-G-O!
Like Dinosaurs IPA
IPA|7.1%|60 IBU
This beer is for YOU, you old crusty Dinosaur of an IPA drinker. Maybe you were once a HAZE CHASER. Maybe you drank IPAs that were cloudy before guzzling boss pours of haze was EVEN A THING! And maybe currently you drink less haze and more west coast, an inevitable evolution for many wise old elders. So here’s what we did…we used a hop bill that would make your GRANDFATHER proud. Chinook, Crystal, Centennial & Nugget. That’s it. DINO HOPS developed before some of you were born. Most breweries still in existence wouldn’t DARE compile a hop bill like this. But these varieties - grown right, picked well, and processed with modern technological advances - shine bright like a mine cut diamond in a normal “Cloudburst” IPA recipe (i.e. there’s some haze present, per usual). SO GO ON AND GET YOUR DINO ON!
Way Across The Sea IPA
IPA|6.7%|52 IBU
Hey New Zealand, we have one question for you: Why are you so far away from me? We need help, and you’re way across the sea. What help do we need, exactly? Um, LOTS. Like, universal healthcare. And free and fair elections - none of this gerrymandering, vote in person in this time window at this random place on a fucking Tuesday bullshit. With better, more transparent campaign finance reform (#fuckcitizensunited). And maybe we could also reserve some seats in Congress for our Indigenous stewards like you do. Oh, also stronger protections for the LGBTQIA+ community. And stricter gun laws. ANYWAYS YOU GET THE GIST. And to get your attention, we brewed a refreshing IPA with Nectaron, Waimea, & Rakau hops all grown on the South Island. Plus a little Citra. So, ah, yeah…HELP!
West Coast Pils|5.8%|40 IBU
It’s going down, we’re brewing Timbo! You better move, you better dance. Why? Well, this is one of our bestest brewery friend’s flagship recipes, and it can usually only be found in the LA area! But for Timbo week (AKA this week RIGHT NOW) a group of breweries all brewed a batch - Everywhere, Alvarado St, Cellarmaker, Pinthouse, North Park, & Bierstadt/Amalgam - and you can try to collect them all! There’s a reason this beer has led the West Coast Pils craze for years, and earned three GABF medals during its rise. Taste for yourself!
Long Time Listener IPA
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
If you love music and you live in Seattle, you’ve probably heard DJ Kevin Cole on KEXP. It’s hard to believe, but Kevin has been “bringing the world together through the power of music” for 50 years in the radio/music industry - 25 of those at KEXP, and 18 of which he was the Director of Programming. And on Saturday, July 27th, he’s throwing a “Remix” Party - it’s not a retirement party, ok? He’ll still have a weekly show! - in the courtyard, with lots of live music and a bevy of delicious beer - LIKE THIS ONE. In the spirit of Kevin Cole, this IPA was brewed with Simcoe hops, a variety that ushered in the modern craft era, and Cascade hops, the foundational variety that sparked the origin of independent craft beer. With notes of grapefruit, meyer lemon, and pine - it’s a perfect accompaniment to jumping up and down to Ramone’s records with the guy who FUCKING DJ’d PRINCE’S 30TH BIRTHDAY PARTY.
Quiet Lightning
New Zealand Pilsner|4.7%|39 IBU
We’re ALL IN on this type of Pilsner, and we hope you are too. At first you might not see it coming - it’s light, it’s nuanced, a slightly hoppier Pilsner derivative. But it’s bright and crisp, and those southern hemisphere hop flavors build to FLASH BANG of passionfruit, lemon chiffon and beach grass thanks to a blend of Peacharine, Nelson, Riwaka. And there’s also some Czech Saaz in there to help anchor the beer to its roots. Overall, it’s an unexpected, surprising and powerful force of nature that WE ARE HERE FOR. Just be careful with how many you crush…because you might GET STRUCK!
Slapdash Trainwreck IPA
IPA|7.1%|60 IBU
CHUGGALUGGA CHUGGALUGGA CHOO CHOOOOO! There’s a hop train coming with some lemony limey cargo - Comet & HBC 735 - towards a crowded interchange. There’s excess containers of Citra and Mosaic (you’ve heard about the international hop surplus, yes?) that are criss crossing aging tracks at a snail's pace (which is NOT Pete Buttigieg’s fault - he’s an American treasure that will save Democracy one day) and it’s looking like a collision is inevitable. BANNNNHHHHHHH! DING ding DING ding DING ding BANHHHHHHH! [💥LOUD EXPLOSIVE NOISES TOO LONG TO PHONETICIZE💥]…There are hops EVERYWHERE and it’s a FUCKING MESS but also it’s FUCKING DELICIOUS and that’s how you make beer outta hops that smell like lemonade.
Until Eternity
DDH West Coast IPA|6.9%|70 IBU
If time is a flat circle, consider Amarillo hops a record player. And the needle is WEST COAST IPA, finding endless tunes on that liquid vinyl with notes of ruby red grapefruit and Douglas fir that linger on forever and ever. And then that circle gets two more dimensions, but instead Citra and Chinook are the instruments, and a sound of tangerine juice creates a winding river through a canyon surrounded by Redwoods. And your mind opens wide as you focus on this atmospheric maelstrom, above from a bird’s eye view, when suddenly Matthew McConaughey is steering a raft of clarity from another metaverse through the hop derived rapids, hooting and hollering in a loud drawl that “SOME BEERS NEVER DIE!” and “MORE WEST! MORE COAST!” until he launches off a waterfall in a bright harmonic motion, into the reverse of negative space, just another particle forever in acceleration.
Sway My Way IPA
IPA|6.4%|52 IBU
Yo. Did you know the band Bic Runga is from New Zealand?! WAIT DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO BIC RUNGA IS?! Ok, well they had a sleeper hit on the “American Pie” soundtrack back in 1999, when movie soundtracks were a thing. Like, maybe you’d even buy the CD a la “10 Things I Hate About You” and “Can’t Hardly Wait” and “Romeo + Juliet” because it’s just such a good mix (side bar: those aforementioned movies aged just a lil better than American Pie.) ANYWAYS, that’s where Bic Runga comes in with their song Sway. It’s like Natalie Imbruglia meets Lisa Loeb meets Mazzy Star meets the Cardigans OUTTA NOWHERE. Just like this Superdelic hop from NZ Hops. It’s all soft and mango-y and kiwi-esque and pear-ish, and then we paired it with Citra for a lil citrus depth, and now you have a surprise Summer hit on your hands.
Flip of the Coin IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
Of all the hop combos we’ve implemented in our 8+ years, this one is new to us. BUT - it should make sense. HBC 630 has notes of cherry and fruit punch, Idaho 7 brings some pineapple flair & Citra rounds it all out with tangerine & peach. Basically, a dole fruit cup in hop form. There’s always some potential for an unknown outcome, but this one you can definitely call “Heads!” No wait, “TAILS.” Actually shit, tails always fails, we mean HEADS! GOTTA BE HEADS. FINAL ANSWER.
Beware of the Undertow
DDH West Coast IPA|6.8%|70 IBU
Feel that? That pull? It’s outside your control. It exists whether you acknowledge it or ignore it (we do not recommend the latter). It feels kind of dangerous, a force bigger than you, that only nature and the moon can dictate. It’s constant, rhythmic, distinct - as subtle as it is assertive. It demands respect or you will pay the price. We’ve seen it firsthand. You’ve been warned…about New Zealand style IPAs, like this one, brewed with Nelson, Riwaka, & a lil Mosaic. It will spray you with aromatics of white grape & beach grass, suck you in with intense passionfruit and waste your pallet with that pithy resinous bite.
Will They, Won’t They IPA
IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
Ok so we all know Mosaic is on the Mount Rushmore of IPA hops. It’s been referred to as a “cheat code,” a “game changer,” “instant awesomeness” and “the MSG in your favorite IPA.” We love it, you love it, few hops are as delicious or dominant, and for very valid reasons. Luminosa, HOWEVER, is still untested and unproven. We’ve liked the beers we’ve made with it - often getting softer notes of tangerine, mango & melon - but we’ve only used it a few times, so it’s still this unknown variable. Hence, pairing it with some of our favorite Mosaic lots! Will they get along and compliment each other? Or will they clash and compete? Will the Luminosa round out the bright edges of Mosaic? Won’t they be BFF4EVR? (The answer is YEAH OBVS!)
Motueka MaDnESs! IPA
IPA|6.6%|52 IBU
Oops we DID it again. We played with our lots, got lost in the game, oh baby baby, it might seem like one hop, Motueka from aboooove, single hop in ess-ence. That’s right. Another *mostly* single hop IPA with 6 different lots of Motueka hops from Freestyle Farms, Hop Revolution, & Nelson Lakes picked in 3 different years, in T90 pellets and FH Subzero Hop Kief. It’s like 10% other hops…that doesn’t matter. You wanna know what Motueka tastes like in a modern hazy IPA? Look no further. We got you. You got this. It’s MADNESS. And it’s also very citrusy and floral - with notes of lime, Meyer lemon, kumquat, and rose.
Around the Block
DDH West Coast IPA|7%|6.3 IBU
Have you been around the block? Oh you HAVE?! The WCIPA block? Well, you should probably take another lap, or hundred. Because the hop varieties in the beer have seen it ALL. Chinook? Been there since 1985, and used every which way in IPAs since its inception. Columbus? It was literally BRED in th early 90s to bitter your hoppy beers. And Citra? Well, now that one is only the most grown hop in the entire WORLD - and is probably the single largest factor that contributed to the explosive growth of craft beer the last decade. So yeah, these three hops have seen some beers. More beers than we could ever make, and more beers than anybody could ever drink. GATHER ROUND AND TAKE A SEAT CHILDREN, IT’S TIME TO BE SCHOOLED.
An Abundance of Caution IPA
IPA|6.8%|50 IBU
WE BUILT THIS BEER AROUND TALUS HOPS. There, we said it. WITH EMPHATIC INTENT. But, also with an abundance of caution. Because SOME OF YOU don’t seem to APPRECIATE the unique and distinctive flavor characteristics of it. We’re talking ruby red grapefruit cut with salmon berries, papaya, key lime, plantain, & coconut. Maybe a little cedar in there too. BUT THAT SHOULDN’T EVEN BE WEIRD! Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a Tiki drink or five. SEE? We got you. And to amp up some red fruit and citrus, we added a little Strata & Citra to join the party. And also, give us some slack, there’s restraint here. We played it cool, calm, collected. It’s called FINESSE baby, look it up then drink it up.
Have A Great Summer! Ale
English Summer Ale|4.8%|30 IBU
IFYKYK, we HEART our Summer Ales over at Cloudburst. Usually we release a traditional English Summer Ale in August - which we still plan to do - but why not get one out at the start of Summer too? We want a light, fruity, spritzy, balanced ale right MEOW! IN JUNE! And thus, H.A.G.S. was born. A base of Pilsner malts combined with Saaz, Peacharine, & Citra Cryo hops and fruit forward yeast strain ties it all together. Before you go, we have one question for you: Will you sign our yearbook?
Soft Squeeze IPA
IPA|6.6%|50 IBU
HOW THE FUCK IS IT ALREADY JUNE?! WE DON’T KNOW BUT WE’RE STOKED ABOUT IT. One of the best things about June is PRIDE, and with that, comes a beer to help raise funds for the Seattle LGBTQIA+ community. This year, we teamed up with Seattle artist Lane Bestold for the label (Lane’s medium is quilts) and he wanted us to team up with the Lavender Rights Foundation again to be our beery beneficiary. LRF is a Seattle based organization that offers financial, legal and social services to the black and indigenous intersex and gender diverse community. What’s the Soft Squeeze name about? Well, there’s a splash of white wheat in there to match the softness of Lane’s work, and a juicy, tropical hop bill of Azacca, Mosaic, & Citra. And while “squeeze” has lots of positive connotations (Yummy juice! A fantastic hug!) there is some duality there - as conservatives are putting the squeeze on trans rights across the country. There are currently over 500 bills in 40+ states, including our home state of Washington against the community and there is no better time to stand up for human rights. LFG!*sources: www.translegislation.com ; https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024
Line of Best Fit
Modern Pale Ale|5.7%|45 IBU
You can’t escape this hop combo. Mosaic, Citra, and Chinook. It’s just THAT solid. Something about essential oils and alpha acids. On that note, we doubled down on the Chinook, using a new trial product from Yakima Chief Hops which is called 701 - a supercharged oil enriched hop extract that gives it an extra pop of bright pine on top of the citrusy and tropical notes.Wind me up, I’m ready.
A Complete Unknown IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
Back in the early days, we used to play around with new, experimental hop varieties in our pale ale recipes. But with current drinkers gravitating towards our West Coast IPAs (which we are HERE for), we have less tank time to devote to pales - soooooo sometimes we just have to say “FUCK IT!” and brew a 30bbl batch of IPA with hops that we have NO IDEA about what they taste like. This go around we used not one, but TWO experimental hops (HQG 1 and HQG 3) from the Hop Quality Group, of which we’ve been a member since 2019. If you're unfamiliar, the HQG was established in 2010 by a group of 9 breweries you’ve probably heard of - Russian River, Sierra Nevada, Stone, Bell’s, New Belgium, Firestone Walker, Odells, New Glarus, & Sam Adams - and has grown to a group of 60+ breweries, including yours truly. We tour hop farms, facilities and pellet mills; establish best practice guidelines for quality and safety; and fund a breeding program that someday will produce new, publicly available hops varieties - like these two. And yeah, there’s also a little Citra in there…but not much! On the hot side, 94% of the total weight were the experimental hops. And on the dry hop, 50% was made up of them. The end result packs a surprising citrus depth! Tangerines, orange marmalade, blood orange OH MY!
Very Köln
Kölsch Style Ale|4.9%|22 IBU
In our opinion, Kölsch is one of the more intimidating styles to brew - hence why we’ve never made one before. And to be honest, we didn’t even know what they're supposed to taste like, as available German options are often old and battered, and American versions usually take some style liberties. So, Steve went to Cologne this past March, and drank A LOT of Kölsch to figure them out. While no two breweries were alike, there was an overarching theme to the style - light to medium neutral malt character, with water-crackery and subtle honey notes; low “struck match” sulfur aromatics; lots of fruity esters from the yeast, ranging from lemon balm to melon to blueberry to pear to cranberry to white grape; and balanced bitterness from floral hops and an persistent, limestone minerality. They start sweet and soft, but finish dry with an endearing bite. And overall, they are delicate, subtle, and built to consume multiples in a sitting. Arguably, they are just as much of a yeast driven style as saison as is - which might’ve been the most surprising takeaway. Alas, we humbly present to you our first attempt at this style. We’re pretty stoked on the first go around…but there will be more variations to come down the road!
Celestial Flirtation IPA
IPA|6.6%|55 IBU
Sounds Like Fun
DDH West Coast IPA|7.2%|68 IBU
Floating on an inner tube down a lazy river Sunny hot days and cool dark nightsCatching up with friends from all over the countryStaying up too late at a dusty campgroundExploring new wineries in the Paso Robles regionTasting beers from 60 of the best breweries in the worldChinook, Nectaron, Mosaic, and CitraRepresenting Seattle at the FWIBF
Friendly Ghost
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
They say HAZY IPA is dead. Well if that's true then this beer will HAUNT YOUR DREAMS. Ohhh snap. Ba-dum-CHING! But like, in the nicest way possible. Nobody likes to be haunted by anything, so this is a friendly ghost. It's approachable, and soft, and fruity, and juicy, but still dry and quenching. It’s loaded with familiar hops - Citra, Amarillo, & Mosaic - which lends itself to agreeable flavors of tangerine, yellow peach, white grapefruit, and pineapple. There is nothing to worry about! When we say "BOO!" you say "YUM!"...No? Ok...well don’t make it awkward. Enjoy your beer…
Not A Lawyer IPA
IPA|6.7%|58 IBU
From the brewers that brought you Not A Scientist, and also, Not A Doctor…we idiotically present to you another reminding beer - Not A Lawyer. Because, um, we aren’t. BUT IF WE WERE, we’d have a hard time seeing how one could represent a person that currently has four separate criminal indictments, two of which are federal, totalling 88 charges, with the help of a slew of co-defendants, co-defenders, accomplices. Let alone all the other shady shit and previous legal issues - from casinos to Trump Univeristy to foreign investments to Super PACs to tax evasion to overt misogyny (from sexual harassment & abuse to slander & defamation). And there’s the slew of racist and homophobic comments, the disparagement of veterans, the constant disdain for immigrants and the poor, the subversion of free & fair elections, the idolization of dictators…ANYWAYS. WE ARE NOT A LAWYER. And we’re thankful for that, because some people have one helluva job on their hands. We’ll just be over here, making beer, mostly IPA, like this one, brewed with Simcoe, Cashmere, & Citra.
Moderate to Severe
DDH West Coast IPA|7.3%|64 IBU
On a scale of moderate to severe, please rate the following symptoms:▪ The urge to boil Chinook and Strata▪ The need to dry hop with Mosaic and HBC 586 ▪ Visual Clarity ▪ Aromatics of black cherry, ripe pineapple, and purple kush▪ Effervescent brightness of existence▪ Flavors of fruit punch, tangerine, and tree sap▪ A dry and bitter ending ▪ The feeling of contentment
Please Wait To Be Seated IPA
IPA|6.9%|50 IBU
Oh hello welcome to the brewery we’ll be right with you in a second. Ok so you’d like to join the kettle? Great, do you have a reservation? No? That’s ok. We can get you in towards the end of the boil in about an hour if that works. Can we get a name? Vista - V I S T A? And is it fine if you’re placed with another hop? Perfect - there’s a party of Citra that we could have you join. Do you have any wort stream restrictions we should know about? How about yeast preferences? Great. Nice and Easy. Tonight’s recipe will be a 5 course tasting note - it starts with a scent of yellow peach, followed by flavors of nectarine and ruby red grapefruit, then a sweet kiss of alcohol, a soft bitterness palate cleanser, and a dry finish.
Two Player Mode IPA
IPA|6.8%|57 IBU
Sup Noobs? Are you ready for a high resolution sandbox style journey between 2 SUPER hops - Mosaic and Nelson? It will be filled with random encounters, endless fog, invisible walls, and easter eggs. Also a stoned diesel truck driver rumble-packing through pineapples and passion fruits and grapefruits and white grapes. And you won’t even need cheat codes or game genie - the boss stages come easy and the fatalities come difficult, because we’re all about achievement and extra lives here at Cloudburst Technologies. Plus, you can always go back to the save point. Go ahead, tempt fate! Double jump! TURBO! 1 UP! We aren’t hacks, this code is original and the kill screen is epic. Continue? 3…2…1….
According to Instructions
German-Style Pilsner|4.8%|40 IBU
Mix Weyermann Pilsner malt with a splash of Weyermann Carafoam and Weyermann Acidulated with hot water at 149F. Let sit for 40 minutes, then clarify wort via recirculation for 20 minutes. Collect 15 bbls of wort via first runnings and sparge. Add first addition of hops at 5 bbls collected. Boil for 75 minutes, adding hops twice more. After the boil, send it to the whirpool, then cool it down to 48F as you aerate it and send it to the fermenter via the heat exchanger. Pitch 3470 yeast and let fermentation commence. After about 5 days, cap the fermenter with a spünding valve set to 1 bar, to allow for natural carbonation. Once beer is terminal and VDK negative around day 20, slow crash the fermenter over multiple days to 32F. Lager for 4 more weeks.
Consciously Unobtrusive IPA
IPA|7%|50 IBU
Fun fact: Crystal hops were first bred and used in 1993. They came out of the same USDA lab as Cascade (1972), Centennial (1974), and Chinook (1985) - but get a lot less of the attention, especially in hop forward beers. And we get it - they are definitely more subtle, with pleasant floral, woody, herbal, spicy, & zesty notes. We actually often use this hop in lagers because of those smooth and delicate flavors. But, we believe this little public hop can be highlighted more! Especially the recent lots grown by Gayle Goschie down in Silverton, Oregon. And when it’s combined with Citra, like in this recipe, you get notes of white peach, rainier cherries, and nectarines in a soft, nuanced, well balanced expression that goes down just a little too easy.
Exit Velocity
DDH West Coast IPA|6.8%|68 IBU
Y'all keep crushing our West Coast IPAs like a low spin rate fastball right down the pipe, so here’s another one for you to barrel up. It’s hopped with a lineup of 4 key players - Mosaic, Amarillo, Chinook & Cascade. Mosaic is one helluva sweet spot. Amarillo is the perfect launch angle. Chinook hits hard. And Cascade is the muscle memory to put the batted hop event into play. So step up to the plate, get in your best drinking stance, and get ready to blast this beer into your mouth, and outta the par
Avert Your Eyes IPA
IPA|6.5%|58 IBU
Do you believe in fate? Or a higher power? Yeah, us neither. But sometimes, juuust sometimes, a little coincidence will make you think. Like, brewing a beer with the Australian hop named ECLIPSE and realizing that weeks later, it will be released the very week OF AN ACTUAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Nobody here knew. We didn’t plan for this. It just HAPPENED. And yeah, there’s some other hops in here - Citra and Enigma, another Australian hop - but we only use Eclipse like a couple times a year. Some may call it serendipity or destiny. Others will attribute it to their God(s) existence. All we know is that this beer is delicious, with notes of mango and the entire crate of oranges (i.e bright flesh, bitter peel, hint of cedar), and came out right on time.
A Moon Without A Tide
DDH West Coast IPA|7.3%|70 IBU
Ok ok so Citra, it’s like this magnificent, beautiful supermoon of a hop. When it’s out shining in the dark of night, you can’t miss it. And when it’s not out, you still know it’s there. It’s presence is a foundational pillar of hop forward beers. BUTTTTTT, in an assertive West Coast Style IPA, Citra needs a little help. It’s just too pleasant on it’s own - it needs some TEETH. And that’s where Columbus hops come in, a resinous tide anchoring that soft Citra on the surface. When those forces combine - you get peaches cut with unripe blackberries, tangerines cut with ruby red grapefruit, and jasmine cut with spruce tips. You wanna know where the light is? Tell us what you saw, we’ll tell you what we saw.
Mosaicin’ Me Crazy IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
From the brewers that refuse to do single hop beers... but still previously brought you Snoozefest (& brought it back)... comes this IPA only brewed with... MOSAIC... AGAIN. Wait WAIT, don’t leave! Let us explain. On the surface level, it sure looks like a “single” hop IPA. BUTITSNOT. We used 9 uniquely different lots of Mosaic, from 6 different harvest years (2018, 2019, 2020,2021, 2022, & 2023!?), from 10+ different farms that we know of (because some lots are blended), in 3 different forms - T90 pellet, Cryo Pellet, and Cryo Powder. Ok, still with us? So by using this many different types of Mosaic, it allowed us to create more depth and gave us more control of the outcome than your typical boring ass single hop beer. The end result is the most robust and all encompassing Mosaic hop profile we could ever dream of. Got it? Get it. Good.
No Recess IPA
IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
We last brewed this beer in 2015, and 2017, and 2021!? That’s madness. The original description still holds true - we’ve STILL been working around the clock for what seems like forever to keep Cloudburst moving forward - from tasting room improvements to canning line fixes to seemingly nobody drinking craft beer anymore (WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, MILLENNIAL BEER NERDS? INQUIRING SEATTLE BREWERIES AND RESTAURANTS AND BARS AND BOTTLESHOPS WANT TO KNOW.) - but our lack of recess is to your benefit. We brought back this PNW IPA loaded with Chinook, Citra, Amarillo & Centennial for a welcome break from the grind. RECESS IS OVER. COME BACK IN HERE!
What are you even doing down here?!?
In The Way IPA
IPA|6.9%|64 IBU
It’s been two years. Two WHOLE years moving this box of experimental hops from Jackson Farms of Idaho around the cooler. It’s just always in the way! And we want to use something else right now! Over that time span, this hop - ID158 - has changed names twice. First, it was known as Ocho. Then, it was known as Pink. But after FINALLY using it in this beer, we’d like to propose the name “Pinerama”. Yep. Pinerama. PINERAMA! Because it tastes like the entire conifer tree - needles and resin and a little bit earth - combined with some cedar and orange zest in there too. It’s like a mimosa brunch underneath a redwood tree. It’s like shoving a spruce tree through a juicer right after an orange went through it. It’s like…PINERAMA, BAY-BAY!
A Little Much
TDH West Coast NZ IPA|7.1%|65 IBU
No, we did not just have a spasm writing that italicized style line. This beer is THAT…a Triple Dry-Hopped West Coast-style New Zealand India Pale Ale that will certainly have you saying “What The Fuck?” from start to finish. That’s because this whole thing is a little much, if you will. Triple dry-hopping an IPA is very California of us, and we rarely do it, save for a special occasion. But, we felt like adding dry-hops three times to the tank - first, some T-90s (Nectaron, Nelson Sauvin, & Riwaka). Then a couple days later, some Cryo pellets (Mosaic & Citra). Then a little later, some Nelson Hop Kief from Freestyle Farms. All into an already assertive IPA base. It’s clear, it’s bitter, it’s resinous, and it’s saturated with layers of flavors of passionfruit, papaya, tamarind & beachgrass. Too much? TOO MUCH?!
Go For Broke IPA
More Like Broke AF
IPA|6.9%|52 IBU
We entered this beer in the Juicy/Hazy IPA category at the World Beer Cup next month, and here’s why it is highly unlikely to win a medal. First, this style has been the one of most entered categories in the past several years, averaging ~370 entries. That’s A LOT of competition. And then, it has to get through 4 rounds just to get to the medal table - which means it has to be considered one of the top 2 within a flight of 7-9 randomly selected, double blind entries. Then it has to be in the top 3 beers in the next 3 rounds after that. And THEN it has to be in the Top 3 at the Medal Round. And every round has different judges at the table, from different countries, with different palates and different experiences/thoughts/opinions of the style. Yes, the style has guidelines - making judging objective in the first round - but once every beer on the table is within those range of parameters (usually by the second round in this case), subjectivity and personal preference come into play (and even more so as the rounds go on). There is discussion, there is debate, most judges have blindspots for certain defects and have lower thresholds (i.e. are more sensitive) for others (they are human, after all), the beers are personally ranked, and finally there are decisions made. To have one beer, get poured 5 times (from 5 different containers) and then compared to 40-50 other beers, and continually be among ~18 judges agreed upon favorites, is just INSANITY. And it’s why we never enter this category…unless we run out of options when the Brewers Association allows for an additional entry. So here’s to making a flawless beer to style and feeling lucky. Like, really really lucky.~~~~~Malt: Rahr 2 Row, Rahr North Star Pils, Rahr Red Wheat, Crisp Naked OatsHops: Citra, Mosaic, Strata, & a lil secret variety.
More Like Broke AF
Well, Actually
NZ-Style Extra Pils|4.9%|38 IBU
We know what you’re thinking. What the fuck is a New Zealand-style Extra Pilsner. First, is a regular NZ Pils even a recognized, legitimate style? Because technically it’s still not a category nor a subcategory in the GABF or World Beer Cup guidelines. And then what’s so “Extra” about this one? Is extra more of something? Even though “Extra” can also mean less so with some beer terminology. And we admit, these are all valid thoughts. And this is our reasonable answer. In our opinion, a New Zealand-style Pils is essentially a German-style Pils brewed with New Zealand hops. So, it’ll be a touch more expressive and flavorful in regards to hop character - think Meyer lemon, passionfruit, apricot, Sauv Blanc wine, beach grass, and a diesel refinery in the distance. That said, it’s not dry-hopped, nor is it hopped at the rate of a Contemporary American Pils (see: Happy Little Clouds) or nowhere near the rate of a West Coast Pils. It’s a delicate beer to us - subtlety and balance is a must. As for the “Extra” part, we used some Extra Pale Pilsner malt in the malt bill, lightening up the color and malt character, drying the beer out a bit as well. The end result is, well actually, just a delicious little lager.
Pocket Universe
Australian Pale Ale|5.7%|38 IBU
What if earth and our planet system and space was just a tiny snow globe in the palm of a reckless alien child with very bad ADHD so that it sometimes they totally forget about us when it falls off their nightstand and rolls under their bed until they find it months later, covered in gloob (that’s dust in their world) and then they just briefly shake the shit out of it before throwing it into their toy closest, which in turn, creates a chaotic turn of events in our world - climate change, war, poverty, pariahs - and that’s why all this shit is going on? WE’RE JUST A TINY FUCKING SNOWGLOBE THAT FITS IN YOUR POCKET. THIS COULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING! WHAT. YES. This is another beer with Galaxy. Also, Citra, Azacca, Mosaic, and Nectaron. An extra stellar constellation of hops, if you will. All wrapped up in a small package for you to crush with your mouth and not with your palm. UNLIKE AFOREMENTIONED RECKLESS ALIEN CHILD.
Part Of The Decoration IPA
IPA|6.4%|42 IBU
Is this where hazy IPAs are going? As ubiquitous as any other beverage - cola, tea, seltzer, juice, milk - where nobody cares, and they’re pretty much all the same, all just sitting on a shelf, ho hum meh blah BORING. On one hand - it’s pretty cool that a fairly new style of beer can take the world by storm in less than a decade, so much so that it’s this inevitable, predictable, mundane option that everybody has access to all over the entire country. On the other - it could make a drinker unenthused, non-committal, fatigued, and jaded… which is not cool. Just because this style everywhere doesn’t mean they are all easily swapped out widgets. Like this one - brewed with a little white wheat and hopped with NZ Peacharine, Citra, Mosaic, and Amarillo. Yeah it’s hazy and it’s juicy but there’s nuance there, with notes of tangerine, yellow peach, lychee & flintstone vitamins.
Memory Of A Memory IPA
IPA|7%|68 IBU
We were back to thinking about IPAs brewed in the PNW in the early 2000s, and then remembered we brewed a rendition a couple years back. This still comes to mind - they were assertive, rough around the edges, with a crystal malt presence that sometimes came off sweet and/or muddled, high perceived bitterness, unfiltered sheen of haze, with aromatic notes of grapefruit and pine trees and sharp esters. And while we look back fondly on these formative beers, if we were to replicate one, to the “T”, in this day and age, it probably wouldn’t be all that great. Those are not fighting words - we’re just being honest! And it won’t stop us from re-imaging what they could’ve been, with what we know now, twenty years later, and making one with all the things we looked back fondly on, while editing away some of those less desirable components. We hope this beer tastes familiar to you, but also, like it was brewed in the year 2024. Rahr 2 Row, Simpsons T-50, Carafoam, Acidulated.Chinook, Centennial, Cascade, Simcoe
Paradise Meadows IPA
IPA|6.9%|55 IBU
This beer is basically the embodiment of this area of Mount Rainier National Park from mid-July to mid-August. Oh, you’re unfamiliar? We’ll let 1889 John Muir tell you about it - “The most luxuriant and the most extravagantly beautiful of all the alpine gardens I ever beheld in all my mountain-top wanderings.” That’s high praise from a well traveled outdoorsman, and thus, high praise for this IPA. (Modern IPA was John Muir’s favorite style, btw). The recipe is built around a new New Zealand variety from Freestyle hops called Paradisi and paired with Citra, creating a gentle and approachable wonderland filled with natural splendor, flora & fauna, majestic views, and breathtaking notes of mango, kiwi, and tangerine with just a whisper of soft alpine flowers.
Time Out Corner IPA
IPA|6.7%|63 IBU
Losing My Edge IPA
IPA|6.6%|47 IBU
The kids are coming up from behind.We hear footsteps.But we were there in San Francisco at the first Liberty release.We were there.We were there.We were there in Chico and San Diego and Colorado.We used to work at the bottle shop.We had everything before anyone.We were there.We saw the birth of haze in Vermont, saw John and Shaun play the brew deck.Everybody thought it was crazy.We all know.To the internet seekers who can tell me every hop bill and Untappd rating of every beer. We were there when Other Half brewed their first Daydream.We were there.We've never been wrong.But we’re losing our edge to better-looking breweries with better ideas and more talent.And they're actually really, really nice.All the modern renditions.We were there.We hear you're buying Incognito and Phantasm and are throwing your Chico out the window because you want to make something real. You want to make a Thiol bomb.We hear that you and your brewery have sold your T-90s and bought Cryo.We hear that you and your brewery have sold your Cryo and bought Whole Cone.We hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that we know.But have you seen our IPAs? Strata and Citra and Mosaic.You don’t know what you really want.You don’t know what you really want.You don’t know what you really want.
Search Engine Optimization
DDH West Coast IPA|7.6%|68 IBU
Do you want to improve results? And maximize the hits? We thought so. That’s why we’re reaching out. We have a proprietary formula of codes that we tag to your website and it makes yours the best. It’s like “BEEP BOOP BEEP BLAMMO - YOU’RE THE NUMBER ONE” and that will translate into big money sales. Because people see your name first and they look no further - FIRST IS BEST - so they click on you and the rest is winning because now you have them on your homepage. Click click click. Buy buy buy. So much success. Even in a very strong west coast IPA with hops like Simcoe, Citra, Mosaic, Ekuanot, Columbus that was dry-hopped twice and tastes like grapefruit and tree parts and a pineapple brandy and bitter child medicine. You can do no wrong when you optimize the search engine on browsers. INCREASE TRAFFIC NOW. STRAIGHT TO YOUR MOUTH. DO NOT MOVE TO SPAM. PLEASE RESPOND.
How Dare You!? IPA
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
First, you say you never brew single hop beers but it seems like you’ve done LOTS! MULTIPLE TIMES! Snoozefest (Citra), Mosaicin’ Me Crazy (Mosaic), Stratabulous (Strata), Take A Look (Chinook), The Great Simcoelio (Simcoe), Nelson Is My Friend (Nelson Sauvin)...But then, you have THE GALL to do one with CASCADE?! Of all the hops in your cooler. SERIOUSLY? Sure, yes, we know - different farms, different harvests, different pellets, all personally selected, very precious. Goschie. Van Horn. Roy. Tributary. Freestyle. STILL, you use ALL OF THEM in a modern IPA recipe with just Rahr 2 Row and Pilsner malts, like it’s a hop variety that can hang with new kids on the block? I mean, at least Chinook has low key cult status cred. Cascade is the hop in a stretched out tee and dad jeans and tube socks and Reeboks with a floppy hat and a fanny pack and boxy transitions bifocals. Oh, that’s cool now? That’s stylish? That’s HOT?! HOW DARE YOU.
Great Lighting IPA
IPA|5.9%|58 IBU
This beer was about revisiting and highlighting an experimental hop from Roy Farms called ADHA 218, with notes of strawberry, papaya, and banana runts from a coin-op candy machine. But we really REALLY wanted it to shine, not that it can’t on its own, but we are forever blenders of the hop bill (it’s just what we do) so we paired it with our brightest lot of Mosaic. Talk about ELEVATION. It’s like it took all those tropical notes and just amplified them to a whole ‘nother level. Much like great lighting does in photographs when you’re already feelin’ yourself and looking hot and ready to go out…for a beer at one of our tasting rooms…or just stay in…but still drink one of our beers, from a 4 pack, like this one especially. It’ll make everything better.
Prelude To A Supernova IPA
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
You ever see those beautiful, intricate, amazingly mind blowing photos of galaxies and nebulas and exoplanets and neutron stars from that $10,000,000,000 James Webb Space Telescope and then just look up in the sky and say “I don’t know ...I'm just not seeing that.'' and then get back to scrolling on your phone? It’s like - WE GET IT - you took a picture BILLIONS of lightyears away of a low luminosity stellar core remnant composed of mostly electron degenerate matter being triggered into runaway nuclear fusion. Oh how cool, now it’s collapsing into a black hole right before our eyes. But like, where's the romance? WHERE’S THE MYSTERY? Why do you have to make us all feel so insignificant, James Webb, just rubbing your cutting edge space technology into our mundane, medial prefrontal cortexes. How the fuck are we supposed to marvel at this carefully crafted west coast meets hazy IPA brewed with Galaxy, Citra,& Mosaic hops laid over a base of 2 Row, Oats & Wheat when you’re over here showing off all your sexy stellar pictures of shit we CANT EVEN SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES so whatever, enjoy this beer we simpletons made.
Terms Of Agreement IPA
IPA|7.0%|58 IBU
The term of this Agreement shall begin as of the date and year upon which the IPA listed above commences packaging operations, and is either: sold via draft dispensement in any volumetric vessel; sold via 15.5gal or 5.16gal stainless cooperage to a licensed wholesale proprietor, whom then legally resells the IPA listed above; sold via aluminum cans weighing between 481 and 498 grams, grouped together in sets of four or as singular entity; or, in very rare circumstances, given a nominal sample for assessment by an active and good standing licensed business organization or proprietorship. Thereafter a transfer of ownership of the IPA listed above, the consumer shall continue, in effect with respect to Granfalloon Brewing LLC dba Cloudburst Brewing™, the enjoyment of the culmination of individual inputs listed in Appendix (i) to the best of their abilities, independent of variable, extraneous environmental and situational factors relative to their present experiential occurrence. This Agreement to each customer from onset of taste is subject to the termination of provisions and all other terms and conditions hereof; PROVIDED, such continuance with respect to the customer and Granfalloon Brewing LLC dba Cloudburst Brewing™ has been fully executed. Upon completion as hereinafter provided, in the event the consumer shall furnish their smartphone and open their Untappd™ Application to enter an evaluation of the IPA listed above, the party must rate this entry at a minimum of four point five caps (⚫⚫⚫⚫◐) due to the generalized rating inflation parameters established by East Coastal regional bias. This is non-negotiable, and failing to do so will promptly result in a breach of this Agreement, and the remainder of this relationship will be irrevocably damaged, with the possibility of legal action occurring after the expiration of this Agreement, which may result in the termination of the consumer. Appendix (i) : Rahr 2 Row, Weyermann Carafoam, Weyermann Acidulated Malt, Simcoe hops, Strata hops, Corporate Ale Yeast, Thrice Filtered Snowmelt Runoff.
Aw Shucks Oyster Stout
Oyster Stout|5.8%|30 IBU
It’s hard to believe this beer was our 12th turn EVER. Like, our 7th beer we released. Back in December of 2015. It was OUR VERY FIRST Stout recipe! CrAzY! And the original description was 2 sentences! That’s it! This was what we said:“We started with a Foreign-Style Stout recipe, and then added close to 20 pounds of Baywater Sweet Oyster shells & brine to the kettle. The minerality & brine play well with notes of baker’s chocolate from the roasted barley.”HA! It appears we found our, uh, “voice” in the interim between these two batches. We also found twice as many oyster shells to add to it this time around, because it’s fun. Thank you for enjoying our whims for over 8 years, and for that, we happily bring you this esoteric deep cut.
Classic Re-Gift
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US. You know what we wanted this year? An IPA with a well curated and well executed hop bill of CITRA! And CHINOOK! And, AMARILLO! Over a clean and dry base of Rahr 2 row & Pils malt. Did we reinvent the wheel on this one? Fuck no. We’re fucking 8 years old - we know what we like, we know what we want, and we gave it to ourselves without any bells or whistles or kazoos. Ok fine, one kazoo. BAAAANNNHHHH. Come to our parties this weekend???
Do You Still Hate Me? IPA
IPA|6.4%|55 IBU
Ok so like, we’ve been hearing about you and your disapproval…for Sabro hops. And yes, we get it. They are an assertively flavored and albeit polarizing hop. They’re also interesting, intriguing, unique and challenging - from the field to the brewhouse. And that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth revisiting from time to time - and trying new techniques and harvest years and combining them with other varieties, etc . Like, pairing them with our most favorite lots of Mosaic and Citra. Maybe this time, it’ll all work out? And you’ll be like, “YOU KNOW WHAT? I APPRECIATE YOU SABRO. THANK YOU FOR BEING A TRUE INDIVIDUAL.” Wait. Are we talking? Are we fighting? Is it over? Are we writing?
Rear Wheel Drive
DDH West Coast IPA|7.4%|69 IBU
Y’all want a HOSS of a west coasty?! Welp, you’re gonna get it right here. This things got a turbocharged hop bill of Chinook, Mosaic, Nelson Sauvin, and Amarillo. What does that even mean? Pshh, it means POWERFUL. FLAVOR. Like dank pineapple funk meets exotic tropical fruit you’ve never tasted meets a tangerine covered in pine tar. It doesn’t matter if that doesn’t make sense - IT’S REAR WHEEL DRIVE BABY! YOU CAN TAKE THIS BEER ANYWHERE! From the woods to the swamp to the beach to the pavement. BUCKLE UP and PEEL THE FUCK OUTTA HERE.
VIP Lounge
IPA|6.8%|62 IBU
So, we were hanging out in Australia last harvest - yada yada humblebrag - and we kept noting all these VIP Lounges throughout every single city we hung out in. They were so mysterious. They were so bizarre. Like, WTF is a VIP lounge? Is it a chain? How Very Important do you have to be to get in? And how come we never see anybody come and go from them? What goes on inside these lounges? Are they relaxing? How are they furnished? What are the accouterments like? Do people pamper you, like a spa-ish place? Is there an awkward, problematic societal hierarchy thing going on? WE WANT TO KNOW but also WE DO NOT WANT TO SUPPORT SOMETHING SHITTY and also WE DO NOT WANT TO ENGAGE IN SOMETHING ILLICIT IN A FOREIGN LAND. And it turns out, it’s just like....a dingy casino bar anyone can go to. Go figure. So we made a beer with Vic Secret & Mosaic in honor of that mundane finding, which is way more interesting in comparison.
Party Crashin’
Bohemian Style Pilsner|4.9%|48 IBU
Hey. Guess what? Our 8TH FUCKING ANNIVERSARY is happening in a few weeks (PS SAVE THE DATE! Friday January 5th at Western! Saturday January 6th at Shilshole!) and this lil Bo Pils just showed up unannounced and early for the occasion. But it’s one of those beers you just can’t get mad at. Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner malt for the base combined with German Tettnang and Czech Saaz?! 7 weeks from brew to package? Sub 5% ABV?! Served in a dimpled MUG at our houses!?! COME ON WHO DOESN’T WANT TO CRUSH THAT?!
Classic Mistake For The Young Player
New Zealand Pale Ale|5%|45 IBU
They say experience is everything. A lesson gained is a lesson learned. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Where are we going with this? Well, it took us old farts quite a few years to really figure out how to use, let alone source, some of our favorite New Zealand hops. We used to not have a choice in our lots, and now we have THE CHOICEST - like the Motueka and Nelson Sauvin in this beer, which came from a new farm called Nelson Lakes, located a couple hours South of the traditional hop growing region. And we used to have no friends over there, but now we have…1 friend. So of course, we hashed out the recipe with our pals at Garage Project Brewing, and landed on a base of 2 Row, Pils & Wheat to anchor a soft, tropical, crushable pale ale. So yeah, no more mistakes for us. We are no longer young players.
Barreling Towards Earth IPA
IPA|6.9%|62 IBU
It started off like any normal Tuesday. Crosby Hop Farm had sent us some samples of other hop varieties to select, and they threw in an extra bag of their estate grown Comet, which we saved for the end. At first, it seemed like an interesting little blip, notes of citrus & pine with a touch of grass, but nothing out of the ordinary. And then it seemingly opened up, approaching more aggressively with ripe tangerine and lime peel, so much so we had to take a step back. This doesn’t seem like an ordinary lot of Comet. And the path it’s taking, a course directly aimed at our domes, is quite concerning to say the least. Should we let our friends know? Should we call our loved ones? Or, just let them brew in blissful ignorance? Whatever our future is, we had to MOVE FAST. Get CROSBY on the line! We need these hops STAT! If we don’t get these hops in this beer RIGHT. NOW. it may never exist. And, all of our customers - our regulars, our family, random people - won’t know what’s coming their way, a FUCKING Comet IPA, that could alter their lives and perceptions, forever.
How do you do, fellow metal heads? Can we interest you in some DARK BLACK LIQUID SORCERY?! With like, dangerous medieval spiked ball things. And an EVIL Cthulhu that does bad BAD things from a candlelit throne of sorrow. Like, stabbing sacrificial goats with its tentacles. To make Birria. Mmm yum. Wait, ok, no Birria. Forget we said that. FOCUS. What say you, satanic heathens, if we bring a certifiable expert at METAL to amplify the METAL. Whose expertise is also big delicious stouts. Like David Darkheart Coyne from Obelisk Brewing out of the DAMP DARK PINES AND TREACHEROUS RIVER MOUTH OF CURSED ASTORIA. Because that’s what we did here. All we had to do was summon him via a demonic wail. And crucify a few woodland animals. So BEHOLD! SOMETHING BLACK METAL!
Lupulin Mingle IPA
IPA|6.8%|58 IBU
It’s hard out there being a new hop in the market. It’s like, everybody else has already brewed with each other so where does that leave you? There’s that famous combo of Citra and Mosaic on a pedestal, and good for them! They are sexy, and they found each other, and they do awesome things! But that doesn't make it any easier for new hop varieties to make meaningful combinations. You gotta put in the time and the effort - and if you’re lucky, maybe you find compatibility. That’s why we decided to create a HOT NEW THROUPLE with this beer - Vista, Elani, & Mckenzie - and gave them a soft malt bill of 2 Row, Pils, Wheat & Oats to roll around in. Come join them on this ENM journey that starts with a date to a roadside citrus stand and ends with a long hike through a winding path of white spruce trees, leading to a hop tub overlooking the majestic PNW Cascades. Will it last? Time will tell. But for now, just have some fun!
Distinctive Holiday Ale
Spiced Winter Warmer|6.9%|45 IBU
The day Sapporo decided to close Anchor Brewing was a sad, sad day. But a few weeks prior to that, they announced the discontinuation of their Special Ale (aka Christmas Ale), and that was a mad, MAD day. We get that a spiced winter warmer is not an easy sell (LIKE, PLEASE BUY THIS BEER) but that version was essentially canonized. It was always rich in malt and interesting in flavor - often spiced, but never with the same combination - and packaged in an iconic bottle (or magnum) with a new label every year. If that beer was to no longer exist…well, what does that say about…um…the storied winter seasonal beer market? And thus, we put it upon ourselves to create a similar rendition, filling that glaring, singular hole on the shelf at your favorite bottle shop. A beer of malts, hops, spices, joy and cheer. A beer you can drink one can of, leave a second can in the back of your fridge, bring the other 2 cans over to your friends house so they can drink one can and regift the other one. So watch out, seasonal shelf turds - there’s a new Special Ale in town and it’s our Distinctive Holiday Ale.
Comfy Cozy IPA
IPA|6.9%|57 IBU
It's dark. It’s cold. And wet. It’s dark and cold and wet and all we wanna do is cozy up on a couch with a book and a soft fuzzy blanket and an IPA. Specifically, this IPA that’s loaded with Cashmere & Simcoe. Cashmere got its name…we assume…from its soft fluffy cone structure and not from its dark and complex aromatics of blackberry, spruce, cedar, & lilac. But those flavors do pair well with ruby red grapefruit and pine from the Simcoe, and create this well rounded Winter-esque profile perfectly suited for right now. Cuff up, hunker down, and get your comfy cozy on.
Cool Story IPA
IPA|6.7%|53 IBU
So we were thinking about what beer to brew again, and the UPS guy interrupted us and was all like “I have a package for you” which is honestly fine because our UPS guy is pretty pleasant and who doesn’t like getting packages? NOBODY. But also, all these packages make up a lot of recycling, so much so we have a mountain of cardboard in our front storage room. We call it Cardboard Mountain. And like every month, we need to drive it to the dump in Fremont, but at least it’s free and it’s close to Seawolf, so you always get a treat after you complete the task. But right now, there’s a lot of road construction in that area, and it’s hard to navigate that neighborhood with our 2010 Ford F250 Flatbed Truck, which is often parked in Steve’s neighborhood, much to the neighbors' chagrin. Sometimes it’s parked under this old pine tree that is constantly shedding needles, which cover the hood and the roof and fill the flatbed. How can that tree shed so much, but still look like it’s full of needles? If those needles were your hair, you’d be VERY concerned. Like, call your doctor concerned. Anyways, we brewed this IPA again, same hop bill - Citra, Motueka, & Loral - and here you go.
(with brightness of peace)
Dry Hopped Helles|4.5%|25 IBU
Helles is a place& through this place ofhelles move(with brightness of peace)all placeshops is a world& in this world ofhops live(skilfully added)Mittelfruh, Peacherine, and Citra Cryo
Restricted Access IPA
IPA|7.2%|60 IBU
Yeah, so, kind of a funny story…we were staring at a bunch of boxes of Idaho 7 hops in our cooler (which are delicious btw - PREFACE: not everything or everyone is bad in Idaho!) and our attention wandered over to thinking about how FUCKING BULLSHIT Idaho’s restrictive abortion laws are. How restrictive are they? Well, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights, Idaho already had a trigger ban on the books prior to CORRUPT OLD WHITE MEN + CLARENCE overturning Roe v. Wade - so it was quick & easy to enact a 6 week abortion ban, prohibit D&X procedures, install a mandatory 24 hour waiting period, and criminalize assistance to those who aid abortion, among several other bogus rules. SERIOUSLY WTF IDAHO. But as infuriating and disheartening all that is - YOU CAN HELP! Just by buying this beer! As 100% of the profits of this IPA sold at both our tasting rooms will go to the Northwest Abortion Access Fund (nwaafund.org), an organization in our own backyard that directly helps all genders in need of abortion assistance - from a toll-free helplines to funding clinics & services to figuring out travel & care logistics. Body autonomy is being threatened every 👏 damn 👏 day, and we’ll continue to fight (& drink) for our freedom and yours. End of not so funny story.
None More Dank
DDH West Coast IPA|7.4%|65 IBU
It’s kinda always there, lurking in the depths of tertiary flavors, whenever we bring you a new West Coast IPA. A whisper of weed, a splash of shake, a quaff of kief. So this go around, we wanted to walk the line between more obvious, intense fruity notes - blood orange, blackberry, watermelon rind, over ripe pineapple - and heady cannabis undertones. To do so, we implemented a strategic blend of Mosaic, Columbus, Simcoe, Chinook, & Centennial hops. The end result? It’s DOPE! It’s DANK. It’s DELICIOUS. And it’s ALL CONSUMING.
Present Participle IPA
IPA|6.6%|55 IBU
Hops are ever evolving. Changing. And we like that! Some come and go before we even really get to know them - maybe due to agronomics, maybe because logistics, or economics, and flavor attributes definitely play a role too. HBC 735 is one the current hops in the mix with an unknown future - and we’re still trying to figure it out…before it’s too late?! WE DON’T KNOW! But our limited use has made us believe it’s quite lemony - like meyer lemon - along with some tangerine, with a sharp floral bite (whatever that means). In this IPA, we paired it with Mosaic & Talus, dialing up some tropical notes to compliment that candied lemon punch. We don’t know if this hop will last forever, or even another harvest, so enjoy it NOW. BE PRESENT. LIVE, LAUGH, HOP.
That Is Neat
Experimental Pale Ale|5.7%|48 IBU
Wanna know what we did here? Ok. So, we teamed up with Totally Natural Solutions and CLS Farms to make a strong pale ale with El Dorado hops. But not just pellets. Because TNS has a few hop products up their sleeves that we were unfamiliar with - namely FLOE and HopBurst - that we decided to put through the ringer during the brew day and after fermentation. We took lots of notes. We observed lots of things. We took pictures. We compared data. Just like a scientist, but less so. Alas, the final assessment needs to be completed…which is, do we like the way this beer smells and tastes? And, do YOU like the way this beer smells and tastes? We look forward to you reading and hearing all your comments…haha PSYCH!
Easily Distracted IPA
IPA|6.6%|55 IBU
Oh. Ah. I guess now we make “regular” IPAs again. Ok. Bring out the dried hops. T90s and Cryo. Citra, Strata, Nelson Sauvin. YUMMO. Why is this hose here? Wow, so much spare time. I’m hungry. How do you think we become friends with Megan Rapinoe? Oh wow they are still harvesting apples!? Pink Lady is a late pick variety?! NO. WAY. Laundry basket overfloweth. Hey do you know who sings that song that goes like “ bum bum bum dididi duh duh” and then it builds up and into “Ahhhhoooooooooahhhhh”? No? Peace and quiet and sleep. What’s that noise? Does it always make that? MUST. GET. OFF. PHONE. Did you know the woman who designed the NikeⓇ logo was paid $35 for her work? Gotta love all those indictments. IS THAT A FUCKING SOLAR ECLIPSE?
Fade To Green
Wet Hop IPA|6.3%|55 IBU
For our final wet hop beer of the season, we wanted to finish STRONG - but we needed some help. So, we called in our friends from Sante Adairius out of Capitola, CA to help snag 400# of wet Mosaic from Perrault Farms and 100# of wet Azacca hops from Roy Farms to get us over the finish line. As for the base beer, we built this from the ground up like a traditional SARA IPA, with a grain bill mostly consisting of Pilsner malt, along with some White Wheat and Vienna, which we mashed in a touch cooler than usual. We also first wort bittered this baby with fresh kilned whole leaf Chinook that fell into our laps as we left the valley. The end result is a funky-tropical-pineapple explosion, sure to stoke the last of your wet hop vibes as we fade to green, out of the harvest and into the darkness.
How The Wet Was Won
Wet Hop IPA|7.1%|58 IBU
Cue that dramatic Western music with the reverberating flute and “wah WAH wah” sound because we’ve got a dusty face off with Balter Brewing from Australia. These cowboy convicts from Down Under rode their horses through the Pacific Ocean AND across the equator just so that they could get in on our WET HOP ACTION. We battled over Citra at Loftus Ranches and Perrault Farms, then we duked it out over Cascade from Roy Farms, and we scuffled for some Cashmere at CLS Farms too. And after all that, we forgot what we were fighting for, so we combined forces to make one helluva modern West Coast IPA with all the fruits of our labor. The end result is a bright and leafy beverage with a trough full of tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, berry and spruce tips. Better buckle up those britches and sidle up to the bar before this beer rides off into the sunset.
Yakima Caviar
Wet Hop IPA|6.5%|50 IBU
You see these hops - Citra by Loftus Ranches - are what we call the premium grade AAA rate excellency. We’re talking FANCY. We’re talking LUXURY. Consider yourself lucky to even come across something like this, let alone enjoy something they are in. It’s just THAT much of a treat. They elevate everything they touch - we’re talking next level elegance and decorum. Beautiful green pearls of ripe peach, tangerine, & mango that capture your attention and invigorate the senses. Oh the balance - that silky mouthfeel and leafy finish to show you that green truly can be graceful. Citra is a brewer’s best friend. And these precious 478 pounds came from our friends in Moxee, WA. Diamonds are forever, wet hops are for now - treat yourself. You deserve it.
Sounds Like A Party
Wet Hop Pale|5.1%|50 IBU
Most times you head to Yakima with a plan. Sometimes that plan goes out the window. The day before we brewed this beer was one of the latter. But you know what? It ended up for the better! Because we hit FIVE FARMS for FOUR varieties - Citra from Perrault, Cascade from Morrier, Cascade from Van Horn, Amarillo from Loza & El Dorado from CLS - that resulted in one of the prettiest little pale ales we’ve ever brewed. It’s light and soft and dry with notes of yellow peach, meyer lemon, blood orange, and pine tips. We all know three’s a crowd, four’s company…but FIVE IS A PARTY! So much so, they even made a TV show about it….that aired before most of you reading this were born.
As Wet As It Gets
Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|55 IBU
The last few years, some of our favorite Wet Hop IPAs have resulted from picking up the same hop variety on the same day, at different farms. There are SO many variables involved during hop season - from agronomics and farm location to picking equipment and kilns - that it’s always an interesting practice in comparison. Like, it never gets old. IT’S THE EXACT SAME HOP! BUT SO SUBTLY DIFFERENT! This go around, we picked up Simcoe from Perrault Farms and then drove a few miles down Fort Road to get some more at Cornerstone Ranches. Both of these farms do a fantastic job with this variety, and this year is no different. The end result packs a depth of ruby red grapefruit, satsuma, and spruce tips. Does it get any wetter than this? We think not.
We're not going to tell your boss but time theft is a crime
Shredded Wettuce
Wet Hop West Coast IPA|6.6%|65 IBU
WARNING: This WCIPA contains JACKED UP WET Amarillo HOPS from Virgil Gamache Farms. What does that even mean? Well, let us explain. We wanted to amplify the wet hop character in this one - so we fired up our electric leaf shredder and coarse chopped up some of the unkilned green cones, exposing a METRIC FUCKTON more lupulin to our brewing process. Pretty EPIC, huh? PSHYEAH IT IS. The end result is an AGRESSIVE, ASSERTIVE, BRIGHT, DANGEROUSLY CRUSHABLE expression of one of the ORIGINAL West Coast IPA hops. You’re welcome.
Wet A Coincidence
Wet Hop IPA|6.4%|60 IBU
Wanna hear a story? Don’t answer - we’re gonna tell you anyway. So, we were in Yakima in late July for the Top Cut Awards (a ceremony for hop growers) and found ourselves chatting with Max Coleman, an Oregon grower with four farms. We’ve been OBSESSED with ColemanChinook for years, grown at their Alluvial Farm in Independence, OR. It’s always so BRIGHT with big notes of Ruby Red Grapefruit and juicy yellow Pineapple flesh with a hint of woody resin. BUT - they only pick it for a day or two, and the farm is 4+ hrs away from Seattle, so it probably wouldn’t work out unless we were already down in Portland for like an event or tap takeover WHICH WE WERE AND WE RAN INTO MAX AGAIN AND HE SAID THEY WERE PICKING CHINOOK THE NEXT MORNING SO WE TIMED IT PERFECTLY AND THE STARS ALIGNED AND THE BEER GODS HIGH FIVED AND ALL WAS RIGHT AND WET IN THE WORLD.
Wet Hop Pils
Wet Hop Pilsner|5.0%|40 IBU
It’s hard to schedule collabs during harvest. First, harvest is a bit unpredictable, so lining up a specific variety with a tight production schedule is a challenge. And then travel plans of a second brewery, who has their own production & operation demands, ups the difficulty of aligning all the logistics. BUT WHEN TETTNANG (JUST 10 HRS OF PICKING) AND HALLERTAU (A MERE 6 HRS OF PICKING) LINE UP WITH A BIERSTADT LAGERHAUS (DENVER) IT’S LIKE THIS COLLAB IS DIVINE INTERVENTION. Ashleigh and Steve kicked off the season by using fresh kilned whole cone Tettnang and wet Hallertau from Goschie Farms on this delicate German Pilsner recipe on the hot side, and hit it with a little more Tettnang from Gayle’s farm on the dry-hop. It was fermented at 48F the entire way through and fined to help with the clarity (it still has an opalescent sheen of haze from all the hop polyphenols). HERE’S TO HARVEST AND LAGERBIER. PROST!
Aqua Seafoam Shame
Wet Hop IPA|6.3%|60 IBU
2019 GABF Bronze Medal WinnerCraft Beer & Brewing Top 20 Beers of 2021We have a confession to make. Again! We drove down to Goschie Farms in Oregon to make this beer - because we love everything about it and at this point, harvest doesn’t start without a hug from Gayle Goschie. But seriously - what else should we be? All Apologies? We brew wet hop beers multiple times a week, for six weeks in a row. Why not make a few with Oregon hops? I mean, they do grow one of the hottest new varieties in the country - Strata - which was developed by Indie Hops in conjunction with Oregon State University. And with assertive tropical notes of guava & passion fruit and a citrus leafy finish thanks to 20#/bbl, you’ll be easily amused. All in all is all we are.
Final Attempt IPA
IPA|6.2%|50 IBU
Hello {insert business name here}!We have reached out roughly 5 times in the past 2 weeks with some generic yet casual banter, but you have yet to respond. Clearly, making more money isn’t a priority for you. And so we warn you with a final attempt. This is your last opportunity to take advantage of our services. Despite knowing nothing about your business operations, nor your company’s needs, heck even your relative industry or locale! - we’d love to connect and talk about our personalized support packages. It will only take 30 minutes out of your day! And we know you just sit on your ass all day staring at your inbox while you just refresh daily “settled net deposit” reports on Toast. What else does a BOSS do, amiright?! Haha. THIS IS IMPORTANT. It will only take a moment, requiring a lot of information not readily available at your disposal along with intermittent awkward conversation, all to come to the conclusion that you actually don’t need our synergistic optimization services after all! It’s not us, it’s you. BUT we’re happy to refer you to our network of colleagues. Have you heard of the ERTC? How about SEO? Did you know you’re pre approved for a 1 million loan with a 19% a.p.y? How about an email list of people that attended an event? Those people WENT to something AND they have EMAILS! Fine, that’s your loss. I have one final question for you: Can you mail me a sticker for free?Sincerely,{Randomly Generated Name }TL;DR: 2 Row & Pils base, hopped with Citra, Mosaic, Nectaron, and Nelson Sauvin. Notes of Nectarine, Pineapple, and Passionfruit, with a dash of Snark.
Edge Your Bets IPA
IPA|6.3%|50 IBU
Today we’d like to talk to you about a fun new trend called “edging”. No. Not that kind, you fucking pervs. This trend is happening in hop fields. Ok we get it. But seriously, farmers are starting to really think outside the box WITH VARIETY SPECIFIC PICKING WINDOWS you sick fucks. So much so that there's an upcoming panel about it with CLS Farms and Virgil Gamache Farms and Sierra Nevada at the National MBAA meeting this October. And to celebrate this new found perspective of harvest timing, we brewed an IPA with each farm’s famous (& proprietary) hop variety - El Dorado from CLS and Amarillo from VGF - that was picked on the edges of traditional time windows, going more off field sensory analysis (subjective) than dry matter analysis (objective). This is also known as going by “feel,” and when placed in the hands of these experts, the results are ORGASMICLY TANTALIZING. OHHHH SNAP WE GOT YOU! CALL IT A CLIMAX.
Sorry To Bother You
Pale|5.1%|45 IBU
We know you’re busy. We are too. Hop harvest has begun - which means long days on the road and longer days on the brew deck. But ALSO lots of catching up with farmer friends and socializing with brewery friends passing through for selection. So, while we have you - check out this pretty little pale ale we made! It’s brewed with NZ Peacharine, Citra, and Mosaic. It’s got a little yellow peach flesh and touch of apricot and a splash of lemongrass and all wrapped up in a dry, zippy finish. It’s pretty easy drinkin’ and quite pleasant. You should try it out. Thank you for your time.
The Algorithm Loves Reels IPA
IPA|6.4%|59 IBU
Look at us! We made little movies. Haha! CANNING! chillin’. CHEERS! Mmm pizza. Pike Market - FUN! YUM! TOURISTS. Gotta load up the van! Dead rat in the alley. BREWING BEER! Yeast. EW TRUB DUMP. Dry-Hopping. GRAIN OUT! Hi Farmer! HAPPY COWS. DUMPLINGS. Beer garden shenanigans. MMM side pull pour. Drinking beer. Untappd reviews. HAHA. GOMS. Brewer friends. Hop farm. Passed out on a couch. TIRED! This beer! CITRA! EKUANOT! CASCADE. CANS! PINT POUR! Yummy. ON SALE NOW!
Mosaicin’ Me Crazy IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
From the brewers that refuse to do single hop beers... but still previously brought you Snoozefest (& brought it back)... comes this IPA only brewed with... MOSAIC... AGAIN. Wait WAIT, don’t leave! Let us explain. On the surface level, it sure looks like a “single” hop IPA. BUTITSNOT. We used 7 uniquely different lots of Mosaic, from 4 different harvest years (2018, 2019, 2020, & 2021), from 5+ different farms that we know of (because some lots are blended), in 3 different forms - T90 pellet, Cryo Pellet, and Cryo Powder. Ok, still with us? So by using this many different types of Mosaic, it allowed us to create more depth and gave us more control of the outcome than your typical boring ass single hop beer. The end result is the most robust and all encompassing Mosaic hop profile we could ever dream of. Got it? Get it. Good.
Actual Poison
DDH West Coast IPA|7.3%|64 IBU
Warning (not seriously)! This beer is named Actual Poison (it’s not)! But the idea of it IS actual poison (it’s not) because it’s a concerningly dangerous West Coast IPA loaded with Chinook, Citra, Mosaic, and Ekuanot Cryo that will INFILTRATE your brain and potentially cause a lot of troubling side effects, some of which could lead to DEATH (highly unlikely). What are some of the dangers of consuming Actual Poison (it’s not)? Well, you might find yourself enjoying assertive bitterness and a lingering resinous after taste, rendering many soft and underbittered IPAs feckless and unfulfilling. You might develop a flavor tolerance due to the intense range of tangelo, nectarine, pineapple, and lychee so that all other beers never reach that same bar again. And you might become so fixated on the clarity of this beer that you are unwilling to blink your eyeballs, so that they get blurry, then dry out, and you go fucking BLIND (like zero chance). All of this to say, there is a possibility that after drinking several cans of Actual Poison (it’s not) you *could* find yourself so unhappy with all other IPA options once we run out of stock that you start to experience anger or doubt, or become obsessed, or have a full blown meltdown in which you dial to call the Actual Poison Control (please don’t) for assistance, to no avail. DRINKER DISCRETION ADVISED.
Welcome To Cloudland
IPA|7.1%|60 IBU
This past March, we made a trip out to the south island of New Zealand. We toured a bunch of hop farms, saw lots of sheep, gawked at beautiful scenery, and drank a whole lot of Suavey Bs. Then we hopped in a flying coffin to Wellington (one of the windiest cities in the world…and yes, your life will flash before your eyes multiple times on the descent) and made a beer with our friends at Garage Project. While we could’ve gone pretty weird with this one (these guys have made very palatable beers with pickles, oysters, and Venusian Spear fungus, to name a few ingredients), we ended up merging our IPA universes with a hop bill of Chinook and Strata from the PNW and Nelson Sauvin & Riwaka from the South Island. The end result has a whole lot of passion fruit & guava, along with red grapefruit and white grape, and a whisper of that Southern Hemisphere diesel-fuel-spilled-on-beachgrass thing.
Say Hi To Your Dad For Me
West Coast Double Red|7.8%|55 IBU
Hey, how's your father? Did you tell him about our BRAND! NEW! RED! beer with multiple types of CRYSTAL malt and a middle-aged hop bill of Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe, and Mosaic? NO? THE EFF WHY NOT? JUST DO IT. Our malt beers bring all the Dads to the yard, damn right they’re better than Mars! Get it?! Oh, hey you wanna hear a joke? Ok - Why do they never serve beer at a Math party? Because you shouldn’t drink and derive! HA! Why aren’t you laughing? Wait, here’s another one: A neutron walks into a bar and asks ‘how much for a beer?’ The bartender responds “No charge!’ BUH-DUM-cha! OK OK. Please stop walking away…in all seriousness, we need somebody to drink all this strong, hoppy RED beer. Like multiple people. Hundreds, actually. We brewed 15 bbls of it….
Touch Grass IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
Ok ok ok so don’t you think it’s strange that there's very little data on first wort hopping? And then double that fact when you use WHOLE CONE hops. Like, if we do this…how much bitterness will we get?! WHERE’S THE UTILIZATION CALCS. AND ARE THEY EVEN ACCURATE?? What about TEMP RAMP? WHAT ABOUT THE “FLAVOR LOCKING”?!? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So we did OUR OWN RESEARCH for this IPA. That’s right - we used whole cone CHINOOK for a big ass first wort addition. But then you go from first wort hopping to cold whirlpool additions and just HOPS, MAN like where do they even COME FROM?! We’re talking about PROPAGATION and that shit will BLOW YOUR MIND. Like you’ve got old hops and new hops and triploids and rhizomes and crosses and zygotes and cuts and babies and have you even thought about FUCKING DIRT DUDE?! Each one of these things have their own complicated pathways, most of them dead ends. UNTIL all the sudden you get an Amarillo or a Simcoe or a YQH 1320 or a Vista, which is A GOVERNMENT FUNDED variety btw, and here we are, just making “IPA” which, coincidentally is now all the sudden the most popular beer style IN THE WORLD?! SOMETHING DOESN’T ADD UP. TIME TO START SNIFFING AND START SIPPING AND SAVING THOSE TIN FOIL BAGS.
The Ultimate Rush IPA
IPA|6.7%|54 IBU
When you watch Point Break like a bazillion times, weird pieces of the script get buried in the nether regions of your brain and just kinda stick with you, ready to spring from your memory at the slightest inclination. Like, when you’re designing an IPA recipe around New Zealand Waimea hops. We had an untouched box of them in the cooler, so we just paddled in and went for it. Total Commitment. Er, virtually complete commitment. Because we used some Citra on the hot side. And then added some Mosaic Cryo on the dry hop. BUT WAIMEA IS THERE, EVERYWHERE, FULLY TORQUED, SWOLLEN ROLLIN’ RIDIN’ VIBIN’ BRUHHHH. Ok, that’s not from the movie. But it could've been. Just call timeout and ride this wave of rainier cherries, apricots, & white grapefruit over an easy break and dry finish.
Eternal Summer Slacking IPA
IPA|6.9%|63 IBU
We made up our minds, and we started brewing.
We mashed before the sun came up that day.
An exit to eternal summer slacking,
But what were we making without ever knowing the hop?
Anyone can see the hop that we used here tastes like gold.
And its 5 - 8 - 6
And it’s definitely not old.
We got it from Yakima (Chief Hops)
We added the Simcoe
A little Mosaic, we’re happier here today.
We could keep on with these lyrics that don’t make sense
But we’ll spare ourselves the embarrassment.
Please Enjoy. K, Thx, Bye.
Cadillac Converter
West Coast IPA|7.1%|65 IBU
Please don’t steal this beer. We know it’s tempting, just hanging out here by itself, in all its clear and bitter and tropical MOSAIC glory. And yeah - there’s been a rash of thefts lately because apparently everyone wants a Cadillac - WHO DOESN’T?! - and they’re everywhere and easy to pawn and what have you. Apparently they are coming up with laws to discourage this, so that’s nice. But here’s where this description starts to make even less sense - MOSAIC HOPS ARE BASICALLY A CADILLAC CONVERTER IN BEER. Like, it takes your Chrysler or Daewoo or Saturn style beer and then BAM! IT’S FUCKING BETTER. Conversion Complete. ISN’T THAT NEAT? And thus, obvious why everybody wants to steal them. VROOM VROOM.
Sum Of The Parts IPA
IPA|6.4%|55 IBU
We’re gonna get straight to the chase with this one. We really, REALLY, wanted to BLOW OUT all the peachy notes in this IPA. Like, ripe juicy yellow peach flesh with soft floral fuzzy skin, all the way down to a sweet leafy stem…but with hops. JUST hops. That’s it. ZERO. ACTUAL. FRUIT. Instead, we used our PEACHIEST lots of Citra, Luminosa, Bru-1, Peacherine, & German Grungeist throughout the hot side and dry hop, which may seem like an unlikely combo. But we think the end result delivers - a result of the…wait for it…sum of the parts.
Dude Interrupting IPA
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
In our next iteration of beers named after public service announcements, we’d like to focus our attention on all the dudes. Dudes - we love you, but you gotta stop commenting/interjecting/interrupting/talking over our team. Especially if the person behind the bar does not look like you, as this most often occurs with a different gender than your own. Odds are, the bartender or the current customer they are interacting with, did not ask for your commentary. Nor do they need it - as often your opinions and words are misinformed and incorrect. And it’s not just here. It’s EVERYWHERE - we see it with our friends who are servers, bartenders, managers, brewers, owners, sales representatives, suppliers and hop farmers! And before you look around and reflectively comment “Not ALL Dudes!” we’d like to offer some of OUR unsolicited advice: Before you start to talk, 1.Stop (and control your instant reaction to puke words), 2. Look (like pay attention to social cues) and 3. Listen (while somebody else is talking). That’s not a panacea, but it’s a start. As for this beer, well it’s loaded with Simcoe, Idaho 7, Columbus and we think it tastes like…you know what? Nicely ask the person behind the bar.
Much Of A Muchness IPA
IPA|6.5%|57 IBU
They say a lot of cheeky shit in Australia, some of which we cannot repeat, but some of which we can name a beer after. One of our favorite colloquialisms they use is ‘much of a muchness’ often describing something being too much, too extra, too fussy, too big of a deal. On that note, we learned a fun fact while we were down there last Spring: the majority of the best Australian IPAs and Pales we tasted were actually loaded with….CITRA?! And…um….MOSAIC?!? And yeah, some have GALAXY in there too, but not as many as you’d think. And we were all like “OH piss off - fair dinkum?” and they were like “Fair Dinkum!” and we were like “GOOD ON YA MATE.” So as homage to the Cobbers and the Bruces and the Dags and the Drongos, here’s an IPA with all 3 of those hops (mostly Galaxy) in it plus a little Golden Naked Oats so that it’s pretty easy to skull a slab of. CHEAHS!
Endless Summer Nights
English Summer Ale
English Summer Ale|5.3%|27 IBU
2019 GABF Bronze Medal Summer came and left without a warning, I’d give my life for one more pint. Every single sip you took was mine, we can have it all again. There’s only so much I can say, so please don’t run away from what we brewed together. I still recall hops along the beaches. And I remember how you loved me. Time was all we had until the day we said goodbye. I remember every every moment, of those endless summer nights. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you. Hold on to the pints. Hold on to the memories.Words inspired by Richard Marx, Maris Otter Malt, our house yeast, and a complicated semi-traditional hop bill of East Kent Goldings, Fuggles, Citra & Motueka.
Infinite Time Loop Situation IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
So, this is today. Today is yesterday. And tomorrow is also today. And this IPA? Well it’s hopped with Citra & Mosaic, and then Mosaic & Citra. Both Pellets & Cryo. Over and over again. IN PERPETUITY. It’s like you’ve had this before. But not THIS one, that was another one. And it’s also like you’ll have it again - this very one - right now, a little bit later, further down the road, a road that never ends, that goes on and on. But it’s OK! You know why? Because it tastes FUCKING GLORIOUS. Who doesn’t want a forever of smooth, juicy, citrusy and tropical highs and lows? Nobody. That’s who.
Never Saw It Coming
DDH West Coast IPA|6.9%|65 IBU
We have to admit...we are downright IMPRESSED with the enthusiasm, the ecstatic delight and the unsatiated thirst you have for our clear, bitter, resiny, fruity, often dank, frequently aggressive WEST COAST IPAs. And we’re still dialing them in - tinkering and tweaking them along the way! Like for this one, we went extra Cali-docious with a two stage dry hop aka double dry hop AKA DDH. And we used one of our favorite newer varieties - Nectaron from New Zealand - alongside our tried and true combo of Chinook, Mosaic, & Citra. Who woulda thunk we’d be brewing a new WCIPA every few weeks?! NOT US, THAT’S FOR SURE. AND WE’RE HAPPY ABOUT IT!
Alesong Anniversary Collab IPA
IPA|6.4%|58 IBU
Alesong Brewing, out of Eugene, Oregon, has an anniversary tradition. And that tradition is brewing an IPA at a friend’s brewery and packaging it in cans. Sounds CrAzY right? Well, for them it actually IS. If you’re unfamiliar with Alesong - they specialize in wild and mixed culture saisons (sometimes fruited) and delicious stouts, with a few other styles in there. On top of that, every single beer they make sees time in wood - from foudres to bourbon barrels. So yeah, nothing very close to an IPA. What’s this recipe all about? Well the hops obviously. We leaned into our old school brewing roots with Amarillo hops from Crosby, added some McKenzie (a newer Oregon grown variety), and finished it with a Southern Hemisphere twist - Pacific Sunrise from New Zealand. There’s also some white wheat, Spelt, Naked Oats in the grist because they requested ample haze, but also some bitterness and dry finish…and we happily obliged.
Recyclops Destroy
West Coast IPA|7.2%|62 IBU
GREETINGS CLOUDLINGS. It is Recyclops - here to DESTROY YOUR PLANET MOUTH. But we will do it the GREENEST way possible because recycling is important. Do you know what else is green? HOPS. This beer has Mosaic, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial in it - which are varieties certainly used and “re-used” quite often around here. Speaking of re-use, these packtechs (which are also made with 100% recycled plastic) on these 4 packs all came from previous canning runs. THAT IS COOL. And yes, we know the Earth is already on an irreversible crash course for drastic climate change and there’s only so much we can do, but we also brewed this beer with recaptured process water from the brew before that came before it. ANYWAYS. Like we said before, WE ARE HERE TO DESTROY. NOT SAVE. PREPARE TO BE THRASHED BY PINE NEEDLES AND GRAPEFRUIT AND BLACKBERRY AND BITTERNESS.
High Quality Knock Off IPA
IPA|6.3%|54 IBU
We have a source, an extremely reliable hook up if you will - Yakima Chief Hops - that occasionally reaches out with secret, new, experimental products for us to try and WE 👏 ARE 👏 HERE 👏 FOR 👏 IT. If you’re not constantly thinking/tinkering/creating/evolving - from the brewing side to the supply side - then you’re not trying hard enough. This go around we utilized Experimental TR702, which is a concentrated Citra Whirlpool Oil to replace that large addition of hops we typically use post boil, in hopes of at least an equally impactful variety expression while also increasing in yield. We added hop pellets to the kettle and dry-hop like we always do - in this case, mostly Citra plus a little Simcoe & Chinook - so the only difference is removing 18 pounds of Whirlpool hops for 2 pounds of pure hop oil. Can you smell and taste the difference? CAN YOU REALLY THO?!
Premiumization IPA
IPA|7%|58 IBU
This fine libation starts off with aromas piercing your olfactory receptors, triggering familiar notes of yellow passion fruit, Autumn Glo apricots, Ambersweet Tangors, and Angel’s Trumpet . Much of this is thanks to the Indie bred Strata (X-331) grown at Coleman’s Alluvial Farm in the Willamette Valley terroir, the Citra (HBC394) grown by Pat Smith at low sloping Tributary Farms in Granger, Washington, and Azacca hops (ADHA483) from the distinguished Roy family out of Moxee, Washington. Carefully timed hop additions also benefit from phenylethyl acetate and geranyl acetate esters and some propanols that our house yeast likes to throw during its prolonged fermentation at a slightly cooler than normal range. These aromatics are subsequently reinforced by profound flavors of Haden Mangos, Cara Caras, and European Marram Grass on the back end. A soft and silky mid palate mouthfeel, much like the feathers of a Cochin, overtakes the center of your lingual sulcus thanks to subtle, thoughtful additions of Elwha River Spelt from the Eastern terroir of the Palouse Valley and mid-season white wheat grown in the verdant Skagit Valley, just a few miles from Padilla Bay, where the spot prawns are in the midst of their new lifecycle. They also impart a stunning stable wisp of haze, a pleasant picture from start to finish, only the finest for you and yours.
Get In Loser
West Coast IPA|7.1%|67 IBU
We’re driving a clear, pithy, bitter vehicle down to Paso Robles and YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US. But you know who can? Chinook. And Citra. Also Amarillo. Ok fine Mosaic too. OMG, hold on though… open the windows - you all smell like baby prostitutes! Listen, we don’t want to pull a Miss Nordberry and totally push this beer on you, but it’s pretty fetch. The notes of tangerine and pineapple and grapefruit and pine trees and Aaron Samuel’s armpit will make this beer so popular, it’ll totally get more candy grams than Glen Coco himself. This IPA is flawless. It has two fendi purses and a silver Lexus. We hear the recipe is insured for ten thousand dollars. We heard it does car commercials… IN JAPAN. It’s a total regulation hottie. It WILL butter your muffin. So we’ll leave you with one final question: How many pints of this IPA can you enjoy? Answer: The limit does not exist.
Gemini Rising IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
The moon is moving into one of those positions and that means your innermost duality will be seeking harmony and balance. One side - Simcoe - will give you familiarity and predictability, anchoring your citrus seeking center like a boat in the harbor. And the other side - Talus - will have you craving spontaneity and freedom, pointing you towards a tropical beach adventure with very nice sand and no weird bugs. Remaining calm and focused during the juggling and jostling of multiple activities will be the key to unlocking your success briefcase. You should wear that vintage Yin Yang T shirt you found at Goodwill. And then just dig in and enjoy the moment. Lucky numbers: 7, 21, 44 Strengths: Charming & Intellectual Weaknesses: Impulsive & Non-committal.Compatibility: Aries, Libra, Leo
No Mistakes
German-Style Schwarzbier|5.4%|35 IBU
”There are no mistakes, only happy little accidents” said Bob to the tree. The tree was feeling down about the lopsided, imperfect branches Bob had just painted on them. “Look Bob, I am a tree. I need to be perfect - balanced and mature.” Bob put down his brush and took a sip of his beer, perplexed by the tree’s request. “When you make me, you need to pay extra attention to details. Sure, I look simple and effortless, but I am not some fluxious everchanging mass of atmospheric water particles that you get to paint over and over again. I’m a tree, you get one fucking chance to paint me and that’s it,” the tree explained. Bob took another sip, added a new arsenal of ingredients, and tinkered away at the tree for 8 weeks until it became a black lager that was brewed with a blend of German base malts, a touch of dark crystal, a splash of Carafa Type III and hopped with Magnum and Tettnang.
Yakima Freeze
Frozen Wet Hop Ale|6.5%|50 IBU
Frozen Wet Hops? FROZEN WET HOPS. That’s what’s in this beer. Like, they picked the hops and instead of conveying them to the kiln….they conveyed them to a flash freezer….then into a Cryo mill….and sent them to a cold storage unit. And then, 6 months later, they showed up at our brewery….at -10 degrees. And we brewed with them the same we do with “regular” fresh wet hops. Technology, my people. It’s pretty fucking cool. ! ! ! ! !15#/bbl of Flash Frozen Wet Citra, Wet Mosaic, & Wet Simcoe from Wyckoff Farms.
Unlimited Breadsticks
Italian Pilsner|5.4%|47 IBU
MAMA MIA! We made an Italian Pilsner! What makes it Italian?! Well, we used German malts (Weyermann Pils), German Lager yeast (thanks Chuckanut!), and German hops (some Tettnang, but mostly Saphir)....AND THEN WE DRY HOPPED IT! SEI FUORI! Yeah, that’s pretty much what this style is...which to us, is about as Italian as Olive Garden. VUOI LIMONARE? But a couple Italian breweries have been doing this for a couple decades, so CHE STORIA! Now it’s a hot ticket style and delicious and refreshing and nutritious! ADESSO PEDALA! BON JOURNO! CHE PALLE!
Music Dance Experience IPA
IPA|7.1%|60 IBU
We’d like to let you know that you passed the test. It was a perfect score. And we’re happy to introduce your new team of Innies in the Macrodata Refinement Division, where you get to stare at a computer monitor to find all the scary numbers. It’s important, trust us. Speaking of numbers, this beer has a new one in it that even most Outties are unfamiliar with - HBC 735 - that we joined with Citra, a well known hop from the outside world. And this combination is so dangerous it might awaken your previously severed inner consciousness, thanks to notes of nectarine, papaya, white grapefruit & spruce. But resist that urge! Instead, we’d like to offer you some smooth, defiant jazz and a handshake available upon request. No? Well maybe a waffle will do? NO?! MARK! THINK OF THE GOATS!
Afternoon Leisure
American Pale Ale|5.7%|49 IBU
Oh! Hi. We didn’t see you over there. We were just enjoying this effortless pale ale, while the temperature warms and the sun stays out a little later. It’s quite simple - just some Rahr 2 Row and a blend of Mosaic, Simcoe, Cascade, & Crystal hops - but it’s simple that’s done well. Perfect for those lazy, loosely planned weekends. Or for those mellow weekdays, when you just want a relaxing splash of enjoyment. Or maybe you just want to PARTY YOUR ASS OFF AND MELT YOUR FACE AND EAT ALL THE PIZZA AND MAKE A MESS AND NOT REMEMBER IT and this beer can help contribute to that too. What we’re saying is, however you spend your afternoon, this beer is perfect for it.
Nelson Is My Friend
IPA|6.6%|58 IBU
First off, this beer is not about Steve’s longest running friend, Erika Nelson, who grew up around the corner from him in Connecticut and went to kindergarten (Ridgebury Elementary) through undergrad (Colby College) together. But it COULD be, because she’s a wonderful human. THIS beer is about the HOP named Nelson Sauvin, the variety that put New Zealand hops ON 👏THE 👏 MAP. And after witnessing their 2023 harvest last month on the South Island, we couldn’t wait to get a “single” hop beer in the tank with it. OH SHIT WE DID THAT SINGLE HOP STYLE AGAIN - this time with 3 harvest years (20, 21, 22) from 4 operations (Freestyle, Hop Revolution, Clayton, NZ Hops) processed 2 ways (T90 & CGX). We threw in a little white wheat and spelt in this base just to strengthen the backbone for this one, as this hop needs a little more balance than others. The end result of these primo lots is all passion fruit and white grapes and watermelon with very little of that diesel/burnt rubber thing that was more prevalent in years past.
Happy Little Clouds
Contemporary American-Style Pilsner|5.3%|32 IBU
2024 GABF Bronze, 2023 WBC Bronze, 2022 WBC Bronze, 2021 GABF SilverWe believe everyday is a good day when you brew. Start out, by believing here. A little touch of pilsner malt here, a little push of German and American hops there, caressed very gently layer after layer after layer. There are no limits here. Weyermann Pilsner Malt & an ever changing blend of hops.
Batch #1190 “HLC Original Recipe” Brewer Notes: For our 50th(!) batch of this beer, we revisited our very first batch brewed in November of 2015. The foundation of Magnum, Mandarina, Saaz were in the kettle, a little Mosaic in the Whirlpool (in addition to more Saaz & Mandarina), and then the dry-hop was a blend of Saaz, Manadrina, Mosaic, & Huell Melon. While we’ve refined and tweaked and fine tuned much about the process - the hop bill is surprisingly familiar! We get tasting notes of apricot, lemongrass & honeydew..
Batch #1168 “#nofilter” Brewer Notes: Magnum, Mandarina, Saaz in the Kettle, Strata & Mosaic in the Whirlpool, and Citra Cryo in the DH. We get notes of Meyer lemon, orange blossoms, pineapple core, and beach grass.
Batch #1149 “Leave No Trace” Brewer Notes: Magnum, Mandaria, Saaz in the Kettle, Citra & Mosaic in the Whirlpool with more Mosaic and Ahtanum Cryo in the DH. We get notes of orange blossom, white pineapple, and lemongrass.
Batch #1130 Brewer Notes: starts off with the standard combo of GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, & GR Mandarina, followed by late additions of a little Citra and Mosaic, and dry-hopped with Idaho 7 & Citra Cryo. Notes of tangerine, lemon pith, geraniums, and white gummy bear.
Batch #1110 Brewer Notes: since Bob is headed back to competitions and festivals this time of year, we used our magical blend of Citra, Mosaic, & Strata on top of the standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina. Notes of orange blossom, passion fruit & meyer lemon.
Batch #1100 Brewer Notes: We wanted to give Luminosa a go in this recipe, and then we added a little Citra, on top of the standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina! Apricot and Meyer Lemon and Beachgrass oh my!
Batch #1064 Brewer Notes: This batch features our quintessential Bob combo - late additions of Citra, Mosaic, & Strata - on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties. What do we taste? Great question! We get notes of tangerine, passion fruit, & those little lemon candies that come in a fancy tin.
Batch #1053 Brewer Notes: This batch features 10#/bbl of Wet Centennial hops from CLS Farms, and then we dry-hopped it with Citra Cryo for an added kick.
Batch #1036 Brewer Notes: This batch features Citra in WP and Cascade Cryo in DH - on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties. It’s lemony, a little tangerine, a little floral, and has your best interests in mind.
Batch #1024 Brewer Notes: This batch features a new American trifecta - Mosaic, Strata, & Citra - on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties. It has a combo of tropical & citrus notes, along with a little earthy spice, perfect for an RV ride through the New Mexican desert.
Batch #1014 Brewer Notes: This batch features Oregon grown Santiam hops, on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties. It has notes of lemon zest, fresh flowers, beach grass, and nobody calling on the phone.
Batch #992 Brewer Notes: This batch features Ahtanum hops along with a splash of Citra, on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties. What do we taste? Great Question! We get notes of orange marmalade, lemongrass, & jasmine.
Batch #971 Brewer Notes: This batch features German Callista hops, on top of our standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina varieties! The word Callista is derived from Greek, meaning “most beautiful,” and after tasting this version, that checks out. We get notes of white peach, apricot, green tea, & lemongrass.
Batch #943 Brewer Notes: Bob, are you high? Simcoe in a pilsner?! Plus a little Citra & Mosaic Cryos?! On top of the standard GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina! This is the most resinous version yet - notes of grapefruit peel, meyer lemon, pineapple husk & purple kush.
Batch #921 Brewer Notes: It’s that time of the year again when we need a beach vacation STAT. This batch is hopped with GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina, & Australian Ella hops - and with notes of white peach, rose, green tea, and lemongrass, you can at least think about traveling to Australia.
Batch #912 Brewer Notes: Bob’s been getting a lot of love lately - a Silver at GABF, a Gold at Washington Beer Awards - and it means the world to us that it’s finally getting noticed. But also, we’ve felt it was special all along. So, this batch is hopped with GR Magnum, CZ Saaz, GR Mandarina, & Oregon Amarillo - a little more of a classic rendition - with notes of orange peel, lemon zest, and meadow grass.
Batch #903 Brewer Notes: This is the first time we’ve implemented wet hops in HLC! We used 5#/bbl of Citra from CLS Farms, which gives this version notes of meyer lemon, yellow peaches, & tangerine with a slightly grassy/chewy depth.
Batch #877 Brewer Notes: This version swings back towards the equilibrium where European noble hops meet a new American “noble” variety (CZ Saaz, German Mandarina, & US Loral Cryo) for lemon peel, alpine wildflowers, and a touch of peppery spice.
Batch #851 Brewer Notes: This version is so bastardized it’s fully jumped over to Contemporary American Pils territory. Late hop additions with CZ Saaz (normal), Mosaic (umm), & Strata (insanity) give this version notes of meyer lemon, pineapple, tangerine & guava.
Batch #814 Brewer Notes: Late hop additions with CZ Saaz, German Mandarina, & German Grüngeist give this version a pleasant, stonefruity sauv blanc-ish lilt that will have you binge watching Sponge Bob Square Pants because there is nothing left to watch.
Batch #784 Brewer Notes: Late hop additions with CZ Saaz, German Mandarina, & Amarillo give this version a bright, refreshing, citrus-pithy depth that will quench your thirst after you SEND IT JERRY all day at the mountain.
Batch #742 Brewer Notes: With an all New Zealand sourced dry-hop, brush strokes of tropical, floral, citrusy & spicy notes paint a beautifully well-rounded picture.
Batch #704 Brewer Notes: The most fruit forward version we’ve ever made - tangerine, meyer lemon & lime peel at the forefront with noble, spicy undertones.
This Is A Dramatization
Purely Coincidental.
Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout
Fancy Beer|9.5%|50 IBU
What you are about to taste is by no means an actual representation of a typical beer. Any similarity or resemblance to other beers, past or present, is merely coincidental. Due to the 13 month residence inside Elijah Craig bourbon barrels, the following flavors, aromas, mouthfeel, and finish have been altered to depict a realistic situation, intentional of origin. The following beer contains notes of brown sugar, espresso, charred oak, & Kentucky’s finest - due to its explicit content, it should only be consumed by experts. Drinker discretion advised.
9.5% abv, 50 IBUs
Purely Coincidental.
Gonna Tell My Kids IPA
IPA|6.9%|54 IBU
Would you look at that? Seems like we got ourselves a good ole fashioned hazy IPA on our hands. It’s like a fine, even sheen of cloudy maize colored goodness that is probably oh so soft and sweet and juicy that we can just take our time sipping this thing. [crack - hiss - pour] Mmm, smells like candied citrus and rainier cherries. Can’t wait to taste this thing…[glug glug gulp]…hmm. Um. Huh. Ok so like the citrus is there, but is that pine? And like husky pineapple? And lemon peel? Wait, what is this lingering flavor on the back of my tongue? And what is that snap in the finish, like it’s prickly and drying my mouth out but also kinda refreshing? How is there zero wheat or oats in this? PLEASE TELL ME THE HOP BILL. Oh just Citra (obvs), Idaho 7 (umm), Centennial (nah), Cascade Cryo (gtfo).
Willett or Won’t It
Fancy Beer|9.4%|63 IBU
This beer was destined for oak. We chose it’s destiny. But what oak? No idea. Luckily, a brewery down the road happened to have one extra barrel from Willett Distillery in Bardstown, KY at just the right moment. With notes of sweet bourbon, milk chocolate, fruity cocoa nibs, & vanilla beans, sometimes things work out.
Pattern Interrupt IPA
IPA|6.8%|58 IBU
Another week, another new IPA, just like pretty much every other week, going on 7 years, same as it ever was, blah blee boop. But this one - THIS one is DIFFERENT. It's brewed with Citra, Cashmere, and Loral hops, which is a combo we’ve never done despite brewing like 500ish IPAs in our short existence. Very weird. Especially because this union makes sense - Cashmere throws some dark berry notes, and Loral sometimes throws Strawberry along with Meyer Lemon, and Citra is forever that tangerine glue that massages all the other varieties together. So give this one a go! It’s NEW! It’s NOVEL! It’s DIFFERENT!
Below the Surface IPA
IPA|6.7%|58 IBU
The overwhelming majority of this hop bill is Citra & Comet. But there’s a third hop in this IPA - a shadow, a splash, like 2.53% of the total weight of the entire hops used - and we wanted to see if it would even be perceptible at such a low rate. And if it was perceptible, what characteristics would it even throw? We decided to utilize this mysterious hop early on the hot side, both as a first wort addition and a mid boil addition. That’s it. That’s all. And guess what!?! It’s debatable if it’s discernible and this IPA is ALL LIME/NO WOOD/SO GOOD that we aren’t even scared to tell you there’s Sabro in it. Take that, you lurking beast you!
Look out! This is a trap.
Retro Refresh
West Coast IPA|7.0%|68 IBU
The 90's and 00's are back, baby! It's time to revisit some old school IPA hops - Columbus (of the CTZ 90s fame) and Amarillo (00’s darling) - in a new school light. Crosby Farms sent us some stellar Amarillo CGX (similar to Cryo) and Virgil Gamache Farms sent us some early-picked Columbus that resulted in assertive notes of blood orange, cedar, anise, and an entire basement full of stoners. So button up that flannel over your Stüssy tee, put on some Jncos, and grab your pair of Docs or Birks - you’ve got a West Coast IPA to drink!
People Also Ask IPA
IPA|6.6%|58 IBU
Type a question into Google and you get EVEN more questions just below it. What’s up with that? And if you keep digging, soon you’re down a random wormhole staring at pictures of the roof architecture on Casa Batllo designed by Antoni Gaudi. Or how an area code in Western Chicago was nearly exhausted due to the explosive growth of the suburbs during the 1990s. And all you really want to know is if Mosaic & HBC Hop 630 will make a good pairing in an IPA. So we just brewed the beer instead to find out, and guess what - it does. Thanks for nothing, Google.
Take A Look IPA
IPA|6.9%|68 IBU
Hoppiness in the sky, I can go twice as high.Take a Look! It’s all Chinook! An old school hop bill.I can grow anywhereeeeCitrus to pine, straight off the bine,An old school hop bill.Iiiiiiiii can brew ANYTHING!Take a Look! It’s all Chinook! An old school hop bill.~~~Contributions of Chinook hops grown by Morrier Ranches, Roy Farms, Champoux Farms, and Coleman’s Alluvial Farm.
That’s Baseball Baby
Wade Boggs Style Pale Ale|5.7%|45 IBU
Game on! When making a sessionable pale ale, you gotta go at least 3 for 10 with the hops. We got all the numbers, so we went heavy on the Azacca, and then used Citra and El Dorado too. With notes of Pineapple, Grapefruit, & Rainier Cherries and a lower ABV, have a few (just not 64) and rope a line drive out of nowhere! What do now?
Losing My Edge IPA
IPA|6.6%|47 IBU
The kids are coming up from behind.We hear footsteps.But we were there in San Francisco at the first Liberty release.We were there.We were there.We were there in Chico and San Diego and Colorado.We used to work at the bottle shop.We had everything before anyone.We were there.We saw the birth of haze in Vermont, saw John and Shaun play the brew deck.Everybody thought it was crazy.We all know.To the internet seekers who can tell me every hop bill and Untappd rating of every beer. We were there when Other Half brewed their first Daydream.We were there.We've never been wrong.But we’re losing our edge to better-looking breweries with better ideas and more talent.And they're actually really, really nice.All the modern renditions.We were there.We hear you're buying Incognito and Phantasm and are throwing your Chico out the window because you want to make something real. You want to make a Thiol bomb.We hear that you and your brewery have sold your T-90s and bought Cryo.We hear that you and your brewery have sold your Cryo and bought Whole Cone.We hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that we know.But have you seen our IPAs? Strata and Citra and Mosaic.You don’t know what you really want.You don’t know what you really want.You don’t know what you really want.
Rice Lager|4.7%|15 IBU
Just when you think we can’t go any lighter with our lagers…we humbly present to you…Minima. This pretty little beer is light, effortless, and effervescent. Who knew that just a simple blend of Weyermann Extra Pale Pils and Pilsner base malt, some rice solids, and a splash of Kohatu hops for balance would delicately combine into a moment of beer zen? We did. So enjoy this little lager and remember that sometimes, less is more.
Reports Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
West Coast IPA|7.2%|68 IBU
Have you heard the good word? West Coast IPAs are coming back baby, in all their clear and bitter glory. Can you believe they almost went extinct, near death by irrelevance, no thanks to that juicy haze craze cooler maze. PHEW! It’s like Sierra Nevada and Lagunitas must’ve been shaking in their boots the last 5 years, as everybody forgot about them and their millions of barrels! Oh the pendulum of time, the shifting of palate preference, and the perception of trends. Alas, let us rejoice in this new found love of yesteryear - loaded with Chinook, Mosaic, Citra, Amarillo - as this style rises from the ashes of adjuncts. And remember, we have told you nothing about IPA that is not true.
Not Interested
American Brown Ale|5.6%|33 IBU
Hey. Hi. Over here. We’d like to reintroduce you to one of our most excitingenthrallingGROUNDBREAKING recipes of all time - our blessed BROWN ALE. Yes, like brown in color. No, we didn’t use any adjuncts. I mean, we did use some Golden Naked Oats - so if you like, you can call it an oatmeal brown ale. But mostly we used a plethora of other kilned, caramelized and roasted malts. And some amazing hops from across the NW - Simcoe, Crystal, & Cascade. THESE HOPS CANNOT BE BEAT. And this beer isn’t even about them! This beer is about tantalizing notes of chocolate (No, there is no chocolate in it), bread crust (we didn’t use bread either), cereal sweetness (NO. STOP ASKING US. there is no boxed cereal in this), and dark caramel (SERIOUSLY?! WE USED NO CANDY WTF)….WAIT. Why are you walking away? Is this not something you’re into? Not even a little bit? Fine. More for us then.
Mall Madness IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
SICK! You just got dropped off at the mall to hang! You walk in through the entrance by Sears, grab some manic panic at Hot Topic, ignore your dad’s favorite shop called Brooks Brothers, get your belly pierced at Claire’s, pretend you’re not interested in the new Furby at KB Toys, touch all the crewneck sweaters at Abercrombie & Fitch hoping you get “discovered”, grab a bite at Auntie Anne’s or maybe a Sicilian square at Sbarro, find the best price for Dockers at Macy’s or JC Penny; read the liner notes of Nirvana Unplugged at Tower Records, sit in a massage chair while writing a love note with an astronaut pen at Sharper Image, grab some body splash at Bath & Body Works, find the most fun college mascot hat at Lids, feel awkward and avoid eye contact as you breeze by Victoria’s Secret, sneak into a movie that’s halfway over at Crown cinema, AND FINALLY end your afternoon at the coolest shop of them all - Pac Sun. Much like those Billabong board shorts, vans slip ons, and puka shell chokers on display, these Pacific Sunrise hops from New Zealand that are showcased in this IPA ale are sunny, laid-back, and maybe just a little too cool for us.
Quantum Antigravity
Australian Pale Ale|5.6%|40 IBU
When describing gravity according to the principles of quantum mechanics, most researchers start by exploring black holes and neutron stars because you just can’t ignore gravity or quantum effects in those types of situations. Especially when integrating quantum field theory with the theory of relativity, all while accounting for spacetime curvature and fundamental interactions and forces. And then you have to get all phenomenological with non-perturbative electrodynamics and causal dynamical triangulation, considering loop quantum string theory. And what about supergravity?! And the renormalizable polarization of Earth! DOES ALL OF THIS CHANGE WHEN YOU’RE IN AUSTRALIA? WE CAN ONLY HYPOTHESIZE! M(mm)-theory.
The Great Simcoelio IPA
IPA|6.9%|67 IBU
Ok, we get it, we’re a bunch of single hop buttheads. We’ve already done Citra (Snoozefest), Mosaic (Mosaicin’ me CrAzY), Strata (Stratabulous), & Chinook (Take A Look), so it was inevitable that Simcoe was going to show up to the party all riled up and kick you in the nuts. Heh - Heh. This IPA is loaded with 5 different lots of Simcoe - 3 crop years of T90s from Sodbuster Farm, Wyckoff Farms, & Pearmine Farm, and 2 separate CRYO lots from Shinn & Son and Wyckoff - and it’s kick ass. Don’t be a monkeyspank. Come to Simcoe.
Starter Home
Milk Stout|5.5%|35 IBU
Hello and welcome to Cloudburst Realtors. Come on in! We’d like to show you our newest listing! This simple milk stout has layers of flavor and nuance, without being too garish or extreme. It’s sensible, affordable, chocolatey, and sweet yet balanced. Overall, it’s a great place to start off as a first time stout drinker, or even just a stout minimalist. Sure, someday, you might want MORE. Maybe you want a touch more alcohol; or amenities like vanilla or coffee beans; heck even luxuries like Ghanese cocoa nibs or hand toasted coconut; or splurge for an alternate dwelling barrel in the backyard for a little extra oomph. WOULDN’T IT BE SO NICE?! ONE CAN ONLY DREAM!!! But for now, this quaint milk stout shall do - an affordable beginning to your line up that you can build generational stout with. And good news - the Brewer is motivated to move it. Don’t let this hidden gem get away!
Indirect Sunlight IPA
IPA|6.6%|68 IBU
Today, we’d like to talk about solar eclipses, because 1. Are you even supposed to look at them? 2. If you DO directly look at them, don’t you go blind? 3. If you can’t look at them, how do we know what they even look like? 4. If somebody shows you a picture of one, can you even trust that it is an accurate representation of said Eclipse since you can’t look directly at it? SO MANY QUESTIONS. All because this beer is loaded with Eclipse hops from Australia, along with some Mosaic & Citra. From what we can tell, it is perfectly fine to look directly at these hops. You can also touch them and taste them, and this beer is proof that they are delicious with sun-filled notes of pineapple mai tai, a fresh squeezed greyhound, and a cape codder.
Bleed American
Lager Beer|4.8%|15 IBU
Oh you want a beer for drinkin’? We’ll give ya a beer for drinkin! This sauce right here is built on life, liberty, and the pursuit of lager beer. Sure, we mostly used malt from Germany…and the UK…and hops from…also Germany…but also Oregon. That’s right - pretty little Crystal hops from the Willamette Valley. But what makes this American is that we took all these awesome things from other places, and melded them together, right here in Seattle, Washington, US of A. It’s like a melting pot of flavor…but very lowkey flavor, because this is a beer for drinking, remember?! So let’s hear it for Agriculture! And Ingenuity! And Rights! And Freedom! For ALL! Yes, for all. Like every single human. There can be no qualifiers, no caveats. Nod “YES”. Ok. Thanks.
Hard to Dream IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
This beer name is not what it seems. Like, I’m sure you were thinking we were gonna take this in a dark direction with the current state of affairs - like how House Committees are being taken over by right wing extremists, or how Florida is turning into Gilead right before our eyes, or how thoughts and prayers still don’t seem to be a panacea for police and gun reform - and how it’s hard to sleep right now, let alone dream, and have good dreams at that! Nope. This beer’s name is because it was brew number 1,111 - aka eleven eleven - which happens to be an early 00s emo lyric from an exceptionally cringey/whiney song that teenage Steve may or may not have used to sing at full volume while driving solo in his car. Well this just got awkward. So, this beer - we decided to give Vista hops (the newest public hop variety from the USDA) another shot and paired it with two Yakima classics - Citra & Simcoe - which resulted in notes of satsuma, white grapefruit, pine needles and “if it hurts you then I’m sorry please don’t think that this was easssyyyyyyyyy.”
Tastes Like Magenta IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
It might sound cRaZy, but the idea for this beer was to make it taste like purple. And in the most organic way possible - so like, just with hops. No fruits, no coloring, no gimmicks, no syrups. Just a carefully selected and implemented blend of Cashmere, Mosaic, Hallertau Blanc, Meridian, and Columbus Cryo hops because all of these varieties throw some version of dark fruit to us - whether it’s marionberry or blueberry or malbec grapes or concord grapes or blood orange (in that order). And in the end, we got pretty darn close! Magenta IS a shade of purple according to Crayola and Pantone and Benjamin Moore, so there’s that. Close your eyes and taste the color!
Like Really Chill
Extra Pale Ale|5.3%|40 IBU
What exactly IS an extra pale ale? Especially in this world of heavy-handed hop usage, that we admittedly contribute to? Well, at the heart of the style is a pale ale - a pleasant balance of hops in bitterness, flavor, & aroma. But then, it’s taken down a notch in the malt character and alcohol department. As for the hops - nuance and moderation are key - so we used Citra and Grüngeist, a low alpha, newish German hop variety that exhibits yellow peach, apricot, and alpine flowers. The end result is an easy peezy crusher that you can think as little, or as much, as you’d like whilst consuming. Basically, it’s EXTRA light not EXTRA more, and overall it’s just EXTRA special, and you can have an EXTRA one if you want to.
Based on a True Story IPA
IPA|6.4%|52 IBU
Whilst walking the beach on the mouth of the Motueka River near the Western shore of Tasman Bay, a kayak approached. As it neared, I shit you not, it appeared to have a human-sized gecko at the helm. I rubbed my eyes to confirm and began to self-check my consciousness - Maybe I’m dehydrated? Maybe I ate too many mushrooms? - but by the time I snapped out of it, the gecko was standing in front of me, making intense eye contact, with their palm extended and a single hop cone resting upon it. I took the cone and placed it in my shirt pocket, and without any words exchanged, the gecko began to walk back to their kayak. Just as they were about to paddle away, they turned around and yelled “Did you know, brewing with Motueka hops from Freestyle Farms could save you up to 15% on your hop bill?” UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE. Freestyle Hop Farms hired the sibling of the world famous Geico Insurance gecko to do its field marketing. What a trip! Anyways, please enjoy this IPA with Motueka, Mosaic, Citra.
Next Best Option IPA
IPA|6.6%|65 IBU
Yeah, sure, some people would take this term as a backhanded compliment. But being your second beer, your next best option, has plenty of perks. First, there’s less pressure than being your first choice. Less expectations too. Especially if your first choice was a dud. That happens sometimes, and when it does - oof.. And also there’s no palette shock & adjusting the flavors in your mouth from something else (especially something weird) to drinking beer. So you move on to the next best option, and BOOM! SLAP! WOW! We take you by surprise with this reliable, consistent, perfectly fine IPA brewed with Citra, Chinook, Cascade Cryo, Columbus Cryo upon a base of 2-Row with a splash of crystal malt. You didn’t even know what was coming! And now your Next Best Option is also your favorite beer of the night. See? We got you.
Thanks a Bot IPA
IPA|6.7%|58 IBU
We fed 1,000s of Cloudburst IPA descriptions into a word bot and here’s what happened next!!~ ~ ~Heyo customer. We like you cRaZy hop. So we brewed malt SO GREAT WHY NOT then additional Mosaic as with Zappa hops fresh from the farmers. COOL. These notes taste like fruit on vacation plus a dorm room memory. What is the future like if the present rain loses its blanket AND directions? Old school happy space age lights are party facts. Go talk away from fire. Wet ghosts are bitter freedom heroes you may know. And then adamantly small independent for YOU great job!~ ~ ~We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, AI word bot. We are all fucked.
Fancy Beer|9%|55 IBU
This delightfully dreadful Imperial Stout was inspired by a short story by George Saunders. Heaping amounts of Roasted Barley and Chocolate malt lay a foundation for Lighthouse coffee and Hazelnut oil. The result is an evil concoction that is as dangerously strong as it is pleasantly drinkable…
“Drip on?”... “Acknowledge.”
Extra Sprinkles IPA
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
What’s an anniversary without extra sprinkles?! For this recipe, as is the case of Anniversary IPA recipes of years past, we wanted to make a quintessential “Cloudburst IPA” - something bright and fruit forward, bitter, with a dry finish so that it’s built for drinking. We start with a clean and simple base of Rahr 2 Row and Weyermann Pils malts. And then we implemented our favorite hop varieties - Chinook, Strata, Citra, Mosaic. BUT THEN, we threw in an unpredictable twist - a little bit of Nectaron, a newer hop variety from New Zealand that we’ve never used before. The end result is an assertive blend of citrus (like tangerine & white grapefruit) and tropical (like pineapple & passionfruit) notes, with a touch of watermelon rind, papaya, and white grape must from the new guy. Thank you for allowing us to brew something like this for over 7 years - here’s to 7 more!
🎉 🎉 🎉
Anniversary Pilsner|5.0%|43 IBU
Yes, this beer name is the party emoji. And yes, we know that is going to be confusing - from sales sheets, to menus, to customers ordering it, to Untappd check-ins. BUT GUESS WHAT! It’s our 7th Birthday and WE DO WHAT WE WANT. Besides, this North German-Style Pils is so damn delicious that it doesn’t matter what the name is! The base is built around a couple Weyermann Pilsner malts and hopped with German sourced Magnum, Tettnang, Saaz, & Mittelfruh for all that spicy/floral noble hop goodness. So you know, like 🎊 🥁 🎁 🧞 🤠 🥰 🍻
Old Man Yelling IPA
IPA|6.9%|68 IBU
Antiques Hopshow
American Pale Ale|5.5%|50 IBU
🎵da da duh da, da da duh da, do doodly do 🎵 James Callahan: Ok so tell us what you have here.Cloudburst: Well, we were rummaging through our cooler one afternoon while brewing a pale ale and came across some boxes marked with what appeared to be names of hops? But like, not the hops people use today. These things were relics, and all started with the letter “C” which is weird because there’s 26 letters to choose from…JC: Right. What a spectacle, that must’ve been a gas! So, what names were on these boxes??CB: Centennial, Chinook, Crystal, and Cascade. It sounded like a line of cleaning products!JC: How comical. But yes, you are in fact correct, these are hop varieties, none of which we developed after the year 198X. And so what did you do with them?CB: We put them in this beer!JC: NO! CB: YES. JC: Well isn’t that a riot. Where did it get this orange-hued color from?CB: Oh, so we used a little bit of Crystal malt in the recipe as well, which according to our research, has no relation to the Crystal hops also used. Why are they even named the same?!JC: You got me on that one! Ok, so as far as an estimate goes, as an heirloom recipe, we know it’s priceless to you, and putting a dollar amount on something like this doesn’t really capture the intrinsic value. That said, a pint of something like this would typically go for $7 dollars in today’s market.CB: SEVEN DOLLARS?! WHAT A STEAL! We can’t wait to tell our family all about it via our consumer cellular flip phone when they get back from their American Cruise Line Mississippi River adventure!
Born A Unicorn IPA
IPA|6.5%|52 IBU
Wait. Have Hazy IPAs missed the boat? Because this one is loaded with 2 Row, White Wheat, Red Wheat, Spelt, AND Oats for a beautiful, silken body and radiant, hazy sheen. And then we loaded it up with a tropical smorgasbord of hops - like Mosaic, Huell Melon, Rakau, Citra, Idaho 7 & Sabro - so that the bright, fruity intensity rating is ratcheted up to rainbow lazerbeam level proportions. If this thing exists, how can all the others be dead? If you stop believing in haze, will haze stop believing in you? And then where does that leave us an industry, as a society, as a civilization, as a world?!
It’s A Thing
New Zealand Pilsner|5.6%|40 IBU
Ok so like if Italian Pilsners are a thing, brewed with mostly German malt and hops, then we are here to tell you that New Zealand pilsners are also a thing, and arguably even more legit. Sure, yeah, we used German pilsner malt as a base - but so does every brewer with a brain. BUT THEN we used all New Zealand grown hops - like Kohatu in the Kettle because of it’s low alpha and noble origins (Hallertau Mittelfruh is a parent), and Nelson Sauvin in the Whirlpool for some token passion fruit and white grape flavors, and Waimea in a light dry-hop for a touch of citrus and pine aromatics. All in all, it’s a slightly fruity/floral/tropical PILSNER that is restrained, clean, quenching, and kiwi. Take our word for it - it’s a thing.
Just So Happens IPA
IPA|6.3%|58 IBU
It just so happens this beer is almost entirely brewed with a new hop variety called YQH 1320 that was grown at CLS Farms. And it just so happens YQH (Yakima Quality Hops) founder Tim Sattler stumbled upon this hop along a river bank while hiking in Idaho back in 2015. And it just so happens this hop is genetically unique, it’s parentage unknown - how exciting is that?! AND, it just happens it’s pretty legit, exhibiting flavors of tangerine, blood orange, pine trees, and fresh picked flowers. AND NOW, there’s over 60 acres of this hop planted throughout the Yakima Valley, soon to be in the hands of some of your favorite brewers. So it seems like we should all be going on more hikes, yeah?
Line Starts Here
Dark Mild|3.6%|25 IBU
It’s time to revisit this classic. That’s right, it’s English Dark Mild time, and our homage to Bill Arnott and Machine House Brewing. This beer has body, it has balance, it has deep flavor, and it’s super low in alcohol. What more could you want?! NOT A THING. Except, maybe, Bill’s version of this beer…which will always be better. BUT, he doesn’t put his version in kegs and cans, so we have that going for us! And for you! And since we last brewed this version, it seems that Dark Mild’s are still gaining traction, and we need to keep this three hundred year trend going. And we need Bill to find a new home too, so he can continue to be The King of Mild™. How do we do that? CREATE DEMAND FOR THIS STYLE. So much demand that people just line up around the block for a fresh new batch, and it’s utter chaos, but joyous chaos, with electric vibes and people pulsing with excitement, so much so we have to hire a bouncer who constantly is telling people…”THE LINE STARTS HERE!’
Ungrammable Hang Zone IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
When the marketing team of YCH wanted to come through for a brew day, we decided to focus on building an IPA around cryo versions of two hops often lost in the spotlight - Ekuanot and Idaho 7. In this day and age, there’s so much “new, New, NEW!” that some really solid, delicious hops get lost in the shuffle. And marketing can help avoid that! Because not everything has to be the most shiny, picturesque little tokens that you just want to broadcast to all your friends via socials. These two varieties are fantastic, worthwhile, eccentric, and distinct, despite having weird names…and the name of the hop shouldn’t matter anyway! Um, Marketing where you at?? Anyways, it should be about the AROMA & FLAVOR characteristics, and these two are flush with sticky resin and bright pineapple, white grapefruit, and juniper. So saddle up to our 120 year old horse stable turned hole-in-the-wall or pull up a stool in our wonky 100 year old garage and gravel pit, and get comfy with this natural beauty of a beer.
Illusion Delusion IPA
IPA|6.6%|65 IBU
Surprise! It’s back! We had an extra box of Australian Enigma in the cooler, so obviously we had to use them fast like woah. When one brews with Enigma, you find yourself down a wormhole of riddles, and puzzles, and 90s ambient techno soft-pop music. At some point during this daydream, we started thinking about Magic Eye pictures, and how bullshit those things were! Like, did anybody ACTUALLY ever see those supposed hidden images? WE THINK NOT. It had to be one of the greatest ruses of the 90s - “Yeah, um, just stare at this colorful pattern until you go crosseyed and start to hyperventilate and we swear, you’re going to see an image of a… horse. No, a cat. An animal. You WILL see an animal. It’s there. Oh, you can’t see it? Well maybe go buy our newest book. You’ll see something in that one for sure.” ANYWAYS...this beer, it’s got Enigma, plus a little Mosaic & Citra. You will taste pineapple, papaya, guava and nectarine - those flavors are in there. If you don’t taste them, just buy another one. You will taste them in the next one. Promise.
Froth Goblin
Helles Lager|4.9%|28 IBU
Crush that fresh nectar, that rocky white foam, that sweet bready malt, that alpine meadow Mittelfruh, that prickly carb, that clean crisp quench. That glug, that charge, that gulp, that burp. Froth Goblin is built for speed, engineered for maximum stoke, adhered to highest of German standards, designed for the lowest of introspection. Dig it, clink it, drink it, foam stache it, again and again, til you become one with the goblin of the froth. No idea what we’re talking about? Have another. You’ll see.
All Sales Final
DIPA|8.0%|70 IBU
OH MY GOD do we have a can’t miss deal for YOU! For a limited time only, this Double IPA has got to go! It’s LOADED with 2-row and Simpson’s Golden Naked Oats - THE BEST TOASTED OATS IN THE WORLD. We’re losing our shirts and our minds with HOPS so HOT we can’t list them! Ok we will, but just for you. It’s mostly CITRA!! Also a touch of Cashmere and Columbus Cryo. ACT FAST! Our loss in hop inventory is your gain! This BLOWOUT flavor of peaches, apricots and tangerines won’t last long so get it NOW! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! We’re practically giving it away! No financing, all your money down. No exchanges, returns, or refunds. All Sales Final.
Old Tubthumper
Fancy Beer|11.9%|47 IBU
I get knocked down! But I get up again! You’re never gonna keep me down! I get knocked down! But I get up again! You’re never gonna keep me down! I get knocked down! But I get up again! You’re never gonna keep me down! I get knocked down! But I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down. But I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down but I get up again you’re never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down...get up again...keep me down. I get knockd down. buuuut getup’gainyur nevgonna keep ME. Doown! I getttttttt...zzzzzzzz.
~ ~ ~
55% Aged in Stainless + 30% Aged in Westland American Whiskey Barrels + 15% Aged in Westland Peated Barrels
Hot Tip IPA
IPA|6.4%|52 IBU
Towards the end of harvest, the beer writer still known as Stan Hieronymus swung by the brewery (#beernerdhumblebrag) for a little hang out. Among many other beer related things, Stan is a beacon of knowledge when it comes to hop varieties, old and new, American and elsewhere. And so, when he mentioned his interest in a new Oregon grown variety called Luminosa from Indie Hops (aka the breeders of Strata) we…ugh…played it cool and definitely didn’t frantically email Jim with a wanting/needing/must-possessing/do-anything-for-two-boxes type of tone. ANYWAYS. A couple months later, we proudly present to you this IPA with Luminosa (plus a little Citra) that exudes delicious notes of orange marmalade, yellow peach and lychee.
Kill Your Darlings IPA
IPA|6.5%|62 IBU
They say killing your darlings is one of the hardest things a writer has to do. And that’s also true for hop farmers. In this day and age of modern craft beer, feedback between the brewer and the farmer sometimes feels like a dog chasing its tail. Brewers want something “new” and “unique”, farmers pull out an old variety and plant a different one, brewers use it for a little then possibly move on, rinse & repeat. It seems simple, but it’s not - it’s labor intensive, adds another unpredictable variable to farming, and involves a whole lotta risk with no guaranteed reward. Where are we going with this? Well, this beer is built around the hop Cashmere (along with a few others). Cashmere is a newer public variety released by the USDA that offers low barriers for any farmer to grow it. And in recent years, it’s garnered the favor of some heavy hitters, like Firestone Walker and Russian River, for its notes of citrus and dark fruit. However, it’s arguably one of the hardest hops to grow and to pick, and yields are often unreliable. And therein lies the future dilemma…
Writing On The Wall
West Coast IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
One time, fairly recently, we were walking by a wall. It looked like it’d been around a long time, like at least since the 90s, and there was some writing on it. And we shit you not, there was stuff on there about IPAs and how they should be clear and assertively bitter and contain no less than three hops starting with the letter “C” and kinda strong in alcohol. No lie - it really caught us off guard. Like, we kinda brew beers like that anyways, minus the clarity because WHO CARES ABOUT APPEARANCES unless it looks super ugly. Still, we might as well listen to the wall. Here you go, wall - a clear and bitter IPA hopped with Warrior, Mosaic, Citra, Comet, Cascade Cryo. You’re welcome.
Wave Bye Bye
Hoppy Red Ale|6.0%|50 IBU
It’s that time of the year again - it’s TIME for RED ALES!!! And you know our red beers bring all the dads to the bar. Because let’s face it - it’s better than yours. And so, we bid adieu to all the Summery/Fall things and embrace the Seattle winter. Goodbye dry socks, tank tops, positive vibes, sunglasses, the Seahawks Super Bowl chances, flip flops, picnics and SPF 50. HELLOOOOOO couch, sweatpants, beanies, gore-tex, and RED ALE that’s generously hopped with Simcoe, Chinook, Mosaic.
Yet Again IPA
IPA|6.7%|55 IBU
Guess who has two thumbs and released a second IPA in the same week?!? That’s right. WE DID. But this one hits different like for real. It’s an intricate blend of McKenzie (new OR variety), Mosaic, Citra, and Ekuanot Cryo hops and it brings the CITRUS. Like all the citrus and all the complexity. Layer after layer after layer. It’s like unpeeling a ruby red grapefruit to find an orange that’s hiding a lime that’s really a meyer lemon but in actuality it’s a yuzu. Yuzu imagination ok? Mmm it’s delicious. DRINK IT.
Talus A Story IPA
IPA|6.2%|58 IBU
So, here we are brewing another batch of this beer with Talus hops, and last time we made it, it was still HBC 692 and like, THAT SAME DAY we released it in 2020, Yakima Chief gives this hop a name. Coincidence?! Pshhhh we think not. It’s been an awesomely unique hop for years and is still gaining popularity - with notes of papaya, passionfruit, raspberry, cherry, ruby red grapefruit, coconut chips, lime….basically a bright, delicious fruit salad. In this rendition, we paired it with Mosaic and Citra because that’s an obvious choice and they can just let the fruit party escalate like that one time we were in an Oakland wine bar and...
Your Own Research
New Zealand Pale Ale|5.7%|45 IBU
Wait wait, don't cringe! We’re on the same team! Like, we also cringe when somebody proclaims they “did their own research” because usually that means they went to some horribly unreliable internet website or online forum or listened to some fringe conspiracy podcast or has a cousin who knows somebody on the “inside”...YIKES. ANYWAYS, they are rarely a scientist or a professional in a credible research field, and more specifically the field they’d like to expound upon. Okay? Ok. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here’s a pale ale we made with an experimental hop out of New Zealand called NZ 102. We’ve never used it before and we’ve never tasted it in another beer - so this is TECHNICALLY research we did, that you can smell and taste, think about it, and come to a conclusion regarding it’s expressive, bright tangerine notes with subtle floral and tropical undertones.
Known Entity IPA
IPA|6.5%|57 IBU
Sometimes you just gotta be YOU. Who are WE?! Well, if we’re talking the epitome of a “Cloudburst” IPA, we’re layered with Chinook, Strata, Mosaic, Citra hops upon a grist Rahr 2 Row and Weyermann Pils malt. And that’s what we did here. It’s bright, clean, and dry with notes of ruby red grapefruit, passionfruit, and pine needles. It’s unmistakably us. So order away, and it’s all gonna be OK!
Scene Change IPA
IPA|6.6%|60 IBU
With hop harvest over, it’s time to change gears and get back on our old bullshit, as they say. Our first IPA post harvest has a soiree of soft adjuncts like Wheat, Oats, and Spelt in the grist, and then we hopped it with some super tropical Southern Hemisphere hops - Galaxy from Australia and Nelson Sauvin from New Zealand - plus a little Citra. We figured you haven’t had flavors from those banger hops in a while, and with the cold and the gray and the rain officially upon us, some bright notes of mango, pineapple, and passionfruit are just what the doctor ordered to fend off seasonal affective disorder. End Scene.
Side Of Toast
Vienna Lager|5.4%|30 IBU
Mmmm, Toast. Like WHO doesn’t want a side of toast?! NOBODY WE KNOW! And Vienna lagers are basically the liquid version of toast. They are just so toasty and bready with a kiss of caramel and a touch of earthy hops but still crispy and oh so drinkable. Especially when late Fall comes around, and leaves change, and we wear sweaters and we bundle up and get all cozy and crush all the Viennas. Mmmm, Viennas.
Started With A Spark
Smoked Stout|5.7%|35 IBU
This beer is definitely for a very specific, niche drinker. One - because it’s a rich, roasty dark beer brewed with 13 (!?) malts. Two - because it’s lightly smokey thanks to several smoked malts from Skagit Valley Malt . And also - it’s pretty low in alcohol. Thus, we don’t expect most of you to gravitate towards it. But there is ONE human that we know of that will be stoked on this beer: Steve’s wife Holly. Since their first encounter, at a dorm party in Waterville Maine way back in 2005, Holly has forever preferred stouts. And then a few years later, she discovered smoked beers and went all in on those. And today, those two styles are still 2 of her top 3. So we have that going for us. As most of you know, our names tend to have multiple meanings, so we figured we’d let you in on this one, even if it’s endearingly embarrassing. And if you’re wondering what style rounds out her Top 3…Come on now! WE’RE AN IPA BREWERY AFTER ALL!
West Coast IPA Is Dead
West Coast IPA|6.5%|68 IBU
This might be a hot take. Well guess what - it’s an even HOTTER beer. In our next rendition of Brew Your Friends Beer ™️, Evan Price at Green Cheek gave us their 2018 World Beer Cup Award winning recipe that is loaded with Simcoe, Mosaic and Citra throughout the process. The end result is filled with complex citrusy and tropical notes anchored by assertive, clean bitterness. You should see versions of this beer around the west coast, so if you’re curious feel free to seek out and trade for other versions by Alvarado St, Cellarmaker, & Pinthouse.
Wet Hop IPA|6.5%|52 IBU
SURPRISE! It’s back, baby. We just have one question for you: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE WET?2 Row, Pils, Oats, Wheat26#/bbl of WET Mosaic from Sauve & Son Farm
Wet Is Just A Number
Wet Hop IPA|6.6%|50 IBU
We know - it’s hard to keep track of all those new experimental hop varieties. And for every 369 (aka Mosaic) and 394 (aka Citra) there’s 472 or 344, which, uh, don’t exist much anymore. But THIS one you should remember, as it might just be the next one to earn a name: HBC 586. We loaded this IPA up with 22#/bbl from Perrault Farms to finish out our wet hop season on top, with notes of fruit punch, blood orange and papaya.
Wetter Every Day
Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
Some days are a slog. Heck, some years are a slog. But ya know what? Maybe things are looking up?! The new booster is out, the DOJ is digging deep, student debt relief is coming, and hop harvest is near complete - ALL GOOD THINGS! PLUS, NEW FRESH WET HOP BEER is going to keep coming out for another couple weeks! For this collaboration, our friends at Varietal Beer in Sunnyside drove us out 500 pounds of Citra from CLS’s Wenas Farm, and that was super nice of them. We decided on a light malt bill of Pils and 2 Row to just let everybody’s favorite hop express all that stone-fruity goodness, and my oh my did it deliver! We’ve got to admit it’s getting wetter, it’s getting wetter every day.
Wet Warp
Wet Hop West Coast IPA|6.9%|65 IBU
Pshhhheewwwwwwwww VrrrrrrP! Hello. You have just been transported to the year 2001, where Simcoe is all the rage and Cascade is far and away the most popular flavor/aroma variety. But also, you are at a futuristic brewery that doesn’t exist yet. And it’s harvest! Aaaand they’re picking these hops on the same day at different farms - Simcoe at Perrault Farms and Cascade at CLS Farms - so obviously we pick them up throw them in an IPA recipe, but not like a new IPA recipe, it’s an old school California WC style one, which is also cool now, just like back then, then we go back to the brewery from the future, which we’re at right now right? Wait. Where the fuck are we. What kinda timeskip wormhole have we gotten ourselves into? HELP?!
Wishy Washy
Wet Hop IPA|6.6%|53 IBU
The story of Amarillo hops reads like a Shakesperian play…minus the murder, and incest, and romance. Ok, it’s more like a regular story arc from your Creative Writing 201 class. Amarillo came out of the gates on fire in the mid-00s and everybody wanted to put it in their IPA. It tried to meet that massive demand too quickly, its quality wavered, brewers balked, and by then newer exciting varieties were being released and ramped up, and the next generation of craft brewers and drinkers tagged it as “old school” and “as cool as reebok classics.” WELL GUESS WHAT. THE 00s ARE BACK IN STYLE WITH THE KIDS and AMARILLO IS FIRE AGAIN. AND SO IS THIS BEER! Brewed with 19#/bbl of Fresh Green Whole Cone Amarillo from Virgil Gamache Farms picked while Mercury is in retrograde so it hits different and is totally yassified (See kids? We’re still hip!).
Thatz Not Okay
Unfiltered Czech-Style Pils|5.4%|50 IBU
Umm, so we’d like to have a word with you. As most of you know, we’ve been lowkey brewing traditional-style lagers since our conception. BUT recently we’ve really enjoyed not clarifying them. While we’ve never filtered any of our beers (because we don’t own a filter) we do occasionally add wort clarifiers to our kettle and during conditioning to brighten the appearance of our beer. These things (irish moss, whirlfloc, gelatin, biofine, etc) occasionally work well, though their effectiveness isn’t wholly predictable, and while making the beer appear clear is “traditional”, they tend to weaken the head retention and lessen the mid-palate texture. That said, you know what else clears up the appearance of beer quite well? Time! Also, temperature! And that brings us to…this beer. We decided to not use any added clarifying agents other than time and temp for this batch of “Keller” Pils, allowing Weyermann’s Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner Malt and Czech Saaz hops to exist in their purest form, perhaps with the slightest sheen of haze, much to the chagrin of traditionalists. If that’s not okay, we don’t wanna be right.
The Hop Aquatic
Wet Hop IPA|6.3%|57 IBU
Here. WE. GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This is our first Wet Hop IPA out of the gates for Harvest Year 2022. As is the custom, this beer is loaded with 18#/bbl of FRESH GREEN WHOLE CONE Strata from Goschie Farms in Silverton, Oregon. But wait, there’s more! In addition to using some Strata in the dry hop, we also used some frozen fresh Simcoe as well. Why? BECAUSE WE CAN. Get it while the getting’s good - as this beer is sure to be more elusive than a Jaguar Shark.
Anyone’s Ghost IPA
IPA|6.7%|54 IBU
Do you want to know what one of the hardest recipes to create every year is? The last IPA before the fresh hops hit. Since it’s often overlooked, we try hard to make it a sure fire, can't miss, unique & interesting BANGER. This year’s version is loaded with a new lot of Vic Secret hops from Australia, plus a little Mosaic, and a splash of El Dorado, resulting in an intense tropical bomb cyclone of flavor. We’re just as excited as you are about what’s to come, but don’t sleep on this batch, as it’s designed to haunt your dreams…not your tap lines or the back of your fridge.
Sentimental Value
West Coast Pale Ale|5.5%|57 IBU
While WC IPAs have their resurgence, which we love btw, we also started to think - what about the WEST COAST PALES?! Forever overlooked, often forgotten, passed over for more exciting things. But maybe, JUST maybe, someday, hopefully, probably not….the Pale Ale will shine again. Until then, we will cherish them, and champion them, despite their lacking material and marketable worth. We volunteer this beer as tribute, hopped with several lots of Strata and Simcoe for modern notes of passion fruit, guava, & ruby red grapefruit.
Beautiful Distraction IPA
IPA|6.6%|57 IBU
Wanna hear a fun story (again)? Ok, here it goes. We were doom scrolling early in 2022 and came across Joey Veltkamp’s work - a Bremerton based artist whose medium is quilts, often with bright colors and scenic and/or cheeky vibes. His work is inviting, impressive, and downright joy-inducing - and the humble vehicle of the quilt really resonated with us. And so, we reached out to Joey to see if he’d be down for a project - to design a beer can label, and to choose a local charity that we could donate the profits of this beer to. And after some brainstorming, and a little break (Joey was in the midst of putting the finishing touches on an exhibit at the Bellevue Art Museum), a beautiful quilt and beer label was created! As for the charity of choice, we will be donating the profit from this beer to the Lavender Rights Project - a Seattle based organization that offers financial, legal and social services to the black and indigenous intersex and gender diverse community. Oh also - the beer! It was hopped with a bright, refreshing, citrus forward hop bill of Citra, Comet, & Motueka laid over a lighter grist of 2 row, Pils, & Wheat.
Heavily Redacted IPA
IPA|6.8%|63 IBU
In this unprecedented investigation of xxxxxxx involving interference, obstruction, xxxxxx, and top secret recipes, we feel it’s in our best interests of xxxxxxxxxx to release an affidavit regarding this IPA. There are well founded concerns that xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxx. Additionally, other classified xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx and sensitive materials like xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx and xxxxxxx were involved in the information breach. In accordance with xxxxxxxx, Idaho 7 hops xxxxxxxx Chinook hops xxxx xxxxx xxxxx Citra hops. That said, a special master xxxxxxx will xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx evidence of pineapple, grapefruit, & pine needles. Further investigation may include witness intimidation and xxxxxxx among xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx penalties of xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx many MANY years in jail for being a petulant, greedy, incompetent, incontinent, tax-evading, treasonous spy. CHEERS!
Your Worst Nightmare
Dark Stuff|7.2%|30 IBU
2023 Untappd Community Award - #1 Pumpkin Beer in Washington2021 Washington Beer Awards Gold Medal + 2022 Washington Beer Awards Silver MedalImagine a bleak alternative reality where no new hop varieties were ever developed or evolved. Brewers still use them, but just for bittering. That’s it. And when harvest comes around every year, there are no fresh hop beers, because they would all just taste like dirt and earth and grass. BUT, in their place, pumpkin beers fill the craft beer landscape - flooding the Fall market with vegetable beers. Every warm shelf and tap is taken over by jack-o-lantern themed beers with names like “YUM YUM PUMPKIN!” and “DREAMY HALLOWEENY” and “PUMP FLUFF MUFFIN” that make you want to stab your jugular with a pumpkin carving knife. And, every single offering has that blend of familiar spices, but at least they vary in color and base style. Some breweries are so prolific in their pumpkin brewing prowess that they not only attract attention from every beer nerd, but also Big Beer. AB-Inbev sees this growing market and wants -NEEDS- to be a player in it, so they start buying up independent breweries, one by one, slowly at first, then at rampant pace, until they confuse the consumer with so many options nobody knows who owns what anymore, creating customer indifference in ownership and operations and origins among the sea of SKUs, where only the deepest of pockets prevail, squeezing out small, independent, locally-owned and operated breweries until there are few left. In this Cantwellian Dystopia, THIS beer would be KING - a milk chocolatey base beer brewed with Libby’s canned pumpkin and spiced with a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and clove. OK WAKE UP! It was all a dream...WAIT BUT...
Take Me With You IPA
IPA|6.7%|57 IBU
Imagine a magical place with a lush, beautiful landscape and an endless scenic coastline; a place with universal healthcare and a stable, developed economy; a place with a robust and diverse education system and low cost of living; a place that grows awesome fucking hops. What if we told you this place already exists? Because guess what, it does, and it’s called New Zealand. And someday, we want to go there. Maybe for a couple weeks. Maybe forever. But until that day comes, enjoy this tropical-forward IPA brewed with three different lots of Nelson Sauvin hops, plus a little Strata & Citra for support.
Yeah But Why Tho?
Cold Black IPA|6.6%|69 IBU
Wanna hear a hot take? Black IPAs are one of the hardest styles of beer to make. Why? Well, the malt often clashes and muddles with the hops, plus esters, plus bitterness, plus lots of other things going on. The end result tends to be a mess. For every great version we try (like Firestone Walker Wookey Jack and Barley Brown’s Turmoil), there are 9 that just flat out don’t work. And that’s why we’ve never brewed one…until NOW. And we started with a twist right off the bat - we used a Lager yeast to ferment the beer cooler than usual, for a smoother/cleaner/brighter overall experience. And we paired it with a decisive hop bill that typically lends itself well to malt forward American beers - like Simcoe, but also Warrior, Citra, & Amarillo - for a piney/pithey flavor & aroma profile along with an assertive west coast bitterness. And thus, the Cold Black IPA is born.
Welcome to the graveyard. Some never return!
Cosmic Lust IPA
IPA|7.2%|68 IBU
Oh, what Dusty once was. He was vibrant! He was juicy! He was rough around the edges, with a little bite, and yet still balanced and approachable. Everybody loved him, and even more do today. Sure, he still looks the same - but his old friends know that he's changed. He's bigger now, a little less interesting - dull and dumbed down. He says money and opportunity haven't changed him....Ok. But to those who remember what once was, this Lust's for you. ~ ~ ~Chinook, Citra, Amarillo and Galaxyand brewed in Seattle by an adamantly small, forever independent brewery that former Elysian employees work at.
Sorry For Partying
Keller Festbier|5.6%|35 IBU
It’s almost that time of the year! Oktoberfest! One of the biggest parties in the world! FUN TIMES SEHR GÜT! As a remote homage to this international beer holiday, we brewed up an unfiltered (we don’t own a filter) and unfined (no clarifiers added) rendition of this style with pilsner, vienna, and caramunich malts from Weyermann and German Mittelfruh hops. And while we’re still trying to find our way back to the good old days of partying our faces off, surrounded by friends and randos alike, we’ll let this beer attend the party in proxy for now.
Pale Ale|5.0%|52 IBU
Through the collaborative spirit of the digital realm, we decided to upload our newest version of this hoppy crusher in the progressive tech hub of Seattle. Pale Ales are as tried and true as floppy disks, MS-DOS, VHS tapes and MP3 players. They never go out of style - even if they go out of relevancy. A blend of 2-Row and White Wheat prop up the hard drive, while the Nelson Sauvin, Nugget, & Hop 630 use up all the memory. Have a Beer. Surf the Web. Taste the Technology.
Verse Jump IPA
IPA|6.9%|57 IBU
It’s that time of the year where we approach peak FOMO - all the concerts, beach parties, hikes to alpine lakes, backyard BBQs, friends with boats, M’s games, road trips - ALL THE THINGS! And it’s impossible to do it all at once - UNLESS - you channel yourself in multiple metaverses, and verse jump simultaneously through active portals with the help of your own self that lives in the Alphaverse. How do you FIND you? All you need are some old walkman headphones and this IPA, loaded with HBC 586, Mosaic, and a splash of Citra. Also, you might want to eat some mushrooms too, but you didn’t hear that from us. HAPPY SUMMER FUN TIMES!
Jump To Conclusions IPA
IPA|6.7%|59 IBU
Oh hey LOOK at this beer! It’s ExTrA HaZy that’s CrAzY! That’s because there’s oats in the malt bill! Spelt too! Therefore it should be soft and fluffy and sweet and cloying. BUTITSNOT. Those oats do a nice job of balancing the bright citrus flavors from mostly from Amarillo (in a hazy?! Whaaa!) along with some solid bitterness and a surprisingly dry finish. In short - hazy is not a flavor, looks can be deceiving, and assessing a beer on its appearance is much less important than for its aroma, flavor, and finish. Now go on, enjoy everything about this beer.
Stratabulous! IPA
IPA|6.7%|63 IBU
From the brewers that NEVER...er, RARELY...brew single hop beers...other than Snoozefest, and Mosaicin’ Me Crazy...yes, we made each of those a few times...ANYWAYS...we proudly offer our newest and nextest iteration: STRATABULOUS! In this rendition, we used 7 unique lots of Strata, spanning 2 harvests (2020 + 2021) from four farms (Crosby, Goschie, Roy & Coleman) to give you depth and complexity like you’ve never tasted before. There are notes of Guava! Passionfruit! Ruby Red Grapefruit! And Tangerines! So don’t be fooled by the horrible name of this beer - it’s magical. It’s mesmerizing. It’s fantastic. It’s fabulous.
Cool Space Photos IPA
IPA|6.7%|57 IBU
Hey. Did you see those crazy photos from that new NASA space telescope? Well we did too. It’s the largest AND most powerful space telescope on the earth…but not necessarily in existence, because technically some other world could have one in a different galaxy and be like looking back at us, and like even more in depth, and see us making news about our $10 billion dollar telescope and be all laughing like “HAHAHA” or maybe like “Glurgh Zok Zok Zok” (bc that’s how those specific beings laugh) and are all like “those humans can only barely see things 13.1 billions years old, what a bunch of plebes!” But at least those cool space photos distracted us from all the other shit going on, and allowed us to think about how small we are in comparison to so many things, and that there is so much out there that we don’t even know. But one thing we do know is, if you brew a beer with Galaxy hops, craft beer law states the name MUST reference space. So there’s that. There’s also Simcoe & Citra in there too, to create maximum intergalactic enjoyment. “CHONK!” (that means “cheers”)
Reverse Course IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
Watch out! Inconveniently coming through! We’re moving backwards, ‘cause that’s the hot new (?) thing in this country. From body autonomy to public safety, from the environment to the classroom, from voting rights to human rights, and the blurred line of church and state - IT’S ALL GOING IN REVERSE. And since this is our current world, we figured we’d jump on that backwards moving bandwagon and use some hops that were cool when Reagan was trickling down money and we had an ineffective war on drugs and Clarence Thomas was, uh, still sexually harassing women. These are hops that you didn’t necessarily ask for, but that doesn’t matter because we want to use them. They are classic, they are American, and their acreage (& relevance) is dwindling. OK, which hops?! CRYSTAL! NUGGET! CHINOOK! And…ok fine we’ll compromise, some CITRA is in there too. DON’T SAY WE NEVER DID ANYTHING FOR YOU. Doesn’t it taste great? Like the good old days? You know, like simpler times when everything was just swell? No? Those times never existed?
Conditional Hours
Pale Ale|6.1%|40 IBU
Beer names are cool huh? We can name things silly, serious, stylistic, stimulating, nonsensical, after a song or a poem or a book or a movie or an essay, the world is our proverbial oyster, whatever that means. This time, we chose a name that is informative. It’s essentially a PSA, reminding everybody that our Western Avenue location has conditional hours of operation.
Western is open for business every day. HOWEVER, Monday through Thursday we are To-Go ONLY from 12-6pm. That means you cannot drink beer inside our tasting room on those days. BUT, you can do that on Friday starting at 4pm til 10pm, on Saturday from Noon - 10pm, and on Sunday from Noon - 8pm.
We know it’s annoying. But our tasting room is in our load zone. And since we are a brewery that had to wholly change our business model in 2020 for survival, we are now using the tasting room 5 days a week for our production needs.
And we get it, people serendipitously swing by everyday - mostly shocked, surprised, disappointed, annoyed - to find this information out. Which is why all this information is on our website here and here, our ig profile here, and even on google over here. That said, both @googlebusiness and #fuckyelp don’t allow us to specify these conditional hours in our public listings so they don’t really help us that much. THAT SAID, our location at 5456 Shilshole Ave in Ballard (a mere 4.9 miles away) is open every day of the week to happily serve you fresh pints in an open/covered/heated space. We even have a food truck there that serves some of the best dumplings & noodles in town, while we’re on the subject.
Ok ok this is a lot of words, none of which are about this delicious pale ale with Oregon grown Meridian hops and Yakima grown Citra, bursting with notes of blackberries and tangerines. Some beers serve as vehicles of hops and some for change, and some to just to remind you what our conditional hours are at Western Ave. If you are still reading this description, bless your heart. You deserve a beer!
Too Late IPA
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
…but it was TOO LATE. Steve was so excited about the Citra Vista IPA he had brewed a mere 2 days ago, that he inadvertently dry-hopped the tank with the next week’s varieties. Citra and Vista had joined the Mosaic and Nelson party. And after some loudly exclaimed expletives, and a deep breath, he realized that this combination has potential to actually taste pretty great. And so, we decided to make things interesting by doing the inverse recipe from the week before for this beer. Which ended up being a fun experiment as far as flavor and aroma impact go in regards to hop addition sequences! And yeah, the malt bills are different, but sometimes hops happen and you just have to roll with it. Please enjoy this inadvertent yet delicious beer, and compare it to Wait Wait IPA to discover the nuance.
Hot Side (Kettle/Whirlpool): Citra & Vista
Cold Side (Dry Hop): Mosaic & Nelson
Notes of: pineapple, passionfruit, lime
So Last Summer
English Summer Ale|5.4%|27 IBU
2021: Cottagecore
2020: N95s
2019: Birkenstocks
2017: Citra Cryo Hops
2010: Michael Cera
2004: Puka shells
2001: This beer style.
1999: Birkenstocks again
1998: Motueka Hops
1982: The Go-Gos
1970: Hippie Shit
1966: Maris Otter Malt
1910: Bathing Costumes
1839: East Kent Golding Hops
Wait Wait IPA
IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
As most of you - our customers, our drinkers, our fans - have come to know, our IPA recipes are created with explicit intent (even if the names and descriptions might not make it seem that way). We start with a blank slate: build the malt bill, perseverate over the hop bill, go back to the malt bill to see if we should tweak it now that we have an idea of what hops we’re using, then finally go back over the hops and dry-hop. Oftentimes, we ask questions like: Are we building this beer around a specific hop variety? Is it the relationship between two hop varieties? Is it a combination of 2, 3, 4 maybe 5 hop varieties to express a desired flavor and aroma profile? Or is this a new combination so we can discover what that outcome might be? Why are we telling you all of this? Well, because this beer started out to see what two lots of Mosaic hops would do with one specific lot of Nelson Sauvin hops. But, nearing the end of a long day, 8 days after we brewed this beer, Steve carefully weighed out the hops for the dry hop addition, climbed up the ladder, and as soon as he finished adding 88# total pounds of Vista and Citra hops, an inner voice exclaimed “WAIT! WAIT!”...
Hot Side (Kettle/Whirlpool): Mosaic & Nelson
Cold Side (Dry Hop): Citra & Vista
Notes of: nectarine, lychee, white grapefruit, meyer lemon
Millions Of Beaches IPA
IPA|6.8%|54 IBU
Whenever we use Talus hops, we can’t help but think of the beach. It’s SO. FUCKING. TROPICAL - like passionfruit, mango, key lime, pineapple, & coconut - and thus, we want to drink beers made with it by the beach, around the beach, while at the beach, looking at the beach, thinking of the beach, and the like. For this sandy little trip, we added some peachy Citra hops for depth and some ADHA 218 hops for maximum tropicalia. Seattle hasn’t seen much beach weather yet…but fingers crossed that changes soon. Until then, you can shove your nose in this beer, take a long sip, close your eyes, dream of summer vibes, until you get rudely interrupted and be all like BEACH, PLEASE!
Porter|5.8%|40 IBU
That’s it. This is the name of the beer. It’s also the style of this beer. In almost 7 years of brewing beer, we’ve never named a beer by its style. That would be so boring! And uninspiring! And old school! It’s too simple! But here we are. And that’s basically this beer. It is what it is - a straightforward, chocolatey, slightly roasty, hint of caramel, touch of earthy hops, with a blanched finish. PORTER. You either want it, or you don’t.
Rock The Boat
Hazy Pale Ale|6.2%|40 IBU
A few times in our lives, we’ve been told to not “rock the boat.” It’s kinda similar to telling someone to “calm down,” as it often garners a response that has the opposite of the desired effect. And if ever there was a time to rock the boat…that time is NOW. Because among other things, we live in a country that: continuously cuts healthcare funding and is the only developed nation that refuses to offer universal healthcare; aims to strip the rights of body autonomy and LGBTQIA+ equality; gerrymanders and limits access to voting in free and fair elections; continues to insert Christianity into public policy and education; ignores a looming climate crisis while giving in to big industry and corporate greed; and refuses to pass reasonable, common sense gun control measures when more Americans have died domestically from firearms than from ALL WARS COMBINED¹; among MANY other issues….so…ok… FUCK THIS SHIT. Go on now, ROCK. THAT. BOAT. And if you get thirsty while you’re doing it, here is a pleasant, juicy pale ale hopped with Strata and Citra upon a soft grist of 2- Row, Pils, Red Wheat, & Spelt.
Every hop deserves a second chance. Most, maybe even a third. And that’s where Ekuanot comes in. Wait WAIT. DON’T YOU DARE STOP READING. We first had taste of Ekuanot as Hop #366 in 2013, before it was released to the public with the name Equinox….which then had to be changed with trademark reasons…so yeah, it wasn't the smoothest roll out for a new hop variety. Anyways, the hop previously known as Equinox was promising! At times, at least! But then people started to make single hop IPAs with it and it would go all green bell pepper, and the farmers were still tweaking picking windows, and quite a few brewer’s wrote this hop off. Acreage went from 890 planted acres in 2017 all the way down to 381 acres in 2021. But guess what? THIS SHIT IS FIRE NOW. STOP LAUGHING. Seriously, try this beer and tell us it doesn’t deserve a seat at the IPA table. And yes, the recipe is cut with Citra - but the overall math is 30% Ekuanot T-90s, 30% Ekuanot Cryo, & 40% Citra T-90s, resulting in flavors of white pineapple, tangerine, dark cherry and a hint of red peppercorn. So yeah…EkuaNOT? More Like EkuaYEAH!
Knock Knock IPA
IPA|6.6%|63 IBU
Belma. Belma Who? Idaho 7. What? Citra. Citra? Are you just saying the hop bill? That’s not how this works. Orange. I know this one, it's like ‘Orange you glad you didn’t say banana’. We didn’t say Banana! More like Strawberries and Pineapple. This is the worst knock knock joke of all time. Knock Knock. Ok this is also the worst beer description of all time. Delicious Beer!
Frozen Assets
Frozen Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
We know, you know - Frozen Assets can be a big deal. And a big pain in the butt. And oftentimes - BAD NEWS. But fret not - you WANT these frozen assets. These ice cold bullets. These sub zero heroes. These arctic flavor darts. These things are so rare, you gotta call Yakima Chief to unlock them and ask for them to be released into the wild. This time we went with 22#/bbl of equal parts Citra, Mosaic, & Azacca for a fresh blast of pineapple, tangerine, and papaya. It’s leafy, it’s juicy, it’s fleeting, it’s fading - so get it before you get iced out like an ice age. On that note, this is our last fresh hop beer, frozen or otherwise, until September - so get it and CHILL.
Flashing Lights IPA
IPA|6.9%|57 IBU
One thousand turns under the sun. That’s a pretty big deal! And to commemorate it, instead of brewing something new and/or big and/or CRAZY, we chose to look back at the first IPA we ever made, in November of 2015. IPAs have changed quite a bit over the last 6+ years, but this beer still holds its own - a juicy, tropical and bright West Coast Hazy rendition that’s bittered with Chinook, and finished with copious amounts of Citra, Mosaic, & Cascade. And after near-countless IPAs we’ve made since, it feels pretty special to look back and re-brew the one that opened us up and introduced you all to our little brewery that could. We couldn’t make IPAs if nobody drank them….so here’s to YOU! And another 1,000 more!
Pretty Flowers IPA
IPA|7.2%|65 IBU
This time of year just hits differently, and we’ve decided it’s because of….pretty flowers. Yes, they hit you right in the nasal glands. Also kinda dry your mouth out. And they get you in the back of the throat as well. But they sure do look beautiful! And guess what…THIS BEER PRETTY MUCH CHECKS ALL THOSE BOXES AS WELL! It’s a west coasty soiree of Warrior, Citra, Amarillo, Chinook, and Cascade Cryo that’ll consume your senses with tangerine, meyer lemon, pineapple husk, along with some balanced yet assertive bitterness. You’ll be like “Oh WOW! I remember how pretty West Coast IPAs are! Yum! Aggressive! Bitter! OK I’ve had enough now!” and then it will be gone for the year and you’ll look back fondly upon it, until it blooms once again…probably before Spring?…we don’t know…we only schedule brews out a few weeks in advance, so seriously, no idea…OH LOOK! TULIPS!
Mosaicin’ Me Crazy IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
From the brewers that refuse to do single hop beers... but still previously brought you Snoozefest (& brought it back)….comes this IPA only brewed with….MOSAIC….AGAIN. Wait WAIT, don’t leave! Let us explain. On the surface level, it sure looks like a “single” hop IPA. BUTITSNOT. We used 7 uniquely different lots of Mosaic, from 4 different harvest years (2018, 2019, 2020, & 2021), from 5+ different farms that we know of (because some lots are blended), in 3 different forms - T90 pellet, Cryo Pellet, and Cryo Powder. Ok, still with us? So by using this many different types of Mosaic, it allowed us to create more depth and gave us more control of the outcome than your typical boring ass single hop beer. The end result is the most robust and all encompassing Mosaic hop profile we could ever dream of. Got it? Get it. Good.
Fun Differential
DIPA|8.1%|70 IBU
Inspired by M’s coach Scott Servais, we poured over recent metrics and statistics regarding the successful outcomes of certain double IPAs. Coach is right - often, an overlooked stat is called Fun Differential - which relates to how much more fun the drinker has while enjoying one of our DIPAs compared to DIPAs from other breweries. After a few observations and correlative calculations, we called up Galaxy, Strata, Citra and Azacca Cryo from the cooler and inserted them in the starting line-up. As a result, we predict our fun differential to be maximal, optimal, and optimaximal- largely in part to the notes of ripe tangerine, papayas, mangos and corresponding higher percentage of alcohol by volume. And as we all know, beers that end the season with higher fun differential percentages tend to have higher win rates. And EVERYBODY likes winning. So go, get out there and play some beer!
Abort the Court IPA
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
Way back when, in 2017, we brewed a beer called Rhythm Method, which raised funds for our regional Planned Parenthood branch. The name and description was cute. This one, less so. Five years later, the Supreme Court - a group that currently includes a couple of judges credibly accused of sexual assault and harassment - is about to strip the right of body autonomy away from women. They are trying to erase a ruling put in place to protect the health, safety, and privacy of a woman’s body. Abortion is healthcare, and any reason to get one is, and should continue to be, none of your fucking business. Proponents will say it’s about protecting “life” - but if that’s true, then why is there so little attention and resources put towards universal healthcare, childcare, parental care & leave, and early education? On that note, maybe a court decision banning easy access to assault rifles that can take away the life of this post-fetus in mere seconds should, by this line of reasoning, also be coming any day now, no? Anyways - we’re rambling here because we are fucking mad. 100% of the profits from this beer will be split between the Northwest Abortion Access Fund (nwaafund.org) and Planned Parenthood Great Northwest (plannedparenthood.org). This beer is our small way of helping women in our backyard along with women in more restrictive states (we’re looking at you, Idaho) get safe abortions. Get fucked, SCOTUS. ~~~Citra, El Dorado, Loral, & Vic Secret
Frozen Fresh Hop IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
This ain’t no ordinary frozen fresh hop brew, ok? Which, by the way, isn’t ordinary to begin with! FROZEN FRESH HOPS ARE AMAZING! That said, THIS particular product used an even more experimental process involving whole cone frozen fresh hops that we had to sign an NDA for. AN NDA! That’s shorthand for Non Disclosure Agreement, aka don’t tell ANYBODY about this thing. We even blindfolded our other brewer Patrick, and he had to add these secret things to BOILING WORT sight unseen! Or else, we’d be in trouble. Like super duper trouble if anybody found out that this crazy new thing is called YCH 301 Trial Simcoe that are essentially FROZEN FRESH WHOLE CONES TURNED INTO CRYO PELLETS. Oh. Ummm. UH OH. FUCK. Forget you just read that, ok? And, uh, if you don’t hear from us in a while, please search behind the SE side of the Yakima Chief Warehouse* in Sunnyside, WA. *Yakima Chief gave us permission to spill the beans earlier this week so we are all good…we hope…most likely…probably.
Not My Problem IPA
IPA|6.7%|63 IBU
Historically poor grain harvest? Smoke tainted hops? Low snowpack affecting irrigation? Unpredictable heat domes and cold spells? WE’RE NOT FARMERS!Less tree pulp for cardboard? Hard to find plastic resins and recyclable content? Aluminum cans & glass bottle shortage? WE’RE NOT A FACTORY FOR CHRISTSAKE!Gas prices going up? Like Gasoline but also CO2? NOT AN OIL BARON SO WHAT!Rent increasing every year? Health insurance and business insurance premiums going up? Property Taxes Going Up? Personal Property Taxes Going Up? Cost of living going up? YOUR BILLS AND NOT OURS!CAN I HAVE A TASTER TRAY WHILE YOU FILL MY GROWLER? NO?!HEY! WHY’S THIS BEER COST 50 CENTS MORE!!~~~Warrior, Amarillo, Strata, Citra, Cascade Cryo
Performance Review
Extra Pale Ale|5.8%|48 IBU
This is another pale that we brewed with a new hop variety, but this one is extra special. First, because NOBODY in the entire world has ever brewed with this hop before. How do we know this? Well, we’re part of the trade group that CREATED IT. It was bred, trialed, planted, harvested and processed at OSU as part of some experimental lines funded by the Hop Quality Group. And this year’s harvest yielded us….34 pounds of pellets. Total. And we got it all. So there’s that. What’s the Hop Quality Group? The Hop Quality Group was established in 2010 by a group of 9 breweries you’ve probably heard of - Russian River, Sierra Nevada, Stone, Bell’s, New Belgium, Firestone Walker, Odells, New Glarus, & Sam Adams - and has grown to a group of 50+ breweries, including yours truly. We tour hop farms, facilities and pellet mills; establish best practice guidelines for quality and safety; and fund a breeding program that someday will produce new, publicly available hops varieties…maybe like this one, currently named HQ2015031-002, which has notes of Blueberry, White Peach, & Lemon Balm.
Soft Shock IPA
IPA|6.7%|50 IBU
It’s been ages since we took a deep dive listening to a whole lotta old Yeah Yeah Yeahs albums, so we decided to dust off this old recipe (from 2016!?) for Karen O (side Q: Is Karen O is the least “Karen” human with this name? We think yes.) This base of 2 Row, Oats, Wheat, Spelt and Rye - combined with less bittering - sets this recipe up with a soft & smooth body. A medley of Citra, Amarillo, Mosaic, El Dorado, & Melon hops yelp in harmony to give you a tropical fruit salad of hop flavors & aroma - pineapple, honeydew, mango, tangerine, & kiwi. Yes, kiwi. It’s in there. All in all, this song is a sharp shock, to your soft side, summer moon, catch your shut eyes, in our (tasting) room. And other people’s rooms (bars) around town.
Keller Whalez
Unfiltered German Pilsner w/ Spelt|5.4%|40 IBU
This ain't your neck-bearded older brother's type of whale. But this unfiltered & unfined rustic AF German Pilsner, with a splash of Spelt and hopped with Magnum, Mittelfruh, Tettnang, & Saaz, has never been brewed before and nor will it ever be brewed again. You know what that means? ISOs for days. Secondary prices your I-banking roommate balks at. And people trying to sneak some of it outta the fest in their crinkled Aquafina bottles. Or none of that, because it's a pale lager.
Training Bines IPA
IPA|7.0%|45 IBU
Heyo! It’s another round of making our friend’s beer, and this recipe comes from Pinthouse Brewing out of Austin, Texas. The Pinthouse crew is known for making some of the best IPAs in the country, garnering multiple GABF and World Beer Cup medals in those categories. This specific beer is all about highlighting their selected lots of Simcoe, Citra, & Mosaic, along with a splash of Motueka over a super drinkable base of 2 Row, Pils, & a splash of color. It’s also pretty low in bitterness (compared to our usual IPAs), allowing the fruit flavors of tangerine, peach, key lime and watermelon to shine through. If you’re interested in trying more versions of this recipe, Highland Park (LA), Cellarmaker (SF), Green Cheek (Anaheim), and Alvarado Street (Monterrey) will also be releasing versions in the coming days. Cheers to friends!
How To Get Rich
DIPA|7.7%|60 IBU
We want to tell you about a dream. We found ourselves talking with John Wilson, when a Hummer limousine drove by. When you’re rich, you have a lot of money - so much so you get driven around in a Hummer limousine like it’s any old normal thing. Could this ever happen to us? Maybe if we find a way to get a lot of money? Or other valuable assets. So we talked to our accountant and they said finished beer is considered an asset. If we could just make more beer, we’d be on the path of getting rich. But that means we’d need to sell that beer to do so. So we responded to a few emails that claimed to only want a few moments of our time to talk about SEO and followers and brand recognition and vendor contact lists. They said, in order to sell beer, people need to find out about us, and we need to get more popular. We also need to optimize our exposure via online and in google searches, then we could attract influencers and post more pictures and videos of attractive people having fun while wearing our merchandise and drinking our beer. That would be ideal. Apparently, it doesn’t even matter what the beer is or what it tastes like, the beer is just a vehicle to make more money, so we can get rich. But - what if the beer is good too?! We needed to find this out, so we went to local trade forums and it seems like all these bros and bois ISO juice and sauce and thicc and smoothies and BBA and haze. We don’t know how to make many of those things, but we put some of the ingredients we had laying around the brewery all together and made a beer. We even added some Cryos. And it tastes good! Yum. Now we wait and watch the money come in so that someday we can be driven around in a Hummer limousine in real life with the actual John Wilson while we sip crispies and eat frozen pizza. That’s the dream right there.
FYI - you left your web cam on...
Space For Rent IPA
IPA|7.0%|55 IBU
You know, there’s a whole lotta space for rent these days. But not like the space you want. LIVING SPACE? Is it up to date? Clean? In a convenient location? At an affordable rate? Pshhh. COMMERCIAL SPACE? Oh cool - an empty office building downtown with a NNN more than the actual $/sf. OPEN SPACE? Fuck off - that shit should be free. Even LITERAL SPACE is for rent. You wanna rent the moon or a star, that shit is fair game - just give an “official” website your money. And CONCEPTUAL SPACE IS FOR RENT, like Web 3.0, where a meme of you can exist in a cloud on a server where you buy and sell NFTs, along with groceries and other things to keep your virtual tamagotchi-self from dying. EVEN FIGURATIVE SPACE is for rent, like in your head, sometimes rent free, because it’s been infiltrated by another entity. HEAD SPACE! … Where are we going with all this? Um. Let’s see. So. This beer… is… about ALL OF THOSE SPACES because it’s a liquid convergence on an Ultra 4D triple axis - Galaxy hops take up the largest amount of space, Citra takes up the space between, and Cascade’s shrinking space reminds you of previous spaces. And all of this can be had for a non-contractual single transaction, essentially like renting a pint glass for a moment, but on your terms.
Up Chuck The Boogie IPA
IPA|6.5%|58 IBU
Fun fact: Chuck Shin, owner of the mini-empire known as Chuck’s Hop Shop, has been asking us for an exclusive IPA going on SIX YEARS. Yes, that’s also how long we’ve been in existence. And FINALLY we found a spot in our production schedule to have Chuck’s humans, representing all 3 locations, come down and help us brew a small batch of IPA. We even let them choose the hop bill! Which led to a never before used combination of HBC 630, Strata, Motueka, Galaxy, ADHA 218 resulting in a tropical smorgasbord that you can crush multiple pints of at any of their locations or ours, while you watch Chuck boogie in victory.
So Much Fun IPA
IPA|6.4%|60 IBU
You know what we haven’t had in a while? So much fun. Like, we’ve had some fun…but in small doses, accompanied with a side of anxiety and a slice of guilt…because it’s a weird time to have LOADS of fun with everything else going on around us and throughout the world. BUT, right now, at this very moment, there seems to be the tiniest reprieve in the storm, at least on the local level. It could be the eye of the hurricane or it could be the start of a new normal - we have NO FUCKING IDEA - but we’re going to try to let ourselves YOLO a little more in the interim. HUG YOUR FRIENDS! GO TO SHOWS! VISIT PLACES! DRINK SOME BEERS! LIKE THIS ONE! Which is loaded with sunny Mosaic, deep Cashmere, & soft Citra so that you get tropical highlights and juicy peaches shining through dark citrus pith and blackberries, wrapped up in dry little finish.
You Oughta Know
New Hop Pale|5.6%|45 IBU
We want you to know, that we are happy for you, and we wish nothing but the best for you both. We also want you to know about McKenzie hops - a new Oregon hop variety out of the West Coast Hop Breeding Company. It’s got notes of yellow peach, mandarin orange, white grapefruit, sticky pine resin, and a whisper of electric lettuce. We’re not here, to remind you, of the mess you left when you went away - that’s not our job. That said, it’s not fair to deny you of the hops we bear when we brew away. So, like, you oughta know…McKenzie.
Friends of Friends IPA
IPA|6.4%|45 IBU
Every time we visit Denver, Our Mutual Friend Brewing is a must stop. Their beers are fantastic, their vibe is welcoming, and they emphasize locally sourced ingredients - especially when it comes to malt. And thus, a collab was born! After settling on an IPA (obvs), we decided to emphasize local maltsters from both our regions in our base recipe - Troubadour Pevac Pilsner Malt from Fort Collins, CO; Skagit White Wheat from the Skagit Valley; and Linc Spelt from Othello, WA. As for hops - we used something familiar and predictable - Citra + Centennial - so that you (our drinkers) could pick up on the subtle differences from these unique and distinct base grains. The end result is a classic Hazy IPA that has delicate notes of water cracker and dried hay, along with a pop of ripe tangerine, ruby red grapefruit and blackberry, because it IS an IPA after all.
For Me This Is Heaven
Modern American Helles|5.3%|40 IBU
Our buddy Jimmy, who likes to wax poetic, once said “The first star I see may not be a star” and we were like, “Damn Jimmy that shit is deep.” And then we started to think about that, and other things - like beer styles and traditional flavor profiles and if it’d be possible to combine some of our favorite, yet disparate, things that could result in something entirely new, but also still as perceptible pieces and then Jimmy interrupted our thought process with “If not now when?” and we were like “Jeez Jimmy, so timely, so sentimental.” ANYWAYS - this base recipe started as a Munich-Style Helles - Pilsner malt with a splash of Munich, bittered with Magnum and flavored with Mittelfruh. But then we added a little Citra & Mosaic in the Whirlpool. And dry-hopped it with Citra & Mosaic Cryo. The result is essentially a low bitterness, slightly bready, highly aromatic hoppy lager. Can you still feel the butterflies? Can you still hear the last goodnight?
Love Is Blind IPA
IPA|6.7%|58 IBU
What if we didn’t tell you what hops were in our IPA? And you just had to try it out, sight unseen, hops unknown, to find out if you really liked the flavor and aroma profile? You might actually surprise yourself to know what hops are on the brew sheet, and fall in love with a variety you’d overlook on a normal beer menu, out in the real world. And you’d potentially miss all these aromas of bright pineapple, papaya, & hibiscus and flavors of sweet citrus that carry through to a soft yet pithy type of bitterness. And at the end of the glass, you have to decide, once and for all, to drink this IPA… FOR-EV-ER. In sickness and in health, good times and bad, this is your only IPA. Even if you find out this IPA might’ve wanted to be with another drinker, AFTER you already professed your commitment to it. Even if you find out its family is a bunch of weirdos. And their friends are insufferable and don’t even like you. Or they thought this entire experiment was just a game, and only signed on to it to get famous. But maybe, just maybe, you really DO fall in love with Australian Enigma hops without us telling you…ah shit. On that note, there is a little Citra and Mosaic in there doing the matchmaking.
Grandma Take Me Home
Double Oatmeal Brown w/ Coconut|7.5%|38 IBU
Mom and Dad went to a show
They dropped me off at Cloudburst yo
I kicked and screamed, said please don’t go
Grandma Take Me Home
I went inside and drank my beer
It was brown and strong and sweet
Toasted coconut wow that's neat
I woke up in my mother’s arms
Grandma Take Me Home
Convenient Parking IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
You know when you find that perfect spot and it just makes your entire day? That’s what we intended to do with this beer - encapsulate that feeling in liquid form. It’s got our favorite lots of Citra, Mosaic, Strata, & Galaxy in it for a bright, fruity, fragrant, and complex blend of aromas you can just get lost in. And it’s got a splash of wheat and naked oats in there so the edges are soft. Consider it a small victory to celebrate, a pleasant matter of happenstance, a rewarding gesture of karma from the universe. Because times are tough…(thinking)...and the world is…(bites tongue)...and…can’t…help….FUCK RUSSIA! FUCK REGRESSIVE POLICIES ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS! FUCK RACIST POLICING! AND GERRYMANDERING! FUCK GREED! AND BILLIONAIRE’S SPACE PROGRAMS! THE WORLD IS MELTING! AND AND AND....Oh look, a perfect spot, right out front, just for me!
Crushcade Blast IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
Fucking beer. It’s so 2010s. And 2000s. 1990s also. But right now, in the 2020s, it’s pretty much DOA. Industry nerds are all like “Beer data declining equals numbers bad!” And you wanna know why? BC HARD SELTZER NO DUHS. It’s like carbonated water, but with alcohol and other flavors that taste like fruits! CRISPY! SNAPPY! REFRESHING! CHEMICALS! And so, we set out on a journey to follow this hot trend, because that’s what we’ve always done. Give the people what they want! Even if it’s the lowest common denominator! For our version, we wanted to go with a bright & zesty citrus forward profile - like LEMON, LIME, & TANGERINE….but we hit our first roadblock. We didn’t have any buckets of these flavors! And it was cold outside, so we didn’t feel like walking down to Pike Market to pick up ACTUAL lemons, limes, and tangerines. So we used what we had available to us - and incorporated a blend of Citra, Comet, Motueka, Triumph, and Cascade Cryo hops. As for the alcohol, we needed to make sugar water and again, the source was right in front of our faces - why not use some malt!? So we did. And lastly, for body & texture, we added some salts and white wheat because we lacked sodium citrate or potassium sorbate. It is what it is! ANYWAYS, today, we PROUDLY present to you, the newest offering of the HOTTEST international trend…wait….FUCK. We just made another IPA again, didn’t we?
That’s So Metaverse IPA
IPA|6.7%|63 IBU
Right now, you could be drinking this beer. At a bar or in your home or outside somewhere, possibly with a view!? And you’d smell and taste an amazing combination of Simcoe grown in the Yakima and Willamette Valley & Nelson Sauvin hops grown on the other side of the world. But SOMEDAY, when this beer no longer exists, you could still revisit it, along with that time and place, in CYBERSPACE. Because real life is slowly merging with a digital world, a new space out on another axis of reality, where infrastructure and holograms and experiences occur simultaneously with the physical world, but in a concurrent dimension, in a virtual interface, as lines blur between the two realms, existence is questionable, resistance is futile, this is the future, the billionaires have spoken, the planet is broken, a frontier at your fingertips while your fingers are in a bag of chips, Mmmm chips, this description has gotten away from us, so we’ll see you out there, in there, wherever that may be…
Dorty Work
Export Lager|5.6%|30 IBU
Hold onto your lederhosen you little lager heads! We've got work to drink! Dorty Work, to be precise. Our Dortmunder/Export - esque pale lager! [sidebar: if you’ve never heard of this style, or tried one before, it’s not your fault! We’ll simplify it for you - it’s kind of a hoppy Helles or more bitter Wiesn. Still lost? You’re not alone. Ok, it’s a lightish, slightly malty, gently hoppy, balanced & crisp crusher. Um, it’s like a touch more flavorful beer flavored beer. YOU KNOW BEER? YES! OK WELL THIS IS IT. Cool. I think we’re still technically in a sidebar so we’re gonna finagle our way out of it now.] This beer was brewed with Weyermann Pilsner & Vienna malt, hopped with Magnum, Mitteflruh, Tettnang from Deutschland, and is built for your consumption! Prost!
Same Ghost Every Night IPA
Forever haunted.
IPA|7.2%|60 IBU
We keep our heads down quite a bit, as we grind out new IPA recipes every other week. But every once in a while, we look up and take a step back - sometimes, to find we’ve been walking in circles on the same track. The last time we brewed this recipe, it was just before the pandemic hit, and it was well received despite the impending global upheaval. A simple base of Rahr 2 row - and a citrus driven hop combination of Citra, Amarillo, Hop 522 & NZ Cascade. There’s zesty nuance and delicious layers of juicy essence, some dark fruit, as well as a little bit of dankness you’ve grown accustomed to - yet still, this beer is hauntingly recognizable. Sometimes you need to go walking, just to find, your own breath.
Forever haunted.
Zappa Dappa Do IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
You know, hops have been used almost exclusively for brewing purposes for roughly 1,200 years - BUT they’ve likely been around for as long as the earth has. Like, when dinosaurs were around - so were wild hops. Isn’t that some crazy shit? And while the majority of modern hops have been selected and bred to our desired usage - there’s a couple available to us that are essentially wild, found & cultivated by Todd Bates in New Mexico, the guru of wild hops. One of those ones? Well, it’s in this beer. Zappa is grown at CLS Farms in Moxee, and growing/picking/drying it is a labor of (intensive) love. It doesn’t want to trellis, it continuously flowers & cones, and the timing of maturity is much of mystery. It’s flavors are intense and often clash with others - which is why we paired it with Citra in this recipe - because Citra plays nice with others. The end result is juicy and complex - we get tangerine, white pineapple, fresh cut fir, & mango salsa. Warning: If you happen to pair this beer with fish tacos, you will drink and eat too much of each.
Cold IPA|6.4%|65 IBU
Geez, Kevin Davey at Wayfinder Beer might have really started something with the whole Cold IPA thing. Look what he did, that little jerk. Brewer’s all over the country are making them, it’s like a disease. But a delicious one. So, we sat down in our home, alone, to write a recipe. This is it. Don’t get scared now. We put together a hop bill of Warrior Extract, Mosaic, Simcoe, Cascade, & Citra, which turned out to be, what the French say, Le Délicieuse. So, go ahead, eat junk food and watch rubbish and crush this beer. Nobody is going to come out and stop you. You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more? The answer is obviously thirsty for more...
Whichever You Prefer IPA
IPA|6.6%|58 IBU
Breathe in for hops, Breathe in so deepThis can is blessed, you share with meThis week is wild, so calm and dullThese hops they race, no self controlOur blend is smooth, as they graze bines, we’re brewing fine, we’re brewing nothing at all……actually, we’re brewing an IPA. And we emotionally overcompensated our hop bill with Idaho 7, Amarillo, Citra & Talus for to fill or burst, break or bury, trade for jewelry, whichever you prefer.HANDS DOWN THIS IS THE BEST BEER WE CAN EVER REMEMBER…
Who’s In Charge Here?
DIPA|7.8%|65 IBU
Oh, well wouldn’t YOU like to know. WE HAVE NO CLUE EITHER. But if you find out, we’d like to also have a word with them! Because we’re running around with our heads cut off, trying to keep the ship afloat AND on course, while putting out fires everywhere, while also playing whack-a-mole with one hand and shuffleboard with the other with a third one behind our back, while ALSO trying to remember what we were just about to do, before we were just about say to something… Luckily for you, we managed to find some free time to build this DIPA on a healthy foundation of Rahr 2 Row and Simpsons Golden Naked Oats, and then we hopped the EVERLOVING SHIT OUT OF IT with a newer experimental hop variety called HBC 586, along with a supporting trifecta of Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, so that you can stop everything and have a brief yet intense moment of hoppiness amidst the never-ending chaos that is our lives. Oh wow mmmm…tangerines, and papaya, and red jolly ranchers, and WHAT NOW JESUS!?!
Infinite Time Loop Situation IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
So, this is today. Today is yesterday. And tomorrow is also today. And this IPA? Well it’s hopped with Citra & Mosaic, and then Mosaic & Citra. Both Pellets & Cryo. Over and over again. IN PERPETUITY. It’s like you’ve had this before. But not THIS one, that was another one. And it’s also like you’ll have it again - this very one - right now, a little bit later, further down the road, a road that never ends, that goes on and on. But it’s OK! You know why? Because it tastes FUCKING GLORIOUS. Who doesn’t want a forever of smooth, juicy, citrusy and tropical highs and lows? Nobody. That’s who.
That Funny Feeling IPA
IPA|6.4%|53 IBU
Pandemic storm surge, cancellations, better call your mom Supply side issues, shoulder shrugs, all our malt is gone West Coast Hazy Juicy Thing, something for you all White Wheat, Naked Oats - good for body, softened fall Year end open hop bags, throw them all in, have no fear Loral, Citra, Experimentals, getting mental, it’s only beerMosaic, Galaxy and Cryos, on a spaceship, drop the ballEndless streaming service, Bo Burnham’s beard, the hopping of it all. Hey what can you say, we just had to brew. But it’ll be over soon, you wait.
Once Upon A Party IPA
IPA|6.5%|65 IBU
There once was a time, not long ago, in what feels like a far away place, where people would gather and unwind and celebrate and often partake and occasionally get schmammered and infrequently divulge in TOO much fun, which could lead to a GREAT NIGHT followed by a ROUGH MORNING. Remember high fives and hugging your friends and sharing sips of the SAME beer and talking a little too close so that spit would accidentally fly into each other’s faces and you’d laugh about it aloud as opposed to thinking “YOU MOTHERFUCKER JUST GAVE ME GERMS THAT COULD FUCKING KILL ME!”...Anyways, this beer is to celebrate all the good times we had, all the ok times we still have, and all the better times we’ll have some day…hopefully, soon. ~~~Galaxy, Strata, Amarillo hash, Citra
Birthday Czech
Czech Pilsner|5.5%|43 IBU
This beer is the equivalent of a birthday card from your grandparent that includes a nice cursive note and a $5 bill. It’s simple, it’s timeless, it’s predictable, it’s cute, and it ignores inflation in perpetuity. Like, it was $5 when you were 6 and it was $5 when you were 27. Back then, you could actually buy a toy or pack of baseball cards with $5. But now? Umm. Well, you can at least buy a pint of THIS beer. YEP! That’s RIGHT! It’s going to be $5 on draft at both our spots! Like the good old days! So there’s that! Happy Birthday, Child!
Nom Nom For Us
Fancy Beer|9.2%|48 IBU
Mmm David! This Imperial Stout is just...YUMMO. It was first aged in a Buffalo Trace oak barrel! AND THEN, it was aged on whole Marionberries from Sidhu Farms (Puyallup) and Madagascar Vanilla Beans! Wow. Wow. Wow-ee. YEP. After a few sippies, you won’t even remember your previous life as a socialite/muse/pop star, and most certainly not the lyrics to your hit song...La la lalalala - a little bit of ‘lexis….
(This description will make zero sense if you don’t watch Schitt’s Creek. And if you don’t, you should.)
The CDC Says
Pale|5.7%|45 IBU
The CDC says there are healthy benefits to drinking 1 beer a day.The CDC says having 1-2 beers a day is perfectly normal in times like these.The CDC says NZ Rakua, Citra, & Mosaic Cryo make for a delicious hop combination.The CDC says it’s better to inhale that aroma in short bursts, with your mouth open, to maximize perception.The CDC says as long as you’re using proper glassware, you can have another beer.The CDC says if you drink smaller amounts of multiple beers in a row it’s technically a flight.The CDC says it doesn’t matter how many beers you drink in a day, so long as it’s done in the evening.The CDC says as long as you eat some carbs to soak the alcohol up, it doesn’t count as binge drinking.The CDC says CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!The CDC says FUCK IT, pull your pants down and put that butt funnel straight into your anus bc 2022.
Not A Scientist
Doesn't Matter.
DIPA|8.4%|68 IBU
Back by pandemic demand! It’s crazy to think the first time we brewed this beer was 2019…before a global pandemic would upheave our, and your, entire world. Also, encourage a whole lotta of NON-SCIENTISTS to come out of the woodwork.A second reminder that, we’re no scientist, nor is this beer, but let US tell YOU our completely unfounded opinion based on our myopic, personal experiences and a touch of random, select, unverified information. You should still listen to us (obviously) because we are fortunate enough to have a platform and we feel important and we TALK LOUD sometimes. So, here’s what’s going on with this beer. We made some hopped wort (lots of science did this - like malting and enzymes and isomerization and shit) and then we knocked out onto Mosaic cryogenically frozen powderized hop matter concentrate and saccharomyces cerevisiae so that biotransformation of hoppy stuff would occur while the yeast metabolized maltose, maltotriose, & sucrose while creating new esters and alcohols and stuff. We THEN added some Strata hops - which are this new, genetically unique variety of humulus lupulus developed by actual scientists at Oregon State University. These hops smell like tangerines and passion fruit because of all that crazy science wizardry, which allowed for that specific essential oil & terpine combination to prevail. At the end of the day, all this stuff results in us believing that we are experts in the field of Double IPA making, the greatest style of all the beer styles in the world. Truth.
Doesn't Matter.
Barreling Towards Earth IPA
IPA|6.8%|68 IBU
It started off like any normal Tuesday. Crosby Hop Farm had sent us some 2021 samples of other hop varieties to select, and they threw in an extra bag of their estate grown Comet, which we saved for the end. At first, it seemed like an interesting little blip, notes of citrus & pine with a touch of grass, but nothing out of the ordinary. And then it seemingly opened up, approaching more aggressively with ripe tangerine and lime peel, so much so we had to take a step back. This doesn’t seem like an ordinary lot of comet. And the path it’s taking, a course directly aimed at our domes, is quite concerning to say the least. Should we let our friends know? Should we call our loved ones? Or, just let them brew in blissful ignorance? Whatever our future is, we had to MOVE FAST. Get CROSBY on the line! We need these hops STAT! If we don’t get these hops in this beer RIGHT. NOW. it may never exist. And, all of our customers - our regulars, our family, random people - won’t know what’s coming there way, a FUCKING Comet IPA, that could alter their lives and perceptions, forever.
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
SNOW. IS ON. THE MOUNTAINS! Therefore, you must hit the slopes. It’s quite simple. There are no rules. Just shred, rip, slash, gash, and gnash through that frothy stash. And when you’re finished, assuming you make it out alive - recharge and rehydrate (kinda) with this cruiser of an IPA charged with Simcoe, Mosaic , & Citra, plus a Columbus Cryo kicker and a flurry of Talus - which can be found on tap at the Snorting Elk and both our tasting rooms ALL. WINTER. LONG. That’s right - a draft only seasonal IPA. Like the good ‘ole days. This is Chunderdome.
Change My Mind IPA
IPA|6.9%|63 IBU
Cascade hops are the most important hop variety in the world.The modern American craft brewing industry wouldn’t exist without them.They’ve been grown for almost 50 years!You can use them in pretty much every single beer style.They are recognizable, approachable, and complex.They often exhibit notes of lemon, pine, grapefruit, black tea and fresh flowers.They will outlast us all.Change Your Mind.~~~~~~~41% US Cascade from Tributary Farm41% NZ Cascade from Freestyle Hop Farm10% Citra from Gasseling Ranches8% Cascade Cryo from Tributary FarmRahr 2-Row, Weyermann Pils, Carafoam, Acidulated
Statistically Speaking IPA
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
Of all the hop combinations in our cooler, we’re confident that Mosaic, El Dorado, Azacca, BRU-1 are a never before seen cluster that somehow must have been an exclusive disjunction. You’ve got an interquartile range of pineapple highlights and apricot undertones with gentle, floral outliers and a lingering pithy residual. To round out this actualized, exhaustive observation, we used 3 types of Oats in the malt bill - Simpson GNO, Crisp Naked Oats, & Skagit Black Oats - another velutinous anomaly to the standard deviation. This beer is by no means a conditional antecedent, think of it more as an extrapolation of a self-selected sample variance. And yes, we barely passed statistics in undergrad, but this by no means is a breakdown point. Ok, now go scatterplot!
Clear History…
Throwback Pale|5.8%|57 IBU
You know when you’re browsing the internet and start to feel a little frisky? Oh you know. YEAH YOU DO. Like, you’re just messing around, enjoying a pale ale and your mind starts to wander into what other pale ales are out there and what goes into them and where are they made and how do they do it and when did they become a normal thing. And you’re getting super comfortable and into it and you decide you’re going to make a pale ale, right then and there, so you start to slowly open bags of 2 row and FUCK IT a whole bag of Crystal T-50 and shit’s starting to get HOPPY so you rip open bags of Chinook AND Simcoe AND Centennial and JUST SHOVE YOUR FACE IN THEM AND INHALE ALL THEIR FRUITY AND RESINOUS ODORS AHHHHHHHH THE GLORY OF YAKIMAAAA! And then suddenly, you’re all awkward and are like, was that weird? Maybe we should just keep this to ourselves, and might as well cover our tracks too for good measure, nothing to see here, just a classic NW pale ale for you to enjoy.
Easy Peezy
Modern Pale Ale|6.1%|53 IBU
Sometimes we take a little risk with our pale ales. Mostly, by using a hop we’ve never brewed with before. We kinda do this a lot - use our pales as a proving ground for experimental hop varieties. But every once in a while, it’s nice to just go with a sessionable version of a hop combination we know and love, forever and ever. And this beer is one of the latter. A simple base, with a little Skagit Red & White Wheat for mouthfeel. And then a combination of Citra from Gasseling Ranches and Strata + Strata Hash from Crosby Hop Farm. It’s juicy and fruity and easy and peezy. Mmm. Yummo. No thinkie, just drinkie.
Perfect Attendance IPA
IPA|7.0%|57 IBU
We’ll give you this, Sabro. When we add you to a beer, you are assertively present. Even in small doses. Like this one. You make up 20% of the entire hop bill - which is like, double what we usually do, but there’s still a whole lot of Citra (50%) and Idaho 7 (30%). And while we enjoy your presence - in all your key lime, cedar and beach coconut husk glory - you certainly create a challenge as far as recipe development goes. So much so, you’re kinda annoying. Like, not only do we have to THINK about our total hop bill, but drinkers are catching on and paying attention too. We get it, you’re unique, but please play nice with other hops, especially your elders.
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English Dark Mild|4.1%|30 IBU
Believe it or not, this our THIRD dark mild recipe - i.e. Gen 3, as the kids say. And everytime we make one of these, we can’t help thinking (& drinking) about Bill’s Dark Mild over at Machine House Brewery, 5840 Airport Way S #121, Seattle, WA 98108. That beer is just perfect. It’s rich, roasty and complex, yet unbelievably crushable. Just WOW. So good. And take it from us - we’re experts. So you’re probably wondering, why keep making a version of one if Bill’s is the unattainable pinnacle of the style. Well, for a few reasons. 1. To draw your attention to a style AND a brewery that deserves more love. 2. To show you how much better Bill’s is than ours...that said, we still think ours is top notch for an “IPA Brewer.” 3. Bill doesn’t package any of his beer in cans (just casks, bottles for $6 and 4l boxes for $35), so we can at least offer you an additional benefit of convenience. 4. To coerce Bill into an awkward photoshoot. 5. There’s plenty of space to Dark Mild. If you drink it, and tell your friends, more will show up. #mildmovement
Please Hold For The Next Available Representative
DIPA|8.3%|62 IBU
Hello. Your call is important to us. Please hold for the next available representative. If you know your party’s extension, please press it at any time. Listen carefully as our menu options have changed. To add Rahr 2 Row, press “1”. To add a splash of Skagit white wheat, please press “2”. To add Citra, press “3”. To add Galaxy, press “4”. To add Vic Secret, press “5”. To add Imperial Corporate Ale yeast, press “6.” To hear the options again, press “*” or stay on the line. We’re sorry, we can’t understand the screaming tropical deliciousness spewing into the receiver. If you need assistance, please finish the beer in your mouth before talking and stay on the line. Goodbye.
Watch Til The End IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
Oh hey you whatcha’ scrolling? You on the Tok? Cool. Us too. We Tik the shit out of the interweb all day, every day. It’s kinda a passion - like you can find anything on there, and it’s all like 5 seconds long, and some of these things make you laugh and some make you cry and some are boring and some are weird...BUT OUR FAVE VIDS ARE THE ONES WITH THE TWIST ENDING. Like, this brewery is making an IPA and talking about the hops they use in it and it’s like Citra (YEAHHH!) and Mosaic (THE BEST.) and then they drop a bomb on you with Columbus Cryo. COLUMBUS?! WTF BRO?! My Dad doesn’ even think that shit is cool (he’s #teamcentennial btw) so then you start wondering if you’re being played and the jokes on you. But then, it’s actually not, because this old OG dank hop in modern form is actually LEGIT. Like, blood orange flesh meets sappy, sticky pine resin that’ll just leave you shook, thinking about life and heavy stuff, for like 5 seconds, and then on we go, down the wormhole, more content please!
Circle Yes Or No IPA
IPA|6.6%|65 IBU
Ok, drinker. We’ve been brewing with HBC Hop 630 going on 5 years now, and it’s been feathered in quite a few of our beers. It’s also been featured in our friend’s beers from around the country - like Bale Breaker, Fremont, Cellarmaker, Trillium, Cerebral, Odell & Pinthouse, to name a few. But, ultimately, YOU will decide the trajectory and fate of this hop. So, this time around, we added Strata & Mosaic to the party, over a softened mash thanks to Skagit Red Wheat, Skagit White Wheat, and Crisp Naked Oats. The end result is tangerine, rainier cherry, white grapefruit and anticipation for you to give us our note back.
Tell Me More
Experimental Pale Ale|6.0%|52 IBU
During the deluge of wet hops, we were made aware of a cool new hop in the experimental pipeline - ADHA 218. And we were like - WOAH! COOL! CAN WE HAZ?! WAIT. NO ROOM IN TANKS. BUT PLEASE GIVE. - because that’s how our minds compute new variables during the chaos of harvest. BUT, we were hella curious and lined up a box from Roy Farms to save for later. Well guess what?! LATER IS NOW. And this hop is pretty crazy!! There’s so much tropical fruit that it’s reminiscent of drinking a fruity cocktail on a sunny beach. Which we all need. LIKE RIGHT NOW. But we can’t. So we won’t. But this beer will suffice in the interim.
‘Tis The Damn Season
Tis Out of Season.
Hoppy Red Ale|6.4%|45 IBU
Oh, November in Seattle. With rain and the cold, comes anticipation and celebration. But what happens when you can’t find it? We could call it even, and you can drink this beer for the weekend. Tis the damn season, write this down. We’re brewing in a malty ‘house, and the red not taken looks real good now. Pine flies, hoppy like the bite from the old times. Now we’re missing old times, hear us out. We could just ride around and drink northwest red ale hopped with Chinook & Simcoe all damn year. Why don’t we do that? WHY CAN’T WE JUST HAVE THIS ONE THING ALL YEAR ROUND. If it’s ok with you, it’s ok with us. And Taylor Swift.
Tis Out of Season.
Brontosaurus Supernova IPA
IPA|6.5%|50 IBU
We first brewed this beer for Beer Junction’s 6th Anniversary back in 2016. It was an IPA with dinosaurs and supernovas and space and hops and other great amazing things that make beer! It was also about supporting a small business with exceptional practices, offering fresh beer to the tight knit West Seattle community. The beer was a hit! And we said we’d never brew it again! But in 2019, word got around that Morgan was battling Multiple Myeloma and after a couple conversations, we agreed to bring this beer back, so long as the profits would go to Fred Hutch earmarked for MM research. Shortly after our last exchange, Morgan passed away. The pandemic was taking off and we were forced to table the beer once more, until we could celebrate Morgan - which is NOW! Like, TODAY! In the interim, our friends at Skagit Valley Malt got wind of a great cause and donated the malt. As for hops, it’s the same bill as before - GALAXY (duh), CITRA, MOSAIC, SIMCOE and MANDARINA. On that note, a cheers to you Morgan - Here’s to good people gone too soon, here’s to hope and faith in scientific research, and here’s to keeping promises to friends, past and present. And to dinosaurs, in space, wearing spacesuits, shooting lasers.
Even More So IPA
IPA|7.5%|73 IBU
We’ve seen the pendulum swing back and forth on IPA preferences for DECADES. That’s how old we are. And it’s also why our IPAs often pick and choose from several IPA substyles, a hybrid of sorts. But this one, we went full send on a WEST COAST rendition. How WC? Very West. Like, go West, and when you get there, go FURTHER. Even more so. Why? Because this beer is LOADED with Simcoe, Mosaic, & Citra hops. And it’s kinda clear. And it’s pretty bitter. But it all works out. Some think West Coast IPA is Dead. We think not.
Put Away Wet
Wet Hop IPA|6.5%|65 IBU
Our final wet hop brew of the season! We did 11 beers, 17 turns, which was ~250 total barrels. Plus, 3 more collab brews away from home. We drove 2,372 miles on 13 trips to 9 farms for 11 total varieties, back and forth, forever. We ate 43 tacos, 14 burritos, and a few tortas and tamales to boot. Also 1 quesadilla. Not gonna lie, we’re pretty tired. But that pales in comparison to the farmers, farmhands, agronomists, process operators, warehousers, & countless others that worked everyday, on long shifts, for 40 days straight. So let’s give it up to the people in hops, as none of these amazing beers would be possible without them! It’s been one helluva harvest, and we’re going out hard with 23#/bbl of Talus from Perrault Farms that results in an explosion of bright, tropical and citrus notes all the way through. It doesn’t get any wetter than this!
Wet Blanket
Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|65 IBU
A lot of people say “Nobody likes a wet blanket”...Well, we’re here to look those people in the eyes and say “How UNTRUE!” Because LOTS of people will like this Wet Blanket. It’s loaded with 20#/bbl of Yakima’s finest Cashmere, grown by Cornerstone Ranches. It’s complex, it’s soft, it’s deep, it’s chewy, it’s fruity, it’s WET. You’ll want to get all wrapped up notes of blackberry, blood orange, pine needles & kelp. Get cozy, pour yourself a wet blanket, and ENJOY it.
Wetness Protection Program
Try and find it. You can't.
Wet Hop IPA|6.4%|65 IBU
Look, we’re no angels nor is this Mosaic. We’ve both done some shit. And we’ve definitely SEEN a whole lotta shit. Too much shit. So much shit that we both think it’s time to lay low and get off the grid. We’re gonna stop using the word “shit” now. Because this beer is definitely not shit. It is THE shit. Dammit, ok that was the last one! Before we go hide away until next harvest, this lot of Wet Mosaic from Perrault Farms is so ridiculously insane - candied pineapple, wisp of passionfruit, hint of blueberry, touch of tangerines - that we know you’ll be remembering it for years to come. Just don’t remember it TOO hard - we don’t want to cause no trouble.
Try and find it. You can't.
Wet Is As Wet Does
Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|65 IBU
Some might think of Chinook as a simple hop. An afterthought. #oldnews Like, it HAS been around since 1985. But if you’ve been paying attention, some of your favorite brewers have been sprinkling it in your IPAs and Pales and Stouts and Reds - forever, every year, and more and more these days. In fact, some of the most award winning IPAs in our region have substantial amounts of Chinook in them - ever heard of Bodhi? How about Breakside IPA? Pizza Port? Pfriem IPA? What about us? You’ve heard of us, right? So yeah, it’s kinda a big deal. And this lot from Roy Farms in Moxee has all those classic notes of grapefruit and pine - but also pineapple & spruce, characteristics often observed specifically in Roy Farm’s lots. Don’t underestimate this old timer - its staying power and prominence in PNW beer will keep it around for years to come. Papa always said, “wet is as wet does."
Wet Brurrito
Wet Hop IPA|6.9%|59 IBU
This freshie is ALL about those Brulotte Farms Extra Verde BRU-1 hops. Grown in partnership with Haas, BRU-1 hops are fairly new to the scene and are starting to gain some traction thanks to big notes of pineapples & nectarines with a little peppery spiciness to boot. Not unlike some fruity/spicy salsa you might find at one of the many amazing taco trucks and spots around the Yakima Valley. MMM TACOS. Oh yeah also MMM WET HOPS.
As God Is My Wetness
Wet Hop IPA|6.7%|64 IBU
Green on Fort Road
Wet Hop Pale|5.8%|50 IBU
ALL ABOARD THE FORT ROAD EXPRESS!! First stop: Green Acres Farm, where we’ll be picking up 100# of fresh Cascade. Then, we pass VGF (wave everybody!) as we head to Joe Champoux Farms for 50# of mystery hops. What variety are they? Nobody knows! There was a mix up at the nursery! But they smell nice and fruity! Ok, onto the last stop at Cornerstone Ranches for 150# of extra piney Simcoe. Give Danessa and Graham a high five, and now we head back to the city to cram all these greenies into a sessionable Pale Ale base recipe! CHOO CHOO!
An Uplifting Work of Staggering Wetness
Wet Hop IPA|6.5%|65 IBU
This freshie is all about overcoming a series of unpredictable events. The original farm we planned to grab the Simcoe from was on pause, dealing with the results of a rainstorm. This led us to sourcing Simcoe elsewhere - a necessity that had to be done swiftly, considerately, and concertedly. Loftus Ranches came through in the pinch with 500# of first picks - a welcome relief. But that following brewday, a part failed on our kettle burner mid usage. Fortunately, we had ordered a spare part the week before - on a hunch, no less! After an emotional and timely repair, we persevered through the brew day, to a victorious result. What does victory taste like? It tastes like ruby red grapefruit, fir tips, tangerine peel, and grass clippings. When the going gets wet, the wet gets wetting even more so.
Green Is My Favorite Color
Wet Hop IPA|6.0%|60 IBU
It’s true. Green IS our favorite color. It’s just so versatile. It can be bright, it can be light, it can be dark, it can be camouflage, it can be neon, it can be almost grey or brown but not really, or it can be unquestionably...green. Where are we going with this...nobody knows. Amarillo is Spanish for “yellow” though. And, yellow and green are pretty close in color. AND, this beer was brewed with GREEN AMARILLOS from Virgil Gamache Farms to the tune of 18# per barrel - pretty crazy, huh? So here it is - in all it’s fresh and wet and dank and citrus glory.
It’ll All Be Oatay
Oatmeal Stout|5.0%|40 IBU
We know hop harvest is quite the distraction (at least it is for us!) but when we pick our heads up, the world still seems quite insane - the delta variant, hurricanes, wildfires, Florida being horrible, Texas being WORSE…UGHHH. BUT! MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Things are going to work out? Like this is the part of the real life movie where you hit rock bottom and the world is about to crumble but then the good guys persevere and start kicking ass, make positive strides, solve some problems, and live on happily ever after? We hope?! RIGHT? Um, what else. This beer! Let’s talk about it for a second. Honestly, it’s pretty straightforward and downright delightful. Some roasty aromas, a silky body, a chocolatey finish, a sessionable abv....it’s here for you, a rich and comfy beverage, with a positive outlook on the future.
A Little Space
Pale|5.8%|57 IBU
Hey. Look at us. Right in the eyes. No blinking. Ok. This beer. Read the name. Got it? Ok, and then here’s the hop bill - Chinook, Galaxy, Citra, & Amarillo. Sound familiar? And then a malt bill of ⅔ 2 row and ⅓ Castle Pale. Is this adding up? But then, a toned down gravity - resulting in a “little” version. Get it? A LITTLE SPACE….DUST?! OHHHH SNAP! WE GOT YOU!! DON’T SLEEP ON US GOLIATH, YOU FUCKING CORPORATE MONSTER. WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER. WE WILL ALWAYS COME AT YOU. WE WILL ALWAYS FUCK AB-INBEV.
No Recess IPA
IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
We last brewed this beer in 2017!? That’s madness. The original description still holds true - we’ve STILL been working around the clock for what seems like forever to keep Cloudburst moving forward - from tasting room procedures to canning lines - but our lack of recess is to your benefit. We brought back this NW IPA loaded with Chinook, Citra, Amarillo & Centennial for a welcome break from the grind.
Mosaicin’ My Day!
DIPA|8.0%|65 IBU
Once, maybe twice, we brewed this “single” hop Mosaic IPA called “Mosaicin’ Me Crazy”. It was a bright, multi-dimensional expression of one of the best American IPA hops in existence (and, was a rejected Holy Mountain beer name that we picked up off the cutting ‘doom’ floor and put to good use). ANYWAYS - this is basically an imperial version of that - 5 unique lots of Mosaic from 4+ farms from 3 total harvests in 2 types of pellets. The end result is loaded with notes of ripe pineapple, tangerines, and passion fruit that will have you saying MO’ PLEASE!
Grainyard Graveyard IPA
IPA|6.6%|52 IBU
You know when that one wildcard friend goes up to a soda fountain in a taco bell and puts a splash of everything in their 24oz cup? We call that a “graveyard”. And we kinda did that with our malt bill on this beer. Like, we added 2 row, and Pils malt, and white wheat, and red wheat, and naked oats, and flaked barley, and flaked rye and carafoam and And ANDDDDDD maybe we got carried away. But it was fun at the time. And it tastes fun today - with layers of depth and body. To make it palatable, we hopped it with some NZ Cascade, Mosaic, & Citra to give it reliable, yummy notes of tropical fruit and citrus. So go ahead - push all the buttons!
And Another One IPA
IPA|6.8%|57 IBU
Experimental Pale Ale|6.2%|45 IBU
We all know James Bond is Agent 007….but what about 008? Apparently, they call him Bill? Is he as cool as James? Is he a nerd and only deals with cyber criminals and crypto theft? What about rogue experimental breeding of agricultural triploid genomic species? We don’t know. But we do know that this new HRC experimental hop variety also known as 008 is grown at Crosby Farm. And it exhibits notes of nectarine, lime flesh, & lemongrass, which should mean it will live on, and expand its reach, and may someday be seen throughout the public market. So it's got that going for it.
Bad With Directions IPA
IPA|6.7%|65 IBU
It starts at point A. Yep, that’s the starting point - a light grain bill of 2-row cut with some pilsner malt. Add water, a couple turns here and there, yada yada yada and you’ll reach a 5 way intersection of hops. Every choice looks familiar and well-traveled - Chinook, Centennial, Amarillo, Cascade, & Simcoe - but you can’t really go wrong with classic, seasoned options. At some point, pick up some yeast along the way at that place, and cruise on out with notes of prickly pine needles, grapefruit rind, tangerines and a dry finish with a brisk snap.
Wide Load
DIPA|8.1%|58 IBU
HONK HOOONK! This DIPA doesn’t like to share the road! Y’all better be ready to take the expressway to FLAVORTOWN with a procession of three Nelson Sauvin lots all lined up, plus a little Citra for overdrive. We used such a heavy hand that we’re going to have to cruise under the speed limit! Yield to large notes of passionfruit, gooseberry, lychee and a little bit of diesel fuel & burnt rubber for good measure (#lifeontheroad). And we’ll keep the hazards flashing because the ABV is a sneaky one. If you hammer down, be careful, or you’ll be riding the cradle! Ok, Bandit. We gotta bear rolling discos up ahead. Can we get a BIG 10-4?! Over and Out.
Jesus Take The Wheel IPA
IPA|6.9%|55 IBU
Umm, so...this is where we’re at right now. It’s been a long ride throughout this pandemic, and a couple months ago it felt *almost* normal but here we are, asking people to wear masks again and checking vaccination cards to keep the people inside our space as safe and healthy as possible. And while over 80% of Seattlites have gotten vaccinated (WHICH IS AWESOME), there’s still a portion of this country (who are traveling?! To HERE!? WHY.) that come up with some illogical/selfish/misinformed/conspiratorial/uneducated reasoning to not get the vaccine. [If you are one of those aforementioned people, and reading this rn, your money is probably better spent elsewhere, like at a business that shares your “beliefs”...] ANYWAYS it is almost like, maybe we should start to believe in God, or something? No no, that’s not where we’re going with this. But it’d be cool if SOMEBODY could take this virus from our hands and make it go away. We really want to let go. And let loose. And bring this delicious IPA brewed with Motueka, Citra, & Comet hops to a party, and not stress out about everything and just get lost in meaningful conversation while inhaling notes of mandarin oranges, meyer lemon, & lime leaf jumping out of the glass and laughing at a joke Dave made, because Dave is FUNNY and always there for us, and wait, maybe Dave can take the wheel?
One In Eight
Hoppy Summer Ale|5.2%|40 IBU
We started One in Eight FOUR harvests ago with CLS Farms. Shelley (who owns/runs the farm with her husband Eric) was battling a second round of breast cancer, which coincided with Steve’s mom undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer at the same time. Since then, CLS Farms has run with this beer as an annual fundraiser for the Wellness House of Yakima, who provide housing, resources and services to women in need that are fighting cancer. This year Yakima Valley Hops and Skagit Valley Malt joined the effort as well - and we’re using a new hop variety - Idaho Gem! Over a blend of Skagit Valley Fritz Pale, Fritz Pils, & Munich malt, the end result is an easy drinking beer perfect for those long, hot summer nights.For this beer, we collab’d with Icicle Brewing out of Leavenworth (Founder Pam is also a survivor) and since everyone involved donated their time and ingredients, 100% OF ALL PROFITS MADE FROM THIS BEER will be donated to the Yakima Wellness House. FUCK CANCER!For more information, visit https://1in8.co/ and https://wellness-house.org
Splitting Hairs IPA
IPA|6.6%|50 IBU
To some, an IPA can be practically anything - like a beer with fruit and/or lactose and/or lactic acid and/or Kellogg’s fruit loops - so long as hops are in there somewhere. This beer is NOT referring to those types of “IPA”. This is more referring to the comparative minutiae between IPAs and Strong American Pales - which has quite the overlap in style guidelines. And we don’t want to bore you with all those specifications, but let’s just say this beer is firmly in the gray area. We added a splash of Simpsons Golden Naked Oats to the grain bill, and heavily hopped it with our favorite lots of Mosaic, Amarillo, Citra, Chinook. It’s fruit first, pine second, wisp of dankness with a perceptible bitterness and dry finish and ever so slightly lower abv that will have you not caring so much about styles...or weird phrases from the 15th century....HOW DO YOU EVEN SPLIT A HAIR? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. FUCK IT!
I Just Saved Money On My Car Insurance
Pale|5.9%|45 IBU
Did you know - a hop combination of Mosaic, Strata, Galaxy, & Citra will result in a delightful expression of passion fruit, pineapple, and apricot? And, if brewed over a base of 2 row with a splash of wheat & naked oats, it will result in a smooth and soft mouthfeel? And, if using our house yeast, it will still result in a quenching, dry finish? You did? Well kudos to you. We were busy watching commercials during the entire brew, and sometimes it just works out.
Street Lights, People IPA
IPA|6.9%|55 IBU
This last month has been nutso! Restrictions lifted, 100% occupancy, everybody out and about, flying Delta, transmitting Delta, the WHO saying one thing, the CDC....HELLO?! CDC! WHERE YOU AT?! - packed bars, house parties, drunk karaoke...so to celebrate (?) we brewed a recipe with commingling base malts (2 row, Pilsner, & Maris Otter) and hopped this ditty with El Dorado, Vic Secret, & Citra. Initially, we felt like this may be an unlikely hop combination - like the smell of wine and cheap perfume - but nope! Tangerines, Apricot, and White Grapefruit go on and on and on and on. It’s just a nice reminder to not stop believing (in normalcy), and hold on to that feeling (of being safe & healthy) because cases are on the rise and shit is going to be weird. So walk on down that boulevard. We’ll meet you halfway.
Dry-Hopped Pilsner|5.8%|50 IBU
This is not our beer. Yes - we brewed it, fermented it, hopped it, carbed it, packaged it, and tasted it. But all in accordance to our LA friends at Highland Park Beer - who won a GABF Gold Medal in 2019 for this exact recipe. Timbo has had a cult following from the get go - it’s intensely hoppy (mostly Mosaic, some Citra, some Hallertau Blanc, and a little Saphir), impeccably balanced, and dangerously crushable. This year, HPB is doing a Timbo week from 7/16-7/23 - and since their distro is mostly LA county, they asked a few of us to make it in our home markets. And so, here it is, in all its glory.
Keller Munich Helles|5.2%|28 IBU
Dieses Bier ist ein traditionelles Helles-Rezept. JEDOCH, ist es auch ungefiltert und ungeschönt - was ihm ein trübes Aussehen und ein weicheres Mundgefühl verleiht. Viele Deutsche würden denken: “Das ist nicht richtig! Es ist nicht fertig! Ansonsten MUSS es kristallklar sein!“ Und zu ihnen sagen wir “Sorry!!“ Und wenn wir schon dabei sind: Regenschirm nicht vergessen! Und wir lieben Pfannkuchen!TL; NFIG - This deliciously soft & floral Helles is intentionally hazy - apologies to the traditionalists.
Mistakes Were Made
Smoked Dark Lager|5.3%|32 IBU
When we think about lagers, in the general sense, what do we want?
We want something drinkable, sessionable if you will, with a lower abv. We want something clean, with subtle nuances and complexity, multiple layers of flavors slowly coming to light the more we sip it. And we want a snappy hop presence. And a SMOOTH mid palate. And A DRY FINISH! (Preach.) It’s gotta be CRISPY! (YES!) AND... AND GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE (Umm.) AND CARAMELIZED RAISINS (What.) CAMPFIRE SMOKE!!!!! (Please Stop.)
The resulting beer is all of the above - a unique, summertime lager that tastes dark but drinks light. Is it a mistake to release a smoke beer coming off one of the hottest weeks in history? Maybe..but we’re proud of it all the same! #noregrets
From The Brew Deck IPA
IPA|6.8%|65 IBU
Hello, this is your brewer speaking. This brew day will be roughly 7 hrs and 38 minutes. It should be pretty smooth, but keep your boots on in the event of light trubulence (get it?! TRUB!). Our team today consists of Mosaic and Amarillo in the front, along with Sabro and Citra in the main cabin. They will be at your service once we reach a rolling boil and are happy to assist all the way to dry hop. The flavors at your destination will be pineapple, tangelo, key lime, and mango with a local time of happy hour. Lastly, from the bottom of our pints, we’d like to thank you for drinking Cloudburst. We know you have other options when choosing your IPA, and we appreciate you drinking this one.
You’ve Got Pale!
Pale|5.9%|45 IBU
This idea for this beer was inspired by a box of beer. But not just any old box, filled with uninspiring or anonymous beers. This box contained world class hops brewed by our friends at Cellarmaker (SF), Highland Park (LA), Green Cheek (Orange) & Pinthouse (Austin) that was packed & shipped between our breweries throughout 2020. As one thing led to another, we thought it would be fun to brew a beer together. But not just any old beer - this one had to be magical. So we all started with a West Coast Hazy Pale recipe aka “Cellarmaker-Style Pale” base - keeping the malt bill, pH adjustments, & neutral fermentation profile the same between the 5 breweries. For hops - we limited ourselves to 3 total varieties each: 1 old school variety, 1 new school variety, and Citra. The old school & new school varieties were blindly drawn out of hat for each brewery, and could only be used by one of us. We ended up with Simcoe (old school) & Talus (new school), which resulted in big notes of rugby red grapefruit, tangerine, passion fruit & pine. The other versions of this beer will be out in local markets this week as well - so feel free to try and trade some beer, via your own beer box, to collect them all!
Relative Fiction
Brett Pils|5.0%|27 IBU
Our first beer out of our Shilshole location is here to set the tone of what the future beholds! In talking with our wild beer making friends, we found that starting with a basic intention for these beers was important. So, what is our intention? Well, to make approachable, simple beers in Stainless Steel that showcase Brettanomyces while remaining true to their core style. So for this beer, we started with a soft, floral leaning German Pilsner base that we co-fermented with Brett Brux & Brett Claus in addition to our German Lager yeast. Over the course of 6 months, we watched the subtleties and complexities from the Brett slowly present themselves - resulting in aromatics of overripe pineapple, barnyard, sweaty funk - but underneath it all, is still an easy drinking base beer you can keep coming back to.
Maximize Profits IPA
IPA|6.9%|53 IBU
If you know us, like REALLY know us, then you know we’re all about that bottom line. #CASHRULESEVERYTHINGAROUNDUS We eat, sleep, dream, live BUSINESS STUFF. How do we make money? Spend money. With efficiency. And then manipulate the market. While value adding. And thinking about synergy, alignment, and bandwidth to move the needle. Sometimes we take a deep dive, and then deep dive within a deep dive to go deeper diving. While constantly lowering our overhead and COGS but raising our OPEX, ROI, EBITDA retaining Motivation. Hunger. Thirst. Raising the Bar. Also - Forecast, Forecast, Forecast. Do another Forecast for core competency sake. And after all that, you keep producing widgets, like beer, and add three diversified portfolio lots of Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand while feathering in some Citra to tax harvest and we churn it out like diamond hands for you to enjoy because money never sleeps, and our IPAs don’t either.
Roll Credits
DIPA|8.2%|68 IBU
Cast, in order of appearance
Base Malt 1…….Rahr 2 Row
Base Malt 2……Weyermann Pilsner
Other Malt……. Weyermann Carafoam
Primary Hop……..Mosaic Pellets
Secondary Hop…….Citra Pellets
Other Hop…….Idaho 7 Pellets
Directed By
Steve & Zach
Produced By
Imperial Corporate A30 Yeast
Miley Cyrus
Adapted Screenplay
Downstream Editing
Mosaic Cryo
Idaho 7 Cryo
Special Effects
Helget Gas
Codi Canning Line
Packaging Ops
Leanne & Madi
Key Grips
Special Assistant
Dump Truck
Refracted Light IPA
Be Proud
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
Hey!It’s June! Which means it’s time to fly our beautiful big rainbow flag and celebrate PRIDE! (ps - it’s always time to do this, as well as advocate for our LQBTQIA+ community.) This year, we’ll be donating 10% of tasting room sales from this IPA to Gay City, a Cap Hill based, community driven organization that hosts a wide array of programs, services, & events - from free HIV testing & healthcare options, to fostering queer arts & culture, to supporting youth education. To help the spread the word about Gay City, we brewed a deliciously diverse IPA with Amarillo, Citra, Comet, Loral & Cascade hops. For more info, visit www.gaycity.org
Be Proud
Two For The Show
Three...is uh.....AND FOUR TO GO!
Pale|6.0%|40 IBU
They say that it’s one to get ready. And, sure, that makes sense. If getting ready isn’t the first thing you do before...whatever it is that you do, then you’ll probably have a tough start. But since this beer is already ready, we’d like to talk about the two hops in it - the “stars of the show,” if you will. GALAXY and SIMCOE. Both of these beauties can hold their own - but when their forces combine?! You get tropical highlights with citrusy & resinous undertones, which equals MONEY. Wait, it’s one for the money?! And THREE to get ready?! Well now, that makes no sense. Ok, um, time to GO!
Three...is uh.....AND FOUR TO GO!
Traditional Czech Pilsner|5.4%|50 IBU
Kouzlo means charm. As in “third times the charm!” but that entire phrase in Czech is a helluva mouthful. Still, it’s significant because this is our third Czech Pils recipe we’ve brewed, tweaking it ever so slightly each time, on a never ending journey to flavor match the memory of drinking a fresh pour from Pivovar Matuska, while sitting in a beer garden in Prague. This time - we upped the bitterness and dried it out a little more. Per custom, we used Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pils and hopped it with a bag of Saaz Special that Adam gave us, along with more regular Czech Saaz. Na zdraví! (pronounced: Naz-Drah-vee… it means “CHEERS!”... obviously.)
Stories From Now IPA
IPA|7.1%|65 IBU
You know how we always talk about stories of the past? Like last year, or like pre-pandemic, or like back in the day? We know - it’s fun to reminisce! But also, it’s important to make some fresh memories - like right now - because those stories were back then and this beer wasn't there for it. And we want you to remember this beer - in real time! We used Citra (duh), a relatable hop you have lots of positive memories of, along with Talus (Hop 692), a new hop you totally need more memories of. We also threw in a splash of Skagit White Wheat to round out all of those beautiful citrusy and tropical notes, dancing around, splashing in your mouth, laughing HAHA as the sun recedes from sight, and the beer realizes that this it’s last story ever because it’s about to be digested. Damn, that got dark...
Called To The Light
German-Style Pilsner|5.0%|45 IBU
As Dan Boeckner is one to say “...some ghosts sink, some get called to the light…”
And as ghosts, er brewers, we can totally relate - being drawn to the light beer that is PILSNER. Its origins, its designs, its techniques, its hopping rates, and its fermentation regiment and everything in between - we want to know more, we want to brew more, we want to drink more. In this iteration, we used a simple base of Weyermann Pilsner Malt, our house German lager strain (3470), and hopped it with a German blend Magnum, Tettnang, Saaz & Mittelfruh. “You know our hearts beat time out very slowly” he says. Ahh Pshyeahh...just like pilsners, Dan!
Wreck My Plans
Can Confirm - Plans Were Wrecked.
DIPA|8.5%|65 IBU
In a year (and a half) of ever changing plans, zero predictions, adjusted schedules, and projects placed on hold - are we finally getting back to *some* semblance of normalcy?! WE THINK MAYBE! This smooth & tropical DIPA will keep you on track with a blend of Citra, Mosaic, Comet, Cascade & a little blend of other experimentals. It’s a cautiously optimistic ode to responsible members of society! Unless you have too many, because you got excited seeing the vaccination numbers of Seattle humans make the push towards herd immunity. In that case, your plans that evening and/or morning after might have to be modified. But you get the gist!
Can Confirm - Plans Were Wrecked.
Watch Me Unravel IPA
IPA|7.0%|60 IBU
YEP! Another Cashmere driven beer which means….MORE WEEZER SWEATER SONG REFERENCES. While this beer is mostly Cashmere we sourced from two farms (Cornerstone Ranches and Gooding Farms), we sprinkled in some Nelson Sauvin from Freestyle Farms and Strata from Coleman Farms to really amplify those baselines of black currant, gooseberry, white grapefruit, and lilac. Woaha woaha woahhh. If you want to destroy this Cashmere (beer), hold these hops as we brew away. (After a long brew day) Lying on the floor-or, we’ve come undoooooooooone...again.
Gem Tones
Pale|5.9%|40 IBU
Ooo la la. A new-to-us hop variety! We first heard about Idaho Gem a couple years back, but we didn’t get to rub any until last harvest. At the time, it smelled pleasant enough that we snagged some. We used lots from Gooding Farm in Parma, Idaho & CLS Farms in Moxee, WA. Per usual, we cut it with a little Citra - but this beer is 80% Idaho Gem on the hot side, and 75% on the Dry Hop. So what’s it all about? We get bartlett pear, pink starburst, white grapefruit, green plantains & wintergreen. What do you think?
Opalescent Tree Shark IPA
IPA|6.8%|68 IBU
Ok we’re just going to say it. We love Mosaic like Leslie Knope loves Ann Perkins. Mosaic hops are just so beautiful and organized. They are thoughtful and brilliant and sweet and innocent and pretty. They are a rainbow infused space miracle. A glowing Sun goddess. And a Poetic noble land mermaid. ALL IN ONE. And since we’re a rule breaking moth, we sprinkled in a little Chinook & Simcoe just to push this IPA a little more West Coast of Pawnee. The end result is a stupid hot bouquet of pineapple, ruby red grapefruit & purple urkle you’ll want before AND after eating waffles with whip cream & sprinkles.
Here For It IPA
IPA|6.6%|58 IBU
It’s been a while since we’ve talked to you about IPA. I mean, we release a new IPA almost every week, and we talk specifically about that one, but we don’t talk about (makes all encompassing hand motion) IPA. And we get A LOT of questions about IPA, ours specifically, in person, at both spots, all the livelong day.
Are they Hazy? Sure. Are they New England style? Not really. Are they West Coast? Kinda. Are they juicy? Often.
Our point is, as this style & segment grows, people (distributors, marketers, buyers, writers, drinkers. etc.) want to simply, easily, lazily put each IPA into a boring & rather binary box. And we’re here to say - STOP DOING THAT.
We’re happy to see the continued growth of IPAs! We are here for it! WE LOVE IPA. But IPAs can be a little bit of multiple sub-styles, on various spectrums, with several axes of dimensions. For example, ours generally have a hazy appearance with fruit & pine forward flavors, a ridgeline of bitterness throughout, subtle minerality in the mouthfeel and a snappy, dry finish. How do we classify this? Straightforwardly -- IPA.
This recipe was hopped mostly with Strata, plus some Simcoe & Citra for depth - with tasting notes of passion fruit, ruby red grapefruit, guava & pine.
Wise Child
ESB|6.3%|40 IBU
Welp, this here is a beer near and dear to our hearts, as well as to many a veteran of the Seattle beer scene. Why?! Because we FINALLY got to brew a beer with the old boss - Dick Cantwell, former Owner/Head Brewer of Elysian - who’s 5 year non-compete expired May of 2020, but a global pandemic pushed us back another year. Fittingly, we brewed a modernized version of a Cap Hill old faithful and one of the most decorated beers in their once independent portfolio - The Wise ESB. The Wise was a complex, malt forward Americanized ESB in all it’s late ‘90s - early ‘10s glory. In this iteration, we kept that integrity by layering 2 Row, Maris Otter, Munich, Crystal T-50, and Special W malts - an incredibly similar base to the original. But the twist here is a modernized “C” hop bill of Cashmere, Comet, & Citra - which replaced what was once Centennial, Chinook, & Cascade. The end result is a beer name was going to be called many better names, but Dick wanted to call it “It’s A Wise Child,” named after some literary JD Salinger deep cut that only Dick & two other older people reading this would know about..so we condensed it, because this beer is truly a child of The Wise.
A Whole New World
DIPA|8.0%|60 IBU
This didn’t intend to be a beer for Ariel. But like, we used Galaxy hops, which is named after space, and space is out of this world, and thus, a whole new world, which is what OUR world is to the Little Mermaid, because she lives in a different world, under the sea, take it from me. We also used oats, and oats are a grain, often found in cereal, cereal is for grown ups, a select few of whom go into SPACE. In conclusion, space is oats and time is galaxy and mosaic plus citra are on a fourth axis of eternalastic dimension that could all be unleashed from the voicebox of a mermaid, so long as no spell has been cast by an angry octopus with superpowers. Enjoy!
Cut For Time IPA
IPA|7%|65 IBU
This IPA goes out to our bestest friend (unbeknownst to him) - Kyle Mooney. Kyle is super funny, and talented, and kinda good looking(?) - but week after week, his digital content on SNL gets cut for time and bumped off the show, only to live a quieter life in the corners of the interwebs. NOT COOL, LORNE. NOT COOL. But we were thinking, Amarillo is basically the Kyle Mooney of hops. It’s versatile, and fruity, and bold...but it’s just not as FIRE EMOJI as Strata, and Mosaic, and Citra, and Simcoe - despite it being the buzzy IPA hop before them. And sure, the variety was bungled in the early ‘10s - it’s acreage was expanded too fast, and often it was picked too late, and brewers started moving away from it and using newer, brighter, more reliable hop varieties. But then something happened…it started getting GOOD again. Talk about a rebound! SWISH! Of late, we’ve been stoked on some lots from Roy Farms and Crosby Hop Farm, and this beer includes two lots from the latter. It also includes some Amarillo Hash - a high oil/lupulin product - for an extra ZIP. The end result are big notes of pineapple & tangerine, with a kiss of Sativa in the finish for those that like HEADY DANK NUGZ. So yeah, this beer goes out to all the work and all the hops that show up to play and often get overlooked. To all the dreamers, and to all the teachers, and to all the…(insert Oscar Orchestra Music here)Amarillo Hash + Pellets, Mosaic, Citra, Simcoe Cryo
The Ultimate Rush IPA
IPA|6.7%|54 IBU
When you watch Point Break like a bazillion times, weird pieces of the script get buried in the nether regions of your brain and just kinda stick with you, ready to spring from your memory at the slightest inclination. Like, when you’re designing an IPA recipe around New Zealand Waimea hops. We had an untouched box of them in the cooler, so we just paddled in and went for it. Total Commitment. Er, virtually complete commitment. Because we used some Citra on the hot side. And then added some Mosaic Cryo on the dry hop. BUT WAIMEA IS THERE, EVERYWHERE, FULLY TORQUED, SWOLLEN ROLLIN’ RIDIN’ VIBIN’ BRUHHHH. Ok, that’s not from the movie. But it could've been. Just call timeout and ride this wave of rainier cherries, apricots, & white grapefruit over an easy break and dry finish.
Life’s Finer Moments
Coffee Porter|6.0%|37 IBU
Ahh, hello again old friend. You had a long day and a restless night, every day, forever, since we last brewed this beer. This morning, an indulgence is in order. Awaken the senses with a rich, smooth, dark and distinctive cup of brew. This robust porter, conditioned on house made cold brew with Lighthouse Roasters beans, is good to the last drop. Savor it, cherish it, sip by sip. Oh, the luxury. This is a promise, to you, in every cup. What kind of promise? I don’t know, stop asking questions in the middle of our quiet, generic coffee (beer) monologue...what the fuck. Where were we...mmm…coffee...beer...
Way Way Back
Pre-Prohibition American Pilsner|5.2%|40 IBU
Back in the day, like way way back, like before prohibition, young Americans, mostly from Europe (aka IMMIGRANTS) made lager beer here. What did they taste like? Well, honestly, they were probably pretty bad. Maybe ok. Rustic is a good word. Who really knows - they didn’t have Untappd back then! (#burn) And that’s not to knock them or their contribution to history. Just, a lot has evolved and improved since then - from raw material farming to malting to sanitation practices to hop pelletization to packaging….basically, everything. And NO, there was no corn used. What do you think this is, Whiskey?! While some brewers used corn back then, it didn’t proliferate American lager beer until the 70s when everybody wanted water flavored beer. Anyways, we digress. We built a lager recipe from some old articles and style guidelines - which means, we used a fantastic and flavorful blend of Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner and Thomas Fawcett Maris Otter malts. And then we fortified it with some old school noble & american hop varieties - namely, Saaz, Mt. Hood, & Willamette. At the end of the day, this beer is bready- balanced meets snappy-crisp with a pleasant floral hop presence throughout that will leave you nostalgic for something your hipster great grandpa drank.
Almost There IPA
IPA|6.8%|50 IBU
You guys we’re almost there. As of the morning of April 5th, 40% of King County residents have had their first vaccine shot. We’re on pace for 50% by the end of the week. EXCITING STUFF. BUT, we’re not there yet. Cases are rising here, there, pretty much everywhere and we have to remain diligent with mask wearing and safe distancing and washing our hands! It’s encouraging and exciting, but still requires attention and patience. Much like Experimental Hop HBC 586. This hop is primed to be the next BIG DEAL - it’s future is bright, but it will need a few more harvests to gain critical mass. This baby has notes of guava, papaya, candied pineapple, & cherries - essentially, it’s an intense tropical fruit cup of emotions. For support, we threw in a little Mosaic & Citra, and feathered in some Skagit White Wheat and Oats to soften the malt. The end result is a perfect companion to help you hang in there! We’re so CLOSE!
Cold Activated
Cool Fermented Pale|5.5%|50 IBU
How cool is this pale? Very cool. Like since day 1 it’s practically been cold. And it’s active too. Or, it was active. It’s still cold though! And if you can’t tell by the taste of it or the touch of it, you can just LOOK at it and SEE the coldness. And if you stare really hard, you see the citrusyness as well. This thing looks, tastes and smells like an entire crate of citrus - peel, flesh, pulp, and dusty pine - because we used a blend of Citra, Mandarina, Cascade, Citra Cryo & Ekuanot Cryo. When the mountain’s out, you know what we’re about. Oh, you don’t? Well, we’re about crushing cool fermented pale ales, for one thing.
Out of Pocket
DIPA|8.2%|68 IBU
You might’ve had this DIPA before, from a few years back, but unless you produce receipts, might as well make a new assessment. This beer is a direct outlay of Simcoe, Mosaic, and Idaho 7 hops that may or may not reimburse your pallet. Notes of grapefruit pith, pineapple flesh, and wispy dankness may cover expenses accrued over a long period of time incurred on your behalf, but only after a formal review. If it’s determined that you’ve expended personal resources, unexpected or unfair, at the end of this enterprise, please direct hazy inquiries to our accounting department re: what the fuck we’re talking about. Or not. In fact, don’t even think about deducting this.
This Is Boring
Bored To Death.
American Imperial Stout|9.3%|80 IBU
American Imperial Stout2021 WABA Gold Medal From the brewers that brought you “Not Interested”, “Bored To Death”, “Not My Favorite”, & “Yawn,” we proudly present you this straightforward American Style Imperial Stout. That’s it. Like, there’s nothing else added to this beer. No vanilla, coffee, cocoa nibs, peanut butter, maple syrup, lactose, coconut, fruit puree, cinnamon, marshmallow, other spices, baked goods, hot sauce, jerky or placentas. ALSO - this beer was NOT barrel aged. It’s just…a beer. A beer we put a lot of thought into because it’s a beer we actually crave. A beer that honors those that came before it - like Old Rasputin, Ten Fidy, Yeti & Narwhal. A full bodied beer with a roast forward blend of 11 malts. A beer heavily hopped with Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe, Amarillo, & Cascade to cut that roast with undertones of citrus, dark fruit & pine. A beer the children won’t understand right now, but will look back on it 5 years later, and say “Ah. I get it now.” and wish they ordered it then, because we probably haven’t brewed it since.
Bored To Death.
Freestyle Battle IPA
IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
Yo Pat! New Zealand’s got something to say! If we’re being honest, a few years back, we had kinda written off the Cascade variety. It was like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, but in the worst way - yes, bc it is NOT chocolate but also - you just never knew what you were going to get. That is, until we tried a box of Cascade grown in New Zealand at Freestyle Farms. The terroir, combined with heightened attention to picking windows, brought us a bright Cascade with notes of lime flesh, spruce, blood orange and fragrant wildflowers we pictured growing on the hillside of Nelson.So - here you go. Same malt bill, same hop bill, just New Zealand Cascade from Freestyle Farms in place of Pat’s. ~~~70% Freestyle Farms NZ Cascade15% Simcoe Cryo15% Citra Cryo
Pat Vs. The World IPA
IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
Who is Pat Smith? Pat Smith is a complex, multi-faceted human, just like all of us. But there is one realm that Pat Smith is NOT like us - GROWING HOPS. Year in and year out, Pat’s hops are of the highest quality this world has ever seen - from picking to kilning to baling, and that translates all the way through to the beer in your mouth. In the crop year of 2019, Pat won the Cascade Cup with his hops from Tributary Farms. That’s the granddaddy of them all! And we were there! We rubbed it with our own hands and smelled it with our own noses that very day. And let me tell you, this cascade is on a WHOLE ‘NOTHER LEVEL. We had to beg, borrow, prod, whine, & threaten (hollowly) just to get a couple boxes of them...and we regret nothing.~~~70% Tributary Farms Cascade15% Simcoe Cryo15% Citra Cryo
Change Of Plans
Pale|6.0%|58 IBU
I mean, the plan WAS to brew a west coasty pale ale with a public Hop Research Council experimental hop variety. It’s just, we were expecting to use a different one...that didn’t get delivered in time. And believe us, we TRIED to wait for FedEx to deliver it. We kept pushing it further down the hop bill. In the boil, we ended up some Chinook, and some Cascade, and then some Citra…but when the whirlpool filled up, we used W1121-059 from the Washington State University program, which was in our cooler all along, just patiently waiting for us to get into it. And we’re happy for it! Overall, this beer has notes of meyer lemon, orange marmalade, & fresh pine needles upon a slightly more old school malt bill of 2 row and Maris Otter.
Cool Your Jets IPA
IPA|7%|60 IBU
It has recently come to our attention that this 2020 lot of New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops from Freestyle Farms is AMAZING. We have no idea how we lucked out - perhaps it had something to do with Crosby selecting them for us. Anyways, when we found out how awesome they were, we were all like "Um. Hi. We just got that box of Nelson in and... DO YOU KNOW HOW UNREAL THESE ARE?! WHAT THE WHAT?!? HOW MANY BOXES DO WE HAVE OF THESE ON CONTRACT?! WOW. THAT MANY?! ARE YOU SURE?! OK. YES. SEND THEM ALL TO US. YES. ALL THE BOXES. OUR ENTIRE ALLOTMENT. NO, NO, THANK YOU! OKAY!!" and Crosby were all like "Dudes. Cal - Calm down. Take it easy. Are you breathing? shhh. Take a deep breath and use your quiet voices. Chill please. STOP. COOL YOUR JETS. JESUS. What have we done." And then afterwards we were all like, "let’s make an IPA with Pilsner and 2 Row base malt and hop it with mostly Nelson Sauvin, plus a little Citra & Mosaic."So we did.
Tempo Rubato
Lager Beer|5%|35 IBU
What is an Italian Pilsner? That is the question. Well, it’s basically a dry-hopped German Pilsner with a little more wiggle room to play with other, slightly less traditional European hop varieties. Thus, a freedom of expression with style and hops, allowing us to follow our passions and intuitions and whims. So come along for the ride - there’s classic Saaz at the start, Saphir speeds it up, Hallertau Blanc for a twist, and traditional Tettnang to bring it all back. A few sips in, and it’s like you’re stealing time.
Seems Plausible
DIPA|8.2%|60 IBU
...so what you’re telling us is, we’re living on a flat earth, in a new world order deep state run by George Soros and the Illuminati. A world with reptillian overlords, Hollywood canibals & pedophiles, where past and current genocide may or may not have existed BUT Finland AND dinosaurs definitely DO/DID NOT EXIST. But wait, ALSO Elvis is still alive, Avril Lavigne is not, Prince Charles is a vampire, Beyonce was never pregnant, and Bill Gates is microchipping EVERYBODY via 5G. And to top it all off, Global Warming is a hoax, and Aliens built all the things back in the day? Ok, OKAY. That’s a whole lotta thoughts right there, and we need time to process. So, we’re going to sip on this beer loaded with Mosaic, Motueka, NZ Cascade, & Sabro Cryo and bide our time figuring out how to slowly back away from this conversation without causing suspicion that we, ugh, how to do we put this politely...agree to disagree.
Is This It
That was it.
Pale|6%|50 IBU
A not so hard-to-explain malt bill of Rahr 2 Row, Weyermann Carafoam and a touch of Simpsons Crystal Light sets the stage for a catchy (but still rough around the edges) hop combo of Azacca, Mosaic, and Idaho 7 in this modern age hazy meets west coast pale ale. Notes of strawberry, pineapple, passion fruit, and tangerine strike a cagey melody that finishes with a refreshing citrus snap will have you trying your luck. Some people they don’t understand, but we’re not wasting no more time - just take it or leave it!
That was it.
Crushin’ Sandos IPA
IPA|6.4%|48 IBU
How areya now? Good an you? Oh notsobad. We’ll get to the point. We went all oot on this sniper of a hazy. It’s filled with nutritious grains from upcountry - oats, white wheat, & red wheat - upon a base of trusty barley. But, we took it down about 5-10% to make it easy peezy. To be fair, we hopped it with Huell Melon, Citra, and wee bit of Sabro, displaying notes of passion fruit, honeydew, kiwi & lime pith. Can confirm - the end result is something you can drink all day while skipping leg day, chorin’, preachin’ and/or causing mayhem. You know what they say - if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life. That’s a Texas-sized 10-4. Bonnie McMurray?! OK, pitter patter.
Jerk Store IPA
They called, and we ran out of it.
IPA|7.1%|60 IBU
Sometimes in life, the gods smile upon you. You get the hop bill just right - a classic meets current Northwest IPA profile thanks to Simcoe, Citra and Centennial hops. You’re not looking for another beer. Jerk store is the beer. It’s a smart beer for a smart crowd and we’re not gonna dumb it down. So when Yakima calls, and wants their hops back, you’ll know what comeback to say… just tell them you had sex with their wife! ZING!
They called, and we ran out of it.
When You Leave The Oven On
Smoked Porter|5.8%|32 IBU
Sometimes, when you leave the oven on, after baking chocolate chip cookies, you have a valid excuse. Like, you get distracted because you fixate on something, and find yourself down a rabbit hole, as the room fills with aromas of equal parts campfire smoke and milk chocolate. Maybe, you’re trying to find a local bottle shop that has Alaskan Smoked Porter in stock, a beer you feel like you see allover the place when you aren’t in the mood, but then when you are in the mood, it’s NOWHERE TO BE FOUND SO YOU HAVE TO BREW YOUR OWN VERSION BECAUSE WTF ALASKA IT’S WINTER AND THIS BEER SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE. Welp, your shortage is our gain. We just cornered the market. You snooze, you lose. You don’t smoke, you go broke. Anyways, what were we in the middle of?! OH SHIT!
Big Schmidge
DIPA|8%|55 IBU
We took a step back and simplified this juicy ding dong. We kept the malt bill basic - Rahr 2 Row & Pilsner - and added one adjunct - Oat Malt. Then, we went all in with everybody’s favorite hop - CITRA. But wait, there’s more! While Citra is our favorite hop, it’s often quite soft and rounded. Sometimes, we think it needs a little bite with help from a sharper hop that’ll brighten it’s profile. Thus, we sprinkled in a tiny amount of Idaho 7 - to the tune of 12% of the entire hop bill. AND GUESS THE FUCK WHAT - IT WORKED! This is still a Citra beer, through and through - but those notes of tangerine, apricot, yellow peach, and ruby red grapefruit have a little more zing to them. You know what they say - sometimes you just need a schmidge to really go big. People say that. We swear.
It’s 630 Somewhere IPA
IPA|6.5%|60 IBU
This beer is as good of an excuse as any to try out Experimental Hop 630, are we right? We’ve played around with it for a few years, and it’s flavors have resembled clementines, bing cherries & bartlett pears - so we sprinkled in some Mosaic & Simcoe to round out/brighten up the fruitiness. This experimental hop is on the cusp of getting named, which means it’s gaining traction, and will soon be expanding to more fields, and breweries, and fans in the near future. So that, technically, somebody could be drinking a Hop 630 beer, every hour, every day, all over the world.
If When Now Not
Pale|5.8%|45 IBU
We’ve been staring at this box of Styrian Wolf hops for what feels like forever. We’ve heard good things, friends have used the variety….we just...I don’t know, get distracted? So we thought: If we aren’t going to use these now, then when will we ever? If now is not when, when is now not when? Guess what?! Right now is when! Make sense? Just like the previous sentences, this hop profile is confusing, but agreeable. Simcoe & Citra brighten up some fruity notes - tangerine, grapefruit, raspberry - along with a touch of tropical/woodiness from the Wolf. Enjoy now! No ifs or when!
One in Eight
American Wheat Ale|5.4%|35 IBU
We started One in Eight three harvests ago with CLS Farms. Shelley (who owns/runs the farm with her husband Eric) was battling a second round of breast cancer, which coincided with Steve’s mom undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer at the same time. Since then, CLS Farms has run with this beer as an annual fundraiser for the Wellness House of Yakima, who provide housing, resources and services to women in need that are fighting cancer. This year Yakima Valley Hops and Roy Farms joined the effort as well - and 2020 Triumph hops were made available to any brewery that wanted to help the cause.This time around, we brewed a wheat ale with malt from Skagit Valley and hopped it with Triumph, in addition to a little Chinook & Citra. The end result is a medium-bodied, fruit forward, thirst quenching beer that goes down easy any time of day or season. As in year’s past, 10% of our tasting room sales of this beer will go to the Yakima Wellness House.For more information, visit https://1in8.co/ and https://wellness-house.org
Party For One IPA
Back on my beat.
IPA|6.8%|60 IBU
We usually throw a pretty big party for our Anniversary. But this year is different. It’s more of a party for one - you can put on sweats, pour a can of this IPA into your favorite glass, sink into the couch, and put Carly Rae on the speaker…This party in a can has all the makings of a typical Cloudburst IPA - 2row and Pils malt for the base, combined with some of our favorite hops - Mosaic. Strata. Galaxy. Citra. Here’s to 5 years of brewing small batch, independent craft beer for our Seattle friends! We’ll see you next year at the party, but probably won’t remember it...because...drunk.
Back on my beat.
I Award You No Points Triple IPA
And may God have Mercy on your soul.
TIPA|9.5%|72 IBU
What we’ve just brewed - again - is one of the most insanely idiotic things we have ever tasted. At no point in our rambling, incoherent hop additions were we even close to anything considered a rational rate. Everyone in this room is now dumber having tasted it. Yakima Chief Ranches, we’ve got a feeling your whole family of Mosaic, Citra, Simcoe, Talus & Sabro is going down our throats. But right now, we have to smell it. Well, here goes nothing. NO YELLING ON THE BUS.
And may God have Mercy on your soul.
Old Flame IPA
Just Another Ex-old School Seattle IPA
IPA|7.3%|65 IBU
You guys! This was the SECOND beer we EVER made at Cloudburst - filling a virgin, empty tank on November 6, 2015. And for our 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, we wanted to bring it back, in all it’s outdated glory (ok, we modernized it a titch). Our previous description of this beer was pretty straightforward so we wanted to use this opportunity to elaborate on this beer - why it means so much to us and so much to Seattle craft beer - so gather round, youths. It’s story time! A version of “this” IPA has existed since ~1989, in the vein of Scarlet Fire IPA - brewed at Big Time Brewing (who is still going strong, btw!). To us, there is no truer NW IPA. This is where the style is born. In 1998, that beer even won a GABF medal in the IPA category (some of you reading this weren’t even born then). The brewers that came through Big Time Brewing (& Pike Brewing, & Hale’s at that) - Ed Tringali, Jason Parker, Fal Allen, Larry Rock, Bill Jenkins, Kevin Forhan, Dick Cantwell, among others - are fucking legends that we all owe a debt of gratitude towards. When those brewers moved outward and upward, they’d take that evolving Scarlet Fire recipe with them, continue to tweak it, and call it their own. Hence, Elysian’s Prometheus IPA was born when Dick opened up shop - which was an IPA that both Steve and Zach enjoyed drinking and brewing in the early ‘10s. Thus was the reasoning, back in 2015, when Steve broke up with the brewery formerly independently operating as Elysian, that he felt it was his responsibility to carry the torch and keep the spirit and soul of “this” IPA burning. Old Flame was born. And we hope someday, future Seattle breweries that don’t even exist yet steal this fire and pass it on. We all exist because of this spark. And that’s the tale. So, what is “this” version all about? Well, it has not one but TWO types of CRYSTAL MALT in it, along with some Munich malt as well. So yeah, there is a fucking malt presence in this hoppy ding dong. And it’s hopped with Chinook, Centennial, Cascade, Amarillo, and Citra cryo (we said we could tweak it, ok?!). Still, there’s PINE. Resin. Grapefruit. Citrus Peel. Leather & breadcrust. And yes, this a modern take - we used brewing salts, and pH adjustments, and it’s not nearly as bitter as it could (should?) be and it has a dry hop rate of 3#/bbl - an ungodly amount in the early 90s. But the soul and intention is there, and that is what counts. We hope you enjoy it for what it is. It’s been here for 31 years. And we hope it’s around for that many years to come. Thank you for reading our TED talk.
Just Another Ex-old School Seattle IPA
Yakima Freeze
Wet Hop IPA|6.4%|50 IBU
Frozen Wet Hops? FROZEN WET HOPS. That’s what’s in this beer. Like, they picked the hops and instead of conveying them to the kiln….they conveyed them to a flash freezer and sent them to a cold storage unit. And then, 3 months later, they showed up at our brewery….at -10 degrees. And we brewed with them the same we do with “regular” fresh wet hops. Technology, my dudes. It’s pretty fucking cool. ! ! ! ! !14#/bbl of Flash Frozen Wet Citra & Wet Simcoe from Wyckoff Farms.
To Whom It May Concern IPA
With Sincere Regrets
IPA|7.2%|60 IBU
We cordially summon you to imbibe this gracious repercussion of saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation. Not to obfuscate the plethora of hops that coalesce, this libation bonds an amalgam of Citra, Idaho 7, and Sabro of the humulus lupulus genus species. In conjunction with its proficiencies and empirical distinctions, attributes of Prunus Persica, Oro Blanco, Limettioides, and Cedrus Libani emanate. We express our gratitude to you for perusal of this superfluous chronicle and wish you enjoy this potation.
Warmest Regards,
Cloudburst Brewing
With Sincere Regrets
Play For Keeps
Lager Beer|5.6%|32 IBU
We’ve been wanting to brew a Vienna forever. But the timing never really worked out. And then we had to perseverate over the malt bill. And agonize over the hop schedule. And we started getting in our own heads about it, because we CARED SO MUCH. It had to be just right and toasty and breadcrusty and caramelly and spicy but still dry and snappy. When push came to shove, we came up with a blend of Vienna, Munich, Caramunich malts (all from Weyermann) and hopped it with Magnum, Tettnang, Saaz hops and this is where we are right now. We don’t always brew lager, but when we do, we play for keeps. Whatever that means. You get the grist.
Holidazical IPA
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
If we’re being honest here, we’ve been having a hard time even knowing what day it is. Like, it’s already halfway through December and we had no idea. It feels like it’s been this way forever and time is becoming a flat circle. But since somebody picked their head up and realized we all HAVE A DAY OFF (!?) next week, we felt it was time to release a “Winter” IPA. What is a “Winter” IPA? Well, that’s a great question… It’s an IPA, we know that. And drank during Winter, because of course. And maybe a little more piney than usual? Maybe? We don’t know. Anyways, this IPA has Chinook, Simcoe, Comet & Cashmere hops layered throughout the process. Whether your holidays are magical or lackadaisical, we hope you stay in sweatpants, never leave your home, eat delicious food, zoom your friends and family, and enjoy this beer - whether it’s 10am or 10pm...
All The Stops
DIPA|8.2%|63 IBU
Ok. That’s it. We’re bringing out the best of the best for this one. Mosaic & Strata to set the tone, layered throughout the boil along with a splash of Talus to brighten it all up - like a splash of key lime over a tropical fruit salad. This beer - with these killer hops, combined with a long fermentation for imperceptible alcohol and low esters, AND our patented dry finish with a kiss of quenching bitterness, is pretty darn close to the best DIPA we can muster. Is this description kinda boring for our standards? Sure is. But this beer is not, because we PULLED. OUT. ALL. THE. STOPS.
Lager Beer|5.6%|40 IBU
Look, we have a Czech friend named Adam. He’s actually a second generation brewer, and his family brewery is located in the countryside 30 miles outside of Prague. And we think he makes the best Czech pilsner in the world. And he told us to name our beer this word. How do you pronounce it? You can’t. It’s that awesome of a word. (Ok, you can: Ha-La-Dinka) And what does this word mean? Well, there’s no clear translation in English. But most closely, it’s “the perfect pour” - level headed with three fingers of wet foam. It’s a combination of something physical, combined with an experience, and a vibe. It’s deep, people. And so is this beer. We used Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pils and hopped it with a bag of Saaz Special that Adam gave us, along with more regular Czech Saaz that Hollingbery sold us (we think those hops are special too). So don’t worry about butchering the name, it’s all downhill once it hits your lips. Er, uphill. It gets easier, is what we’re saying.
Na zdraví! (pronounced: Naz-Drah-vee… it means “CHEERS!”... obviously.)
Children of the Haze IPA
IPA|6.5%|50 IBU
Hi Kids. Do you like the hazies hazebombs dot com AF? Cool. Us too. That’s what this is all about, no doubt, big clout. It’s got like, every single low color malt and adjunct in it, because YOLO FRODO HELLO MOTO! We’re talking 2 Row, Pilsner, White Wheat, Red Wheat, Oat malt, Flaked Oats, Flaked Barley...yeah, we know - ‘cares? Heard Nerd. WHAT ABOUT DAT HOPSCRILLA GREENERY?!?!?! WE GOTCHU B! This potable liquid is crammed full of CITRA AND MOSAIC and cascade ALL THE WAY UP YOUR BUTTHOLE. You’re gonna love it, you’re gonna live it, it’s your best life, right here, right now, but be bubble wrap because there’s a pandemic going on in the outside world and you don’t need THAT but you do need THIS lit bit cloudy shit. ggnorekthxbai!
Showing Up
Pale|5.9%|40 IBU
What is Showing Up? Well, it’s lots of things, when you think about it. The most obvious thing is that it’s a delicious pale ale - maybe one of our best pales ever?! - evenly and equally hopped with Citra and Nelson Sauvin, overflowing with notes of peaches and passionfruit in a crushable format. But, it’s also a mantra. At Cloudburst, we like to put our (beer) money where our mouths are. Even when times are tight, and will probably get worse. So, Showing Up is also a fundraiser - we’re donating 10% of sales to Stacey Abram’s Fair Fight Organization. Fair Fight advocates for free and fair elections, strengthening our democracy by creating an even playing field. In Georgia, it helped with fighting legislation and registering hundreds of thousands of new voters that previously felt disenfranchised… so that those often felt unheard... wait for it… could Show Up.
Married in my Mind IPA
IPA|6.8%|58 IBU
El Dorado and Citra - these two hops, they just GO together. El Dorado has this reliably floral fruity thing going on - yellow plums, pears, apricot, rose petals, beach grass - and when Citra shows up, it brightens the union by adding a citrusy bursts of tangerines and yellow peach. They are like a fuzzy/blurry yin and yang….like a poorly drawn venn diagram drawn by a three year old...like those bird species that fall in love and keep the same mate for their entire existence...how crazy is that, btw? That’s some miraculous fucking nature shit right there. Just think about that for a moment….
Loose Ends
Lager Beer|6.5%
"Loose Ends is a Collaboration brewed in Bend, OR with Cloudburst Brewing of Seattle, WA. This India Pale Lager has floral and perfume aromas derived from Citra, Sultana, and Nelson Sauvin hops. A very clean lager with a crisp finish makes this beer shine." - words by Boneyard Beer.
"These are 6-packs of 12 ounce cans (and on draft in Shilshole)" - words by Cloudburst Brewing.
Keys. Phone. Wallet. Mask.
DIPA|8.5%|65 IBU
First DIPA: Keys? Yep in my front right pocket. Phone? Left front pocket. Wallet - always back right pocket. MASK! This is life now. Wow, this Citra and Ekuanot Cryo and Mosaic combo is complex!
Second DIPA: Keys, on the counter. Phone on the coffee table. Wallet on the desk. Mask, off with you! Mmm, this beer goes down super easy.
Third DIPA: Keys - fuck where are my keys? I put them on the counter and then James needed to get his shit out of my car - James, where the fuck are my keys!?! - And where’s my goddamn wallet? I literally just HAD my wallet. To buy that thing. Also, can you call my phone?? Why am I always losing my phone? [Pounds beer, spills some on mask].
Fourth DIPA: SOMEBODYshouldinventabeeperclickerthingthatbeepswhenyouPUSHitsoyoucanfindyourshit becausethisSUCKSIhatethisshitandsoannnoying [Leaves glass 2/3rds full on top of phone, next to keys, wallet in plain sight, mask dangling from ear].
Totally Oatally
Totes All Gone.
Dark Stuff|5.1%|30 IBU
Back by popular demand from the people that work in the brewery! This time around, this beer is most definitely an oatmeal stout, with THREE types of oats making up a solid proportion of the grist! Big notes of milk chocolate and toffee, with a smooth, silky body; a sweet cereal mid-palate; and lingering roasty finish. It’s never tragic, mildly nutritious, totally classic, oatally delicious! (Fuck, we need to copyright that line ASAP.)
Totes All Gone.
The Other Four Seasons IPA
IPA|7.0%|63 IBU
You are cordially invited to consume this beer at the Four Seasons. You know the place, the one between the dildo shop and the crematory? In that industrial area on the outskirts of town? It provides lodging...er, logging. Logging, maybe. Definitely pruning. And mulch. And fertilizer! They have literally TONS of SHIT there. Yes, we mean THAT Four Seasons. OBVIOUSLY. It’s the perfect setting to drink some hops and not take any litigation claims seriously.
~ ~ ~
You know, for all the incompetence, greed, corruption, insanity, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, anti-science, racism, disrespect for our military and veterans, and utter lack of morality, empathy and compassion...it’s nice to finally be able to laugh - heartily, loudly - in the face of it all for a brief moment. We hope this IPA brings you a smile. It’s hopped with Simcoe, Idaho 7, Hop 522, with tasting notes of blood orange, pineapple, cherry blossoms, and sweet, sweet democracy.
Look How They Shine IPA
IPA|7.0%|63 IBU
In the early ‘00s, Virgil Gamache Farms released an exciting new IPA hop. The rarely seen press release was odd, but catchy: “Look at the hops, look how they shine for you. And everything you brew. Yeah they are Amarillo. I came along. I grew a hop for you. And all the things you brew. They are named after Yellow.” Coldplay THEN stole the press release and turned it into a multiple platinum hit single and the rest is history. Irregardless (this is now a word), we still remember when Amarillo was the IT hop, long before Strata, Mosaic, Citra, & Simcoe. So we built a modern IPA with 2 Row, Pils, Wheat & Oats around some beautiful Amarillo lots from Roy Farms and Crosby Farms. We sprinkled in a little Citra & Chinook to round it out - but this beer is all about Amarillo, and that juicy, bright citrus hop character. Oh yeah, your pith and nose, turn into something beautiful. For you, we’d brew ourselves dry.
Caller Unkown
Pale|6.0%|48 IBU
What the? Who is this? And why? Oh, it’s a new hop practically nobody has brewed with yet? Ok cool, um YES, send it our way. This thing is called HRC 200009-032 - another hop out of the public breeding program from the USDA and the Hop Research Council. We went 50/50 with it on the hot side along with Citra. And on the Dry Hop - we did 50% HRC along with 25% Citra and 25% Simcoe. The end result is a conference call of ruby red grapefruit, tangerine, pine and lemongrass so please, PICK UP THE BEER and ANSWER IT!
I’m Turning Into My Father
Dad Beer|6.9%|65 IBU
We just want you to know, if you ever need anything, don’t be shy, ok? There are NO rules for this beer. It’s not like a regular dad beer, it’s a COOL dad beer. And ‘tis the season, if you know what we mean! The weather gets colder and wetter, and winter warmers start to hit the shelves. With each passing year, we find ourselves more and more excited to brew, and drink, hoppy red ales. Are they exciting? Not really. Are they cool? Nope. Do we care? Nada. But just like your dad’s favorite brewery slogan: we brew the beer we want to drink - and sell the rest! Bahaha...ok, we’re finished laughing at our own joke. This recipe was blended with multiple crystal malts, hopped with Simcoe, Chinook, Mosaic, and still finishes dry and bitter for the style. It’s burnt breadcrusty and piney and resinousy and roasty. We hope you appreciate and love it for what it is, even if you don’t always agree with it.
Talus A Story IPA
...and it better be punny! So, here we are brewing another beer with HBC 692 and like, THAT SAME DAY, Yakima Chief gives this hop a name. Coincidence?! Pshhhh we think not. It’s been an awesomely unique hop for years - with notes of papaya, passionfruit, raspberry, cherry, ruby red grapefruit, coconut chips, lime….basically a bright, delicious fruit salad. In this rendition, we paired it with Mosaic and Citra because that’s an obvious choice and they can just let the fruit party escalate like that one time we were in an Oakland wine barand...
Dominate Your Life
DIPA|7.8%|68 IBU
It’s simple, ok? Don't let this DIPA dominate your life. Just like COVID-19. You know, the thing that has killed 215,000 Americans (likely more), infected a total of almost 8 million Americans (definitely more), some of which will have lasting complications and repercussions forever - either directly from the virus, or via losing someone to it. You know, the thing that has severely altered travel, so that countless humans haven't seen their extended families, loved ones, children and friends. That little virus that dictates our every cautious action and keeps our mind inundated with warnings, anxiety, and depression, as we try our best to salvage any piece of normalcy, keep a job, afford healthcare and rents and mortgages as we go into more debt, with no bail out, relief or even vacation in sight. This thing that we don’t even know when it will end, that could come back with avengence in a month or two, that has disrupted and weakened the economy, our education system, our public transportation, and democracy as we know it. And we haven’t even gotten to how much worse all of this has impacted those of lower economic status….WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. PLEASE VOTE ALL THESE SELFISH, PRIVELEDGED, GREEDY, INCOMPETENT, SPINELESS SCUMBAGS IN POWER….Ughh...rghhhh…..umm, so this beer. It’s hopped with Strata, Galaxy, Simcoe pellets & cryo - and when you drink it, we hope you can close your eyes and let it be a brief reprieve from all things actually dominating your life.
Drawing A Blanc IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
What were we about to brew again? A normal IPA? Oh yeah, we can do that. Some 2-Row over there, a little Pils malt over here, keep that base clean & simple. Ok, ok what is next. Hop thoughts. Ahh hmmm let’s use some varieties we haven’t used during harvest like Bru-1, and maybe something not from around here like Hallertau Blanc. And then obviously round it out with Citra because duh. Soft, fruity, balanced, normal...IPA! Heyo! We can do this.
Wet Hop IPA|6.8%|50 IBU
Wet Mosaic IPA Collab w/ Holy Mountain & Perrault FarmsWhen our forces combine, we make all your wettest dreams come true.2 Row, Pils, Oats, Wheat26#/bbl of WET Mosaic
And You’re Invited
German-Style Festbier|5.6%|20 IBU
There once was this party over in Germany. It was like, kind of a thing for 200ish years. You should read about it. It’s been cancelled before….because of wars, and pandemics...just like the one we’re in the middle of, but the other ones were less preventable, because they didn’t have MODERN fucking SCIENCE. Anyways...this beer, it’s a tribute to those beers made for that festival, that you can’t go to. It’s light and bready, thanks to a blend of Weyermann Pilsner, Vienna, & CaraMunich malts. We balanced it out with some Magnum & Tettnang hops. While you can’t actually go to the party, this beer invites you to drink a lot of these, and think about what that party would’ve been like. And yeah, it’s a bummer to miss it, but you know what? It’s still nice to be invited.
Splash Waterfalls IPA
Wet Hop IPA|6.6%|51 IBU
Oh! Oh! Oh! Luda!We ‘bout to throw some game, they both one and the same.Loftus’ the one to blame. (HOP, ME!)We about to hop some wet, cause each and every getYou gotta brew it fresh (HOP, ME!)Nineteen pounds per B, oh Citra we love thee.Splash, sip, crush and see (MAKE WET TO ME)
Ultrawet IPA
Wet Hop IPA|7%|58 IBU
Sometimes we find ourselves asking, “How WET can we get this beer?” Like, very wet? Hella wet. Super wet. MEGA WET. Maximum, Ultimate WETNESS. The Wettest. These are important thoughts and questions, and not to be shrugged or brushed off. But we digress. This beer right here? It’s fucking ULTRAWET thanks to 25#/bbl of Wet Simcoe and 4#/bbl of Wet Sabro, both from Perrault Farms - pushing us close to a total of 30#/bbl in this thing. Nobody beats the Wet. Nobody.
Dripping, Soaking
Wet Hop IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
...they must’ve been beautiful in their youth. A legend, a trailblazer, used with style & grace, paving the way for all the starlets after. Still, these flashes of brilliance, leafy smile lines and sun kissed exterior... a perfectly picked lot that reminds you of all the magical history, buried deeply in the firm, luscious bracteoles. It lures you in on a damp harvest day. Dimly lit, within the broad side of a kiln, a foggy steam misting off the cones, a moist warmth that builds into a heavy, sticky humidity. Rich, tantalizing aromas of pine needles, lemon peel, citrus flesh and rose petals fill the room as you grab a handful and rub - harder, rougher, breaking the glands, exposing the core, a culminating mess of wet leaves and lupulin. Dripping, soaking, an exhilarating push to climax as we shake and thrust and shove Wet Cascade from Roy Farms into the car….
Fresh & Wet & Wet & Fresh
Wet Hop Pale|6.3%|50 IBU
First one of the year! A pleasant little pale ale with WET Centennial from CLS and dry-hopped with FRESH kilned, whole cone Simcoe from Perrault to a total of 22#/bbl!
Aqua Seafoam Shame
All Apologies.
Wet Strata Extra IPA
IPA|7.2%|60 IBU
We have a confession to make. We did it again. We drove down to Goschie Farms in Oregon to make this beer - our first ever fresh hop beer that was not brewed with Washington’s finest. But seriously - what else should we be? All Apologies? We brew wet hop beers multiple times a week, for six weeks in a row. Why not make a few with Oregon hops? I mean, they do grow one of the hottest new varieties in the country - Strata - which was developed by Indie Hops in conjunction with Oregon State University. And with assertive tropical notes of guava & passion fruit and a citrus leafy finish thanks to 20#/bbl, you’ll be easily amused. All in all is all we are. 2019 GABF Bronze Medal in Fresh Hop Category.
All Apologies.
This Is Me Trying IPA
IPA|6.8%|55 IBU
Hop Harvest is HERE. But those beers won’t be ready until mid September at the earliest. In the meantime, this is our last regular IPA in the pipeline. And we tried really hard to make you want it. There’s a little bit of Oats in the grist and then we PILED on the Southern Hemisphere hops (Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin, & Vic Secret) along with Citra (of course) to create a compelling, tropical soiree that will keep you interested while we both wait and listen to Taylor Swift’s new album.
Works Every Time IPA
IPA|7.1%|55 IBU
Our 2019 Simcoe hops, from Loftus Ranches, are some of the best we’ve ever had. And combined with some of the best English base malt in the world - Thomas Fawcett Maris Otter - WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE?! The resinous, ruby red grapefruit notes of Simcoe play so well with the rich depth of Maris. And just to accentuate the citrus - we added some Comet, Motueka, & Sabro hops, layering in notes of key lime & lemon peel. Simcoe + Maris Otter = ALWAYS Simcoe + Sabro = AUTOMATIC Hazy West Coasty IPA = IMMEDIATE.
Bored To Death
South German Helles
Lager Beer|5.3%|18 IBU
This is where we’re at right now. There are so many insane, intense, ridiculous, unbelievable things going on in this country, in the middle of a pandemic, that we just can’t even. So we made a beer that is the equivalent of a mental shut down. Just turn that brain right off. This lager is a simple, clean, & uncomplicated companion. Very little malt presence, save for a kiss of cracker & bread crust. And even less hop presence from the restrained usage of Hallertau Mittelfruh. It’s downright boring. And you know what? Sometimes we need boring. Boring is fine. We like boring! And we like Helles!
Muh Freedoms
Taken away.
Double Oat American Stout
Double Oat American Stout|7.3%|65 IBU
Look. Nobody at Cloudburst is here to take away your drinking freedom. That’s just not who we are. We have principles and this is America dammit! You can order whatever your heart desires - triple milkshake IPA, fruit puree “berliners”, light lagers with corn syrup that say they don’t use corn syrup...just at another bar. And you can collect and hoard as many of those thick, barrel-aged stouts as your wallet and your Mom will allow. As brewers, we exercise the right to make something BIG and BOLD and DARK and HOPPY - all the things, to the MAX. This is a true, glorious American-Style Stout - consider it our DECLARATION of FLAVOR! It is our CHOICE. We don’t tell you what to drink…unless we think it infringes UPON our RIGHTS. And our 200+ year old forefathers rights! Or if it doesn’t jive with a loosely transcribed 3rd hand story from some dude from 2,000+ years ago! Or if it just makes us feel confused or uncomfortable! BACK TO THIS STOUT. You want some of this?? Well, you can pry this stout from our cold, dead hands.
Taken away.
Both For Me
Pale|5.9%|45 IBU
This beer is like the perfect song, and would most definitely be a finalist in the Eurovision Beer Contest. First, it’s cool fermented...because Iceland is cold. Is that weird? No. It makes this beer exceptionally smooth. And we hopped it with Citra, Mosaic,and Mosaic Cryo. They seem familiar and similar, but probably are not brother-sister. And it is under 6% abv, which means you can have a few. It’s presh, coz. Trust us, the elves did not go too far on this one. Have some! Mmm. We’re checking you out.
Lip Sync Apology IPA
Sorry Not Sorry
IPA|6.9%|60 IBU
We brewed this beer back in 2017, when we were pissed off…..and guess what, we still are. Time to put on Bikini Kill back on and head bang/yell sing to the roots of PNW punk and the riot grrrl movement. It’s still time for a backbone and action and justice and equality. It’s time to rebel, resist and reject this broken system. Refuel with this aggressive, tropical IPA generously hopped with Galaxy, Mosaic, & Citra and continue to fight for what is right and VOTE.
Sorry Not Sorry
How To Cognitive IPA
IPA|7.4%|54 IBU
We actually took one very recently. We made the IPA to see if we are all there. People are wondering, mostly the radical beer geeks. It’s a very standard test. In front of doctors. IPA unbelievable thing. Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. If you get it in order you get extra points. Citra. Cashmere. Hallertau Blanc. Citra. It’s actually not that easy, but for us, it was easy. They drink it up. We bet you couldn’t do it. We’re looking very strongly at. It is what it is.
In A Perfect World IPA
IPA|6.5%|55 IBU
Lately, we’ve found ourselves saying this phrase all the time, every. single. day. “Well, in a perfect world, yadi yadi yada...” Mostly on a micro level - with brew schedules, production planning, canning runs, sales projections - we have A LOT more moving parts these days. And as creatures of habit, this has been one of the hardest challenges of them all - predicting our week, our day, our afternoon. And of course, we use this phrase on the macro level as well - like how the senate should be power checking an authoritarian wannabe, how members of the house used to represent their constituents over special interests, how fellow humans still fighting an uphill battle for equality & justice, or how the attorney general used to prosecute all citizens that commit large scale, fraudulent crimes. But here we are, 2020, in all it’s fuckery. While the world is far from perfect, and never has been, this IPA is the closest thing we can get to it this week. It’s got a little bit of everything - mostly 2 row, some Maris Otter, and splashes of wheat & oats - and then hopped with Strata, Simcoe, Idaho 7 and Citra for some bright flavors of ruby red grapefruit, passion fruit, guava, & pineapple.
The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance
DIPA|8.6%|60 IBU
This yacht rock inspired, tropical diddy of a DIPA will have you drifting into the sunset thanks to a blend of Citra, BRU-1 & Galaxy hops. It’s like a spritzer with peaches and pineapple and a cherry and an orange wedge thrown into it...but also more body and sweetness...because malt. It’s a beer, is what we’re saying. But the vibe is there, just like an old school Vampire Weekend song….about how big business and wall street and forgetting the past will squeeze out all of your blissful, youthful ignorance and destroy the environment and let’s talk about student debt and the current state of education, or lack thereof, and how underfunded and under supported schools are all across the country - and these kids and they don’t stand a chance and and AND…...STRONG BEER NOW PLEASE.
This Is My Friday
And now it's not.
North German Keller Pils
Lager Beer|5.1%|40 IBU
Not every Friday is somebody’s Friday. Sometimes it’s actually Sunday, or Monday, or Thursday. In this current climate, everyday could be your Friday! Who knows!? But whenever your Friday actually is, this hop-forward, unfiltered and unfined German Pilsner is a beer you can get behind to kick off your weekend. We used a blend of rustic Bohemian Pilsner Malts, and hopped it with Tettnang, Mandarina, & Saphir from Germany along with Czech Saaz in the kettle, whirlpool & fermenter. It’s slightly hazy, with a touch of sulfur, and finishes dry with moderate hop bitterness. You’ve got the whole weekend in front of you, take a deep breathe, soak it in and drink up this crispy, spicy, pithy goodness.
And now it's not.
Why God Why IPA
IPA|6.3%|55 IBU
This IPA was brewed for our first official canning run on our brand new canning line. If you asked us back in January, “Hey Cloudburst - When are you going to buy your own canning line?” we’d have answered “Buy a canning line? We don’t even package our beer in cans!” BUT THEN A GLOBAL PANDEMIC HAPPENED, RENDERING OUR SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN THAT WORKED SO WELL FOR 4+ YEARS IRRELEVANT OVER THE COURSE OF 10 DAYS. Wait, why are we selling this beer in kegs & crowlers? Turns out we aren’t quite ready to give up on our roots yet (this may or may not have had anything to do with having an inadequate CO2 flow rate wtf fml)....ANYWAY, the end result is an IPA with a light, crisp base and notes of grapefruit, pine trees, resin, lemon peel & pineapple husk thanks to a blend of Citra, HRC 2012004-003 & Chinook...in kegs...and crowlers. To be continued…
People Power IPA
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
We teamed up again with Threes Brewing, and 100+ other breweries around the country to release a beer named People Power around the 4th of July. There are no rules for this national collab, except one - every brewer must donate 10% of their beer sales to the ACLU. And right now, the ACLU can use all the help they can get. As for our rendition of this beer, we brewed a straightforward Cloudburst IPA and liberally hopped it with Simcoe & Citra, both pellets & cryo, from Loftus Ranches.The end result is a citrus basket of freedom and positivity.More info at peoplepower.beer
Mask On For Service
Pale|5.7%|30 IBU
This cute little juicy pale is just too easy. It’s soft & pleasant thanks to red wheat, white wheat, & flaked oats. There’s some minerality in there as well. The bitterness is super low thanks to late hop additions, and then it was double dry-hopped with Grüngeist, Citra, Idaho 7. You know what else is just too easy? Putting on a mask when you interact with other humans in public. It takes 3 seconds, and it practically makes you a hero. This isn’t a political issue - this is a public health issue. SO JUST FUCKING DO IT. THANK YOU. Now enjoy this crusher of a pale ale.
We Used To Vacation IPA
IPA|6.5%|58 IBU
It’s the last day of June, in the year 2020. Last year, June was filled with trips to England, Kansas City, Ontario, & Portland….and those were for WORK. Yes, they were fun...but they weren’t legit, unplug-from-from-the-matrix-style vacations. THOSE have always been few & far between. Still, we’re longing for any type of getaway right now - be it for work or play. BUT WE CAN’T EVEN. First, there’s a global pandemic that’s still ravaging the states, which could’ve AND should’ve been avoided, prevented, mitigated...like most other developed countries have done….but muh freedoms, ya know? And second, we have a small business to navigate amidst this chaos - which requires important decisions, on the fly, almost daily, that holds the fate of our hopes, dreams, and incomes. At least we can channel some our pent up energy into a delicious IPA, like this one, which starters with a blended malt bill of 2 row, Pils, Red wheat, Golden Naked Oats, & Flaked Wheat and was then loaded with a tropical soiree of Strata, Mosaic, and Vic Secret hops. Someday, we will take a vacation again. Right? RIGHT?! PLEASE! GOD. PLEASE.
Thunder Muscle IPA
Unbelievably Tasty, Unbelievably Gone.
IPA|7.8%|65 IBU
“““Thunder Muscle is the greatest new IPA on the planet….it tastes good and is loaded with the power of 20 ponies…goes down like a syrup sandwich…like the sweet milk of Mother Mary herself… it’s like Rocky and Rocky 3 combined, had a baby and Rocky 2 fucked Rocky 4 and BOOM Rocky 5…it has brain power because of one of the ingredients…and the strength of Zeus if he fucked a hippopotamus…IT’S THUNDER MUSCLE!” – Todd Margaret” - David Cross” – Cloudburst Citra, Comet, Chinook & Centennial
Unbelievably Tasty, Unbelievably Gone.
More Tigers, More Lazerbeams
DIPA|8%|60 IBU
That original beer, some eight years ago, light with a touch of wheat - a perfect vehicle for a new, multi-faceted and complex hop called HBC 369. It was clean, vibrant and tropical, with subtle savory and citrus undertones. But it needed a name, and it needed a label. We threw around ideas of neon, of Lisa Frank, of Ken Kesey, maybe with sharks or a snake - a Boomslang, perhaps?! - or maybe a Tiger? YES! A Tiger, a white tiger, shooting sparkly, neon Laserbeams from it’s eyes!…...well we DID it again. But made it more awesome. How so? More TIGERS, more LASERBEAMS, more MALT, more HOPS, more ALCOHOL, more INDEPENDENCE, more SOUL, more CHARACTER. Warrior, Centennial, El Dorado & LOADS of Mosaic and brewed in Seattle by an adamantly small, forever independent brewery that former Elysian employees still work at.
Phenomena IPA
IPA|7.2%|62 IBU
Yeah yeah yeah! It’s time to bring back this hot time kid! A base of 2 Row and Flaked Rye gets your hazy, soft & silky body off first, and then a hop bill of Nelson Sauvin, Citra, & Huell Melon show their bones with notes of yellow peach, passionfruit, cantaloupe, & tangerine. Supply is limited. They hide it, they hide it, they’re never gonna find it. But those that do find it….They loved it, they shot it. The fastest ran and got it.
Comfort In Numbers IPA
IPA|6.9%|58 IBU
A rising tide lifts all ships...and all hops? For this beer, we blended more varieties than usual - Comet, Mosaic, HBC 692, Sabro, Citra & Galaxy - in hopes they’d create an intense, complex, fruit salad smorgasboard. Like pineapples, papayas, mangos, & oranges with splash of lime juice - OH MY! We’re all in this together right now, and striving to hit critical mass and achieve the change we’ve needed for so long. In the words of Killer Mike - “Plot, Plan, Strategize, Organize, and Mobilize”. Also, stay hydrated...those words are from Cloudburst.
Line Starts Here
English Dark Mild|3.9%|25 IBU
This past Winter, we brewed one of our favorite AND slowest moving beers of all time. A traditional English Dark Mild, a homage to Bill Arnott and Machine House Brewing. It had body, it had balance, it had deep flavor, and it was low in alcohol. What more could you want?! NOT A THING. Since then, BIll has been quoted in Forbes, Imbibe, and THE NEW YORK TIMES...coincidence? Maybe. Maybe Not. But apparently, Dark Mild’s are gaining traction, and we want in on this three hundred year trend. Still, why are they brewed, and bought, so infrequently? Is it because they are so damn sexy that it is downright intimidating to muster up the confidence to order one, let along taste it? Or maybe it’s semantics? English Dark Mild? What. Dark Summer Ale? Ok! Either way, we made some tweaks to our original recipe and it’s even more fire emoji than before. So much so, that we fully expect LINES FOR DAYS for this beer, so just as preemptive clarification...the line starts here.
The New New
Experimental Pale Ale|6.1%|56 IBU
We got our hands on some new experimental hops from the Hop Research Council, which funds the development of new public hop varieties in conjunction with Oregon State University, Washington State University, the Brewers Association and the USDA. As scientists often say, ”That is pretty neat shit!” This particular experimental variety is called HRC 2006009-074, and it’s a Triploid Perle that has scored particularly high on the hedonic scale these past few harvests. You don’t have to know what that last sentence means. ANYWAYS - on the hot side of this brew, we went 50/50 with the HRC and Citra. For the Dry Hop, we went 75% HRC/25% Citra. The end result are notes of yellow peach, tangerine, & starfruit with a crisp, dry finish. How new is this hop? So new it’s new new. That is a thing the kids say. How do you do, fellow kids?
Missing U IPA
IPA|6.8%|62 IBU
We are seriously missing our brewery friends these days. The collabs, the festivals, the conferences, the visits, the hangouts...some days, it just really bums us out, not knowing when it’ll be safe to do any of these things again. And then, we put on Robyn in the brewery and our positivity returns. This small batch IPA is part reminiscent, part modern interpretation of one of our (and our brewer friend’s) favorite OG IPAs - Bell’s Two Hearted (PS - Happy 35th Birthday, Bell’s!)!. There's a splash of dark crystal malt in the bill for color and kiss of caramel sweetness, and it was hopped mostly with Centennial hops from CLS Farms. BUT THEN, we added two HBC Experimental hops that exhibit some prime Centennial character - 522 for the resinous grapefruit and blackberry notes & 630 for the dark cherry undertones. You’re not here with us, the picture’s incomplete. But this beer, and Robyn on full volume, will help get you through.
Really Let Yourself Go
DIPA|8.1%|60 IBU
Look, we’re not judging you. It’s been a rough couple of months, filled with uncertainty, anxiety, illness, and life altering events, that’s compounded by incompetant, reckless decisions made by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. So why not order an extra pizza from your favorite place, have another beer, have dessert, add a second scoop of ice cream on that dessert, all of the above, combine them all together...YOU ARE SUPPORTING SMALL, LOCAL BUSINESSES AFTER ALL! And while we’re at it, fuck real pants, and fuck belts too - sweatpants/yogapants are WAY BETTER. And, shower every other day, grow out that stubble, let the hair get long, work on that novel, it’s #covidnorules and this is who we are now. It’s not your fault, you can only control so much! This DIPAs hop bill of Simcoe, Citra, & Chinook kinda like a metaphor for all those things we just mentioned. It might seem comfortable and familiar, we probably made one just like it before, but you know what? This is what we want right now! LAY OFF US WE’RE THIRSTY!
Something Something Galaxy IPA
IPA|6.8%|58 IBU
This one is for the buzz. And the fuzz. What does that mean? It doesn’t matter. We loaded this thing up with Galaxy hops. You know, from AUSTRALIA. And some Citra. And also, some Hop 692 for a little tropical twisty delight. The malt bill is simple, mostly 2 row, some pilsner, and THREE TYPES OF OATS. People love oats. So do horses. Back on the hops. Just think about this: GALAXY. It’s vast, it’s expansive, it’s intangible, it’s unique, it’s delicious. GALAXY. That’s the ticket.
Tell Me Lies
We did, and you didn't even know.
Contemporary American-Style Pilsner
Contemporary American-Style Pilsner|5.4%|38 IBU
Back by semi-popular demand! Our first time around, this was a bit lower abv, and we considered it a session lager...and then won a Gold medal at the Washington Beer Awards in that category. So that is neat. This time around, it gained a little strength, but is still sessionable to us, especially with that old-meets-new-world hop bill of Cascade, Mosaic, & Galaxy. You see - lagers are super easy to make and require no skill nor attention to details nor patience nor prior brewing experience whatsoever. Nope, you can’t disguise. Soon, they will flood the market and craft will be stoked because sessionable, subtle, balanced beers are what they are always asking for. Oh, we’ll tell ya lies. Sweet, little lies. Unlike somebody else's lies….those are not sweet, nor little, AND WE TOLD OURSELVES WE WOULDN'T GO THERE ON THIS DESCRIPTION.
We did, and you didn't even know.
Not A Doctor IPA
Still doesn't matter
What The Actual Fuck
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
We, Cloudburst, are not a Doctor. And we don’t play one on TV. BUT….we do wear masks in public, just like doctors wear in the operating room. We also know a few doctors too, and there is definitely some airwave osmosis going on. And because of this, we just wanna say - WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!? People are protesting their right to sneeze into their friend’s mouths if they want to? They want to be FREE so that they can put others at risk? The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES wants you to sun your lungs and inject yourself with over the counter disinfectants?!? After his previous advice of just having patients take other drugs used to treat other illnesses, that never went through any type of research nor testing nor trials. What’s next? Trepanning and bloodletting and fecal transplants? I mean, we get it - you can’t even see the virus, but we’re pretty sure it exists (right?!), and how do we KILL IT when we can’t even use our guns on it?! Oh yeah...SCIENCE. HOLY FUCK it’s like somebody read 1984 and Handmaid’s Tale and Dianetics at the same time and here the fuck we are. Maybe this IPA brewed with 2 row & Maris Otter malt and hopped with a tropical soiree of Strata, Nelson Sauvin, & Simcoe gets your mind off this shit...
Still doesn't matter
Farewell, my pretty.
Pale|5.3%|27 IBU
This dry-hopped pale features some of the hottest international nose candy around. Super sexy Vic Secret hops from Australia are the main attraction, with juicy Huell Melon hops from Germany lending some depth down the runway. Quit gawking, stop drooling and drink it up before she fades away.
5.3% abv, 27 IBUs
Farewell, my pretty.
Unreliable Narrator
Reliably Consumed
Pale|5.5%|35 IBU
A simple malt bill takes a backseat to allow the protagonist Nelson Sauvin and Mandarina hops to prevail. Dank, citrus, and tropical aromatics are prominent themes, and the conclusion is for you to decide.
5.5% abv, 35 IBUs
Reliably Consumed
Vibes and Stuff IPA
RIP Phife's Beer
IPA|7.2%|69 IBU
We listen to a lot of Tribe Called Quest in the brewery and in the tasting room, so we made a beer for Phife Dawg. A light yet balanced, tropical meets floral IPA featuring El Dorado hops. There’s a little bit of Simcoe and Mosaic in there too to give it a bit of depth. Phife once rapped “Go out on my own, somethin’ that I gotta do; do what the hell I want and have no on to listen to.” We’ll drink to that.
7.2% abv, 69 IBUs
RIP Phife's Beer
Tickle Party IPA
Tee hee hee ha haha HA AH AHHH POPSICLE!
IPA|6.4%|58 IBU
Tickle Party starts off innocent, silly and fun. But then the hops join in and things escalate pretty quickly – a whirlwind of citrus, white grape, ripe peach, and pine thanks to a blend of Nelson Sauvin, Citra, El Dorado, Cascade, & Amarillo. By the end of the party, your palate is exhausted and happy for some breathing room…until you dive right back in on the next sip.
6.4% abv, 58 IBUs
Tee hee hee ha haha HA AH AHHH POPSICLE!
Punch Drunk Love
Love Drunk Punch.
Huh|8.2%|40 IBU
This red-tinted, fruit punch inspired strong pale was brewed with 84 pounds of sweet cherry puree and 9 gallons of pineapple juice. Bittered with Sorachi Ace, and finished with Citra, Cascade, and Centennial hops give it a lemony and citrusy hop forward backbone. Be careful, it sneaks up on you.
Love Drunk Punch.
Psycho Hose Beast
Bye Wayne. Byeeeeeee.
TIPA|9.5%|80 IBU
A Triple IPA brewed with way too many hops, and a gun rack. And we don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire gun rack.
Chinook, Cascade, Citra. Simcoe, & El Dorado.
Bye Wayne. Byeeeeeee.
Pigeonhole IPA
Boxed Out
IPA|7%|65 IBU
Did you know we make a lot of beer styles? Like more than IPA? We DO! Stouts, Porters, Saisons, Pales, Pilsner, with many more in the pipeline. You should try them! But here's an IPA to enjoy while you decide on your next beer. A kiss of honey malt, followed by Chinook, Citra, Amarillo, and LOTS of Simcoe.
Boxed Out
Untitled Unmastered IPA
IPA|7.2%|64 IBU
Kendrick Lamar is always inspired to explore & experiment with new ideas, and so are we (we’re pretty much twins). This IPA started as an unfinished demo, and evolved to fruition over time. We gave it a sturdy malt backbone of pale crystal malt & munich, and then let a compilation of Warrior, Melon, Cascade, Citra, and Loral (formally #291) hops improvise off each other. The result is a refreshing IPA with a futuristic hop profile – flavors of hondeydew, citrus, strawberry, & mango bounce off notes of flowers, green tea & mint.
7.2% abv, 64 IBUs
Waiting for BIll
Seriously, where the fuck is Bill?
Pale|6.2%|50 IBU
As some of you know, Bill is leaving us. And while we are going miss a lot of things about him, we are not going to miss waiting for him. You see, we regularly find ourselves waiting for Bill, asking ourselves: What is taking so long? Where the fuck is Bill? What IS Bill even doing? I never know what he’s doing….Anyways…This Pale has a little White Wheat in it for body, and was hopped with Chinook, Ella, Mandarina, and El Dorado. It’s a citrus and fruit forward Pale perfect to consume while you’re waiting for Bill.
6.2% abv, 50 IBUs
Seriously, where the fuck is Bill?
Sorachi Not Sorry
Pale|5.3%|45 IBU
Oh Sorachi Ace. You, my friend, are an individual snowflake. Dominant & distinct & intense, a trained palate can taste and smell you in every beer you touch. You and your big notes of White Oak, Lemon Peel, & Coconut. Anyone can brew with you, but only a few can master you. That’s why we brought in our other friends Simcoe and El Dorado to mellow you out a touch, with their notes of overripe orange, peach skin, and green tea. We think it did the trick, but don’t be fooled by the low abv and IBUs, this beer is a palate wrecker, sorry not sorry.
5.3% abv, 45 IBUs
The Essence of Wetness
A Wet Eugoogooly.
IPA|6.7%|75 IBU
Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty. This beer represents the classic beauty of wet hops and the PNW: it’s leafy & chewy & grapefruity & piney & resiny with assertive green hop flavor down the runway and back. Brewed with Wet Centennial from CLS Farms and Wet Cluster from Joe Champoux Farms at a ratio of 7#/bbl, it is certainly not a wet hop beer for ants.
6.7% abv, 75 IBUs
A Wet Eugoogooly.
Younger Us
Remember that time?
Huh|7.5%|28 IBU
True Story: Both Steve and Zach’s first jobs in the brewing industry were at Allagash Brewing in Portland, Maine (2005 and 2008, respectively). With fond memories and endless respect, they brewed a homage to the brewery that broke them in with this amplified, twisted version of the old flagship. White and red wheat, along with oats, give the beer its haze and silky mouthfeel, while the coriander, bitter orange peel, and secret spice drive the aromatics. It was then fermented with our French Saison yeast, making the beer finish fruity, dry and tart.
7.5% abv, 28 IBUs
Remember that time?
Velvet Snow
Turn off the lights 'cause they're coming bright.
Dark Stuff|4.7%|20 IBU
A creamy yet light classic Irish Stout blended with homemade cold brew with Conduit Coffee Roasters beans. Underneath the fluffy white head lies huge notes of roast, with hints of smoke and tart fruit, and a warm, energetic buzz. Turn off the lights ‘cause they’re coming bright.
4.7% abv, 20 IBUs
Turn off the lights 'cause they're coming bright.
Remember the Maine
That ship has sunk.
Dark Stuff|5.1%|29 IBU
The USS Maine was a battleship that suddenly exploded, without warning, and sunk off the coast of Havana in 1898. It served as a catalyst to the Spanish American War, even though many speculate its demise was due to an internal, mechanical error and not due to a secret attack from Spain. So yeah, we named our pumpkin beer after an imploding, sinking ship.
5.1% abv, 29 IBUs
That ship has sunk.
Pom Pom IPA
Ra Ra Sis Boom Bye.
IPA|7%|62 IBU
How does a regular IPA grab attention during Fresh Hop Season? With cheerleaders, duh. And how do cheerleaders grab attention during Football Games? Obviously, with pom poms.
Cha Cha Chaboochie Roll Call: Polaris, El Dorado, Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, & Huell Melon.
7.0% abv, 62 IBUs
Ra Ra Sis Boom Bye.
Water Weight
The weight has been shed!
DIPA|8.3%|79 IBU
Did you know: green (wet) hops are 75% moisture? That’s a whole lotta water! So to compensate for the excess water weight, we used 9#/bbl of Simcoe from Loftus farms in kettle and post-boil steep. Big, juicy notes of ruby red grapefruit and pine abound in a heavyweight bout on your palate.
8.3% abv, 79 IBUs
The weight has been shed!
Wet Hop Indian Summer
We showed you the fever, now into the fire.
Pale|6%|40 IBU
It’s always fun to get away from camp Cloudburst, even if it’s for an hour. On this trip to Yakima, we picked up 15#/bbl of Citra and Loral hops from Loftus Ranches, and we made a pact to all meet back there ten years later at 9:30am. Wet hops were used from mash to knock out, and everywhere in between – resulting in chewy, green flavors and notes of peaches, strawberries, and tangerines. This beer will show you the fever, into the fire, taking it higher and higher. Nothing to fear, it’s only desire, taking it higher and higher.
6.0% abv, 40 IBUs
We showed you the fever, now into the fire.
Tigers & Lazerbeams
All Glowed Out.
IPA|7%|60 IBU
I remember the meeting like it was yesterday. We had this beer - light with a touch of wheat - a perfect vehicle for a new, multi-faceted and complex hop called HBC 369. It was clean, vibrant and tropical, with subtle savory and citrus undertones. But it needed a name, and it needed a label. We threw around ideas of neon, of Lisa Frank, of Ken Kesey, maybe with sharks or a snake - a Boomslang, perhaps?! - or maybe a Tiger? YES! A Tiger, a white tiger, shooting sparkly, neon Lazerbeams from it’s eyes!…
But that was then, and this is now. That beer is just another brand in yet another fake “craft” portfolio under an aimless “High End” division of a soulless and out-of-touch multibillion dollar MNC.
Warrior, Centennial, El Dorado & LOADS of Mosaic
7.0% ABV, 60 IBUS, and brewed in Seattle by an adamantly small, forever independent brewery that 5 former Elysian employees still work at.
All Glowed Out.
Precious Freshious
myyyyy presshhhus.
Fancy Beer|6.7%|15 IBU
A blend of our Market Fresh Series that were aged in white burgundy barrels from Delille Cellars in Woodinville, WA over the course of 6 - 7 months. Oak tannins, white burgundy, stone fruit, cracked pepper, and hay (is for horses). This beer is a delicate, subtle flower - let it warm up to let it bloom.
6.7% abv, 15 IBUs
myyyyy presshhhus.
Rhythm Method IPA
Pulled Out & Prayed.
IPA|6.7%|60 IBU
For this IPA, we’re putting our money where our name is - 10% of all revenue generated from this beer in the tasting room will be donated to Planned Parenthood, so that they can continue to teach humans about sex education, contraception, cancer screening & STD prevention. Hopped with Citra, El Dorado, Loral & Huell Melon - big floral notes mix with flavors of ripe stone fruit, citrus, & honeydew. In dark times like these…Care. No matter what.
6.7% abv, 60 IBUs
Pulled Out & Prayed.
Swedish Prison Orgy
All orgies must come to an end.
TIPA|9.6%|79 IBU
This is NOT a country club beer. This beer is a reverse blindside, a bleached mullet of pure talent that earns a Jordache endorsement and hangs out all night with David Copperfield doing awesome stuff. It is a fascinating creature, an awakened sleeping dragon, it’s nothing short of a miracle, and it’s not going to apologize. Hey, what happens between two or three or six hops is natural and it’s beautiful. By the time you reach the finish, your palate will have gone through 7 Days in Hell, and will have you pleading…please end it, please end it.
Citra, Mosaic, El Dorado, Vic Secret, Nelson Sauvin, & Galaxy.
9.6% abv, 79 IBUs
All orgies must come to an end.
Slap Bag IPA
The bag has been slapped.
IPA|7.4%|67 IBU
Once upon a time, in our misspent youth, we played one of dumbest drinking games known to exist. This game consisted of pulling the bladder out of a box of wine, and throwing it at each other in between taking long pulls from the plastic tap while slapping the bag. That’s it. That’s the game… Um. So yeah, this IPA was generously hopped with Nelson Sauvin, Vic Secret, Huell Melon, & Hallertau Blanc - all hops that possess wine-like elements (get it?!) - exhibiting notes of passion fruit, gooseberry, honeydew, white grape, and a touch of minerality - making it just a bit more complex than Franzia.
7.4% abv, 67 IBUs
The bag has been slapped.
Remaining Mind
Your moment of zen is over.
Pale|5.1%|25 IBU
Cloudburst word of the day: Zanshin. Zanshin translates to “remaining mind” and is the 4th state of zen, which has two equal parts: a state of relaxed awareness and perceptiveness combined with a state of ease and confidence in the follow through of action. We started with a lighter base, added Mango puree to the fermenter, and then infused the beer with two equal parts of green tea: powdered Sen Cha & whole leaf Sen Cha Fukamushi. We need to relax for a hot minute, and you do to.
5.1% abv, 25 IBUs
Your moment of zen is over.
Shame Spiral
We regret nothing. Ok, maybe a few things.
DIPA|8.7%|78 IBU
This beer goes out to that anxiety-ridden morning after of a drunken night out. As the brain fog lifts, and you start to remember pieces of specific conversations, events, actions that make you cringe with embarrassment, and laugh, and regret, and hope that nobody else remembers that you fell off the stage in the middle of singing Celine Dion karaoke that you decided to take artistic liberty on by ad-libbing a “Fuck Trump” chant while the song crescendos. Wait. What? Galaxy, Citra, & Hop 522
Notes of peaches, nectarines, tangelos, & grapefruit, combined with a sneaky ABV you might soon regret.
8.7% abv, 78 IBUs
We regret nothing. Ok, maybe a few things.
Soul Proprietor IPA
The beer is dead, but the soul lives on.
IPA|7.3%|60 IBU
This is the first beer of the newly established Bottleshop Collaboration Project. What’s the BCP? It’s 11 small, local, independent bottle shops in Western Washington that share common values and a love of craft beer. And since we love being small, local, & independent too, we made a juicy IPA to celebrate them, support their cause, & lure you to their business to spend some cash money!
Chinook, Citra, Galaxy, & Mosaic Dust.
7.3% abv, 60 IBUs
The beer is dead, but the soul lives on.
Dark Stuff|9.1%|48 IBU
Oh, you know, just a boring, plain old Imperial Stout. No bells or whistles, no fun twists or bizarre additions. Not even coffee? Nope. It is simple, straight forward and uncomplicated. It is Yawn.
9.1% abv, 48 IBUs
Standard Operating Procedure IPA
Operation with Barley Browns is Complete.
IPA|7.1%|55 IBU
First, you ask one of the most award winning brewers that’s run by some of the nicest people in the industry to make a beer with you. Then, we talk malt. Some of theirs (Gold Rush Pilsner from Baker City, OR) and some of ours (Rhar 2-row). Plus a little bit of others. Next, we move onto hops. The Baker City boys use lots of Chinook, Simcoe, & Citra. We like those too - but we also like to mix/twist/weird shit up - so we agree to add Ekuanot to the mix. Double Dry-Hop? Double Dry-Hop. Brew, Pitch, Ferment, Hop, Condition, Fine, Carb, Rack, Tap, Pour, Smell, Drink, Drink, Drink.
7.1% abv, 55 IBUs
Operation with Barley Browns is Complete.
See No Evil IPA
Eyes Wide Open
IPA|7.2%|60 IBU
In times like these, it sure would be nice to be a blind monkey. At least you could still smell the notes of raspberries, peaches, and flower petals from all the Loral hops. No need to acknowledge impropriety when you can turn a blind eye, sit back and enjoy how Citra and El Dorado and Mosaic integrate so easily with Loral. It’s an easy, unencumbered path with your eyes closed. Just feign ignorance and swallow the kool-aid.
7.2% abv, 60 IBUs
Eyes Wide Open
Wanna Get Away IPA
Oh, it got away
IPA|7.5%|68 IBU
Our President is an illiterate, narcissistic, xenophobic sociopath with the fragile temperament of three year old. We’ve had one of the wettest, grayest, coldest winters in PNW history. Traffic has been an atrocious time suck, and public transportation leaves much to be desired. The cost of living is getting obscene, and is still rising. And the Seahawks might trade Richard Sherman. FUCK IT. WE NEED TO GET AWAY….but we can’t. So we brewed an IPA with all New Zealand and Australian hops, because we want to be there. It’s light and sunny, with gentle floral and tropical notes. Close your eyes and go to your happy place.
Ella, Kohatu, Rakau, Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin, & Motueka.
7.5% abv, 68 IBUs
Oh, it got away
Riddle Wrapped
Still an enigma
Pale|5.9%|49 IBU
You know that saying ‘it’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’? You wanna know where that came from?? Well, we’re going to tell you either way - Winston Fucking Churchill said that about the Motherfucking Russians in 1939. Here’s the direct quote: ”I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.” If the present day relevance doesn’t make your jaw drop, then these uber dank and tropical Australian Enigma hops will. And then you’ll be like “Wait. What were we just talking about? Oh yeah. Beer.”
5.9% abv, 49 IBUs
Still an enigma
Tigers in Tiny Spaces
In a glass case of emotion.
Pale|6%|45 IBU
Brewed exclusively for the Oregon Brewer’s Festival, which is in it’s 30th year. That’s older than most of YOU. When you get a lot of brewers together and put them in an enclosed space, it might sound like an amusing idea…but be careful, anything can happen.
Chinook, Citra, Loral, 522
6.0% abv, 45 IBUs
In a glass case of emotion.
Summer Abroad IPA
The experience was cool and all.
IPA|7.4%|58 IBU
Are you interested in a life-altering, knowledge-expanding, cultural immersion? If so, you’re invited to embark on a brief adventure to Germany with us. There, you’ll discover the essence and flavors of Mandarina Bavaria and Huell Melon hops. Those notes of candied citrus, tangerine, watermelon, & spice pair nicely with that familiar Citra flavor and West Coast bitterness from back home. Drink now for program fees and dates.
7.4% abv, 58 IBUs
The experience was cool and all.
Wicked Awesome
See yah kid.
Pale|5.4%|18 IBU
This beeah is the best kid! It’s made with sweet wheet and fackin bloobarries - just like the fancy beeahs you and Tommy would drink bahk in the day befaw you wah twenty wan in his muthahs cellah but bettah becawse this one doesnt have a weeahd dawg on the label or come from Wahchusett - FACK Wahchusett buncha hicks - but it’s so pissah they prolly don’t have it at Cumbees or the regulah pahcky but they prolly have it at the fancy place ovah by root wan. I could go an forevah but ya beeah is wahming up and the sawx game is ahn so I’ll just shaht the fack up. Get it in ya! Go Sawx!
5.4% abv, 18 IBUs
See yah kid.
Plays Well With Others
Sharing was caring
DIPA|8.7%|71 IBU
Oh El Dorado. We love you for all that you are - soft and subdued, stonefruity, and herbacious. A true role player, a supporting actor, a helping hop. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Well, this is your time to step up! We teamed you up with some all stars - Citra & Mosaic - plus a similarly complementary hop in Loral. But this DIPA is about YOU, El Dorado. Shine bright like a diamond!
8.7% abv, 71 IBUs
Sharing was caring
Physical Challenge
We got slimed.
DIPA|8.4%|68 IBU
We have three great hops here today, along with some pilsner and pale malt.
Nelson Sauvin - Here’s how this game works. We’re going to make a beer with you, ok? And if you need help with that beer, you can Dare Citra and Mosaic to join in the fun. If Citra and Mosaic need more depth, they give the beer back to you as a Double Dare, or you have the option for A PHYSICAL CHALLENGE.
PHYSICAL CHALLENGE! OK, Here’s whats gonna happen, when I say go, we’re gonna empty pilsner and pale malt into this large tun over here. Then, we’re gonna mix it up, collect some wort and dump the rest out, by spilling as little of the mash on the floor as possible. Nelson Sauvin, your job is to get added to the kettle over here. Citra and Mosaic, you’ll be over here and be added to the kettle as well. Once you're done in the kettle, all three of you need to run over to the fermenter and get in as quickly as possible. Careful, the yeast is tricky over there - you’re going to have navigate it to not get muddled in the process. After that, you’ll need to save some flavors and aroma for the final dry-hop. It might seem really hard, but you have 17 days to complete this challenge. Understand? OK, on your mark…get set…GO!
8.4% abv, 68 IBUs
We got slimed.
Whenever, Wherever IPA
that was the deal my dear
IPA|7.2%|58 IBU
Guess what Shakira’s 3 favorite hops are? Cashmere, Citra, & El Dorado. She told us that, so we made a beer for her. Luckily their flavors are fruity and herbal, so you don’t confuse them with OJ. But haze will be there and bitterness will be near, and that’s the deal my dear. Honestly, there’s nothing left to fear, if you really feel the way we feel….about IPAs.
7.2% abv, 58 IBUs
that was the deal my dear
Place held.
Pale|4.9%|25 IBU
You’re probably thinking “what the fuck is this little light beer these idiots made? I want hops! Give me the hoppy shit! HOPS OR GTFO!!” But guess what else is HOT right now? Kolschs. Also, Table Beers…kinda. And since we’re not located in Cologne, nor within a Belgian Abbey, we can’t truly make either style. But we can be inspired by them and make something similar yet different. So, we used a blend of Pale and Pilsner Malt, combined it with herbal Polaris, floral Rakau, spicy Saaz, and citrusy Mandarina, and fermented it on the cooler side with our house yeast. Just take it or leave it. But probably take it.
4.9% abv, 25 IBUs
Place held.
Pretty Little Liar
Never Trust a Pretty Beer.
Pale|5%|40 IBU
This beer includes the A Team cast of hops - Citra, Simcoe, & Mosaic. But never trust a pretty beer with an ugly secret. Something is slightly different here. Lurking underneath those familiar notes of tropical and citrus fruits, Hop 438 exposes itself with hints of lime and cedar. What are your motives, Hop 438? To twist this group of friends and bring them into unknown and unchartered territory? It’s best to keep your malt close and your hops closer.
5.0% abv, 40 IBUs
Never Trust a Pretty Beer.
Wet Bandits
Home Alone.
DIPA|8%|60 IBU
What’s so funny? What are you laughing at? Oh, just a fucking massive 35 pounds per barrel of Hop 438 from Perrault Farms and Cascade from Loza Farms that our friends from Varietal Beer Company practically stole and brought over for this beer. We told them not to do it, but it’s their calling card. And you know what? It made the most complex fresh hop beer we’ve ever tasted, with huge notes Lime, Peach, Cedar, Spruce, & Tangerine. Have as many as you like - just don’t get caught by an 8 year old who was left home alone while his parents attended Fresh Hop Fest.
8.0% abv, 60 IBUs
Home Alone.
Safe Travels
They were!
Pale|5.8%|40 IBU
We put the hands of this beer in a responsible, reliable first-born child named Centennial. We brewed it well, gave it ideal & loving conditions to prosper, and left it in charge as Mom & Dad traveled to China for the week. We knew we could trust it to not leave the oven on, have some fun with younger siblings Citra and Idaho 7, and to not get too estery with the next door neighbor Yeast. When we came back from our trip, everything was classic and clean - lots of pine and resin with a kiss of bright citrus layered throughout a simple malt bill and dry finish.
5.8% abv, 40 IBUs
They were!
Whoaaaaaa. Wait. Where is it?
Dark Stuff|5%|35 IBU
[Blossom enters the kitchen with a 32oz growler in hand, Joey is reverse sitting on a chair]
Blossom: Joey, you gotta try this new Oatmeal Stout from Cloudburst! They used 3 different types of oats in it and a handful of roasted malts, and then fermented it with a classic English yeast strain!
Joey Russo: [Pauses. Looks into Camera]...Whoa’ts!
Blossom: I know. It’s like they just get me - complex and mysterious, approachable and unassuming, silky and smooth...I could curl up on a couch by a fire and just drink like 4 of these while thinking about how to save the world.
Joey Russo: [Pauses. Looks into Camera]...Whoa’ts!
Six [talking rapidly]: Blossom have you seen my new denim hat? The front flips up and it’s gotta big sunflower on the front of it! They’re ALL the rage and super cute and it works perfectly with my single-strapped denim overalls and Doc Martin’s and Joey thinks it’s cute too. Right, Joey? JOEY PAY ATTENTION TO ME.
Joey Russo: [Pauses. Looks into Camera]...Whoa’ts!
5% abv, 35 IBUs
You might not know how to dance, but after a couple of these, that might change. In the meantime, you can be like Young Dro, and just let your shoulder lean. With a hop combo of Citra, Hallertau Blanc, and Cashmere and a good dose of Flaked Oats, this DIPA is as comfy and hip as a male romper at a Southern BBQ (burn!). And with big notes of peach flesh, white grape and tangerine in addition to ample haze, you know all the shorties will be into it too. Lean and get lit.
8.6% abv, 70 IBUs
Leaned and Got Lit.
Would You Rather IPA
Would Rather.
IPA|7.3%|60 IBU
Would you rather buy a keg or pint of an IPA produced by a small, local, independent brewery -OR- a large, multi-national corporation? Would you rather drink an IPA that is thoughtfully designed, carefully brewed and gently processed or churned out, pumped around, and ripped through filters? Would you rather have an ever evolving light malt bill that allows hop combinations to shine through or have an outdated and muddled recipe full of caramel malt and earthy hops? We could keep going, but we’re getting thirsty. If you chose “yes” to all of the first options, this beer is for you. If you didn’t...for real?
Citra, Cascade Dust, & Hop 522.
7.3% abv, 60 IBUs
Would Rather.
Silence Breaker IPA
IPA|6.8%|60 IBU
Inspired by recent events, we wanted to use beer as vehicle for positive change. In solidarity and support of strong humans finding the courage to speak out about sexual assault, 1$ of every pint of this IPA sold in our tasting room will be donated to the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, a local non-profit organization that gives a voice to victims in our own backyard. They offer treatment & services to victims and their families, while working hard to change the beliefs and attitudes surrounding sexual assault and offering a support network to encourage other victims to speak out. For more information, visit kcsarc.org. Oh and about the beer - This IPA is generously hopped with Mosaic pellets and cryo, along with a supporting cast of Cascade and Citra.
6.8% abv, 60 IBUs
Planned Obsolescence
Obsolete. Just like we planned.
DIPA|8.2%|80 IBU
This is the latest, greatest, updated version of the newest Cloudburst Double India Pale Ale v. 14. It is loaded with cutting edge, desirable, exotic hop varieties named Nelson Sauvin, Galaxy, and Citra and hopped with .1 more hops per barrel than ever before. The internal maltchanics are supported by 2-row, in conjunction with a touch of wheat and pilsner malt. It is BIG. It is DRY. It is BITTER. It is WHITE GRAPEFRUIT meets PASSION FRUIT meets WHITE GRAPE meets MINERALITY. You are going to want to buy this ASAP. Especially because our last DIPA you had is now dull and stupid and obsolete. You want THIS one. Right now. It’s the best one of ours there is! Until it’s not relevant anymore….which will be in approximately 24 days. But you didn’t hear that from the manufacturer, ok?
8.2% abv, 80 IBUs
Obsolete. Just like we planned.
Party People Yeah IPA
We liked seeing you dance.
IPA|7.4%|58 IBU
How are you supposed to have a good time when death and destruction is all you see? Well, you can start by briefly forgetting about the world and getting lost in this IPA. It’s a good vibration of Citra, Galaxy, Mosaic, and Ekuanot hops that will have the sound of sunshine is callin’ your name. And good vibration is all we need. Party People Yeah! We like to see you dance...briefly. And then, back to fighting the good the fight.
7.4% abv, 58 IBUs
We liked seeing you dance.
Pop A Shot
Times Up.
Pale|5.2%|42 IBU
Here’s the game: Pale, Carahell, and Carafoam malt are up against Comet, Citra, & Loral hops. The malts start off with an effortless, clean swish but then are overpowered by flurry of satsuma and grapefruit notes from the Comet and Citra, along with a little creamy vanilla spice from the Loral to round it out. The malt tries to match shot for shot to keep the balance, but it is no match against the formidable Yakima Express. With a dry, bright finish and lower abv - a rematch is bound to happen. Again and again.
5.2% abv, 42 IBUs
Times Up.
Steve and Zach Awesome Beer, Great Job!
For your health.
TIPA|9.9%|80 IBU
Well you know we used a lot malt in this beer. LOTS of malt. Hops too. Hops are different than malt, but kinda the same thing. They really contribute to the taste, the flavor. People will taste this and definitely be like, “Mhmm. Yep. Flavor.” There’s also alcohol in it too, which is beneficial in small doses. For your health, Dr. Steve Brule. It’s got muscles for bones. This is a beer you could be innernette best friends with. That’s our beer!
Mmm..uhh..citraandsimcoeandmosaicandequinox. Pelletsandcryo.
9.9% abv, 80 IBUs
For your health.
Very Stable Genius IPA
Our best beer ever and always.
IPA|7.4%|62 IBU
Everybody knows our two greatest assets are HOPS. It's just very sad that not everybody is as good at...their tremendous benefits. Just look at Crooked Hillary and Sloppy Steve and you'll see [inaudible] tremendous dishonesty. What we do is THE best, and we're making IPA great again, just like we said. We're VERY successful despite fake beers and ridiculous collusion between Simcoe, Idaho 7, and Amarillo hops. SAD. We use them a lot - enormously consensual - which qualifies as not smart, but genius.
7.4% abv, 62 IBUs
Our best beer ever and always.
Positive Reinforcement
Good Job, Good Effort.
Pale|6.5%|40 IBU
Dear Huell Melon Hops,
You smell THE. FUCKING. BEST. out the bag. Like straight up watermelon, canteloupe, lychee and hondeydew - it’s amazing. We seriously have no idea how the Germans created you. But while we marvel at you in pellet form, you just can’t seem to make that flavor and aroma hang on all the way through the beer. That’s why we added just a teeny bit of Citra and Mosaic hops to help you out. With those two allstars by your side, we hope you gain the confidence to break free and get your melon on.
With Love and Support, Cloudburst Brewing
6.5% abv, 40 IBUs
Good Job, Good Effort.
Social Suicide
Damn. You were so lucky to have us guide you.
Dark Stuff|4.9%|45 IBU
You can’t brew a black IPA, nobody drinks those. Same with session beers. Combine the two, and it’s worse than joining the mathletes. It’s social suicide. But wait. Shut up. Seriously sit down. This beer is like really pretty. And kinda cute actually. It’s all carbs, which is perfect if you want to lose three pounds. And the hop bill of simcoe, Idaho 7, Amarillo, & Citra is so fetch that we won’t even have to use African voodoo on you to make you like it. I know right? It’s not a regular beer, it’s a cool beer. A hump day treat. Damn you are so lucky to have us guide you.
4.9% abv, 45 IBUs
Damn. You were so lucky to have us guide you.
Turn Up the Lights
It was extra bright baby, did you see it?
DIPA|8.3%|70 IBU
We know you all dig Flashing Lights IPA. So, we turned up the lights in here baby, extra bright because we want y’all to see this. It’s got fast cars, shooting stars. Citra, Mosaic, & Cascade hops. A light malt bill and dry finish. So if you want it you can get it for the rest of your life...or like the next three weeks. We want you to taste everything, want you to taste all of the lights. But only for a limited time.
8.3% abv, 70 IBUs
It was extra bright baby, did you see it?
Shine Together IPA
Told me you’d be here forever?
IPA|7.1%|58 IBU
The Citra hop once sang to the Australian Ella hop - “When the sun shines, we shine together; told you I’ll be here forever, said I’ll always be your friend, took an oath that i’m gonna stick it out to the end. Now that it’s raining more than ever, know that we still have each other. You can stand under my umbrella. ELLA, ELLA, eh eh eh.” And the Australian Ella hop ran into Citra’s arms, no longer alarmed, and let the soft citrusy and peachy notes pour. Ooh baby it’s raining raining - drink into me.
7.1% abv, 58 IBUs
Told me you’d be here forever?
Rainfall IPA
Who’ll stop the rain?
IPA|7.5%|40 IBU
Our friends from Portland, OR came up and things. Got. Juicy! We started with a base of PIlsner Malt, White Wheat, and Oats, added a whirlpool addition of Mosaic, Citra & Galaxy, and followed it up with a massive dry-hop of Galaxy, Enigma, Vic Secret, Motueka, & Ella. The end result is a soft, balanced tropical downpour of haze!
7.5% abv, 40 IBUs
Who’ll stop the rain?
Please Work IPA
IPA|6.4%|67 IBU
You may or may not have noticed, but we have a new brewhouse in the building. This eventually means a little more beer for everybody with about the same amount of work for Steve and Zach (but not for Noah, because he has more beer to move...sorry Noah). We were down for 12 days for set-up, delivery, & install - and that means we needed to figure this thing out FAST. Thus, our first brew day turned into a very long and stressful double brew of a brand new IPA so that our taproom and our loyal (and understanding, and patient, and…) accounts would not run out. We loaded this up with Ekuanot, Mosaic, & Citra hops to ensure predictable citrus, tropical and spicy notes that everybody loves with a prominent, west coast bitterness. The end result was a success - because the beer tastes good, all the machinery worked, and nobody died (or, quit) in the process. Cheers to many more turns on the new baby.
6.4% abv, 67 IBUs
The Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders
Double Chocolate Stout|8.6%|45 IBU
In this new vision of horror like you’ve never seen before, comes a stout so decadent, twee and rich that will surely murder you. In the face of unspeakable evil, this beer was aged on 5#/bbl of organic, fair trade cocoa nibs sourced via the Democratic Republic of Congo and roasted by local purveyors, Theo Chocolates. Combined with a hint of lactose, there’s no way the Constable or your two precocious children can fend off a beer this ludicrously lugubrious, especially if it’s accompanied by a meat cleaver, a falcon, a record player, Danny Glover, and twins in tracksuits. Wes Anderson has nothing on us in this ale of handmade horror.Dear Drinker, can will kill you? - The Brewers.
Please Advise IPA
Respectfully Yours.
IPA|7.4%|60 IBU
Dear Sirs and/or Madams,
We are seeking information as to what type of IPA you typically manufacture. You see, at first glance they tend to appear hazy - though we admit, that haze varies in prevalence from batch to batch, presumably at the decision of your brewers. Regardless, this haze is most often misleading - because your IPAs have a noticeable bitterness (how dare you!?) and they finish quite dry, even snappy. The flavour and aromatic profiles are often quite fruity - albeit with the occasional floral or piney highlight, and another note that some would describe as “dank.” Either way, there’s very little malt and/or cereal presence, another confusing facet that’s cause for inquiry. And thus, we ask for a clarification, per se, as to what style of IPA is that you consider yourselves. Surely, we don’t want to assume you are constantly missing the mark in trying to create a West Coast IPA and/or a Northwest IPA and/or a New England IPA. We don’t get it. But we like it. Please Advise.
Person In Line to Order, Phone in Hand, Untappd App Open
TL,DR: 70% 2-Row, 30% Pilsner Malt. 60% Mosaic pellets & cryo, 25% Hallertau Blanc, 15% Citra. 15.8P to 2.7P
7.4% abv, 60 IBUs
Respectfully Yours.
People Power
Does a human good.
Pale|5.3%|45 IBU
We teamed up with 50+ breweries around the country to release a beer named People Power on the 4th of July. The beer could be any style and use any number of ingredients - the only thing in common is that every brewer must donate 10% of sales of the beer to the ACLU. A diverse array of breweries from near and far all working together for the greater good? Sign us up! As for the beer, this pale ale is light, dry and crisp, and hopped with Citra and Experimental 638, resulting in layers upon layers of tropical and citrus flavors and aromatics.
More info at peoplepowerbeer.com
5.3% abv, 45 IBUs
Does a human good.
Verse Chorus Verse IPA
Did it make you happy?
IPA|7.3%|63 IBU
We brew the IPA. You drink the IPA. And you’ll think you’re happy. We make another IPA. You drink another IPA. And it will make us happy. We’re going back to our roots on this one and bringing back a fan favorite - with lots of tropical and citrus notes from a blend of our two favorite hops - Citra and Mosaic - plus a little El Dorado. Feels so good to feel again.
7.3% abv, 63 IBUs
Did it make you happy?
The Ghost of Great Owl
RIP Pumpkin Beer.
Dark Stuff|6.3%|27 IBU
Gather round children for a story of dread and delight, about an owl and a pumpkin on a terrible night. There was a day, way back when, when pumpkin beer was “it.” A festival was born - joyous and raucous, overflowing with wit. Great Pumpkin and Night Owl filled everyone’s glasses, as the people would cheer “Pumpkin beers for the masses!” But then one dreadful year, everything was changed - a soul sold to the devil, never to be the same. Pumpkin beer was dead, a hollow shell. Alone and rotting, banished to hell. In memory of times past, enjoy this spiced pumpkin beer while it lasts.
6.3% abv, 27 IBUs
RIP Pumpkin Beer.
Pyramid Scheme
Dreamed & Schemed.
Dad Beer|5.4%|30 IBU
Hello. We’d love to tell you about an amazing opportunity to drink this beer and makes lots of money. First, buy in on a pint - mmm, it’s delicious, isn’t it?! LOADS of bright Apricot combined upon a creamy wheat malt bill with a tart, crisp finish. Then, you need to enroll other people to drink this beer as well. The more people you get to drink this beer, the higher rate of return you’ll get it. Makes sense, right? And THEN, you need those drinkers to enlist more drinkers - spread the word, drink the beer, we all get rich! Trust us, nobody will get sued or sent a cease and desist by a once-locally-owned-now-corporate brewery of a similar name with a similar flagship we’re paying tribute to. This thing will go on forever!
5.4% abv, 30 IBUs
Dreamed & Schemed.
Surfer on Acid IPA
Surf was up.
IPA|7.1%|58 IBU
Sometimes you just need a cocktail. This isn’t one of those times. But it kinda is, because we put together a hop bill that should...could...taste like one of our favorite tropical cocktails on a cold, grey, soggy Fall day. And that’s how it came to be - Mosaic, Denali, Idaho 7, Citra, Sabro - with notes of pineapple, sweet herbaciousness, a hint of citrus, & a touch of coconut. Breath it in, take a sip, get weird, and catch a wave. Or maybe it’s just in your head.
7.1% abv, 58 IBUs
Surf was up.
Sweater Wetter
All buttoned up!
IPA|7.1%|54 IBU
There’s a chill in the air. The sun is setting earlier and rising later. It’s about time. FINALLY. Sweater Weather. Sweater. Weather. And ya know even though harvest is over, new wet hop beers are still coming out! They just keep on coming! Like this one, with 21#/bbl of Wet Cashmere hops from Cornerstone Ranches. It’s soft and fuzzy and peachy and tropical and citrusy and just delightful. A perfect accompaniment on these Fall days!
7.1% abv, 54 IBUs
All buttoned up!
Resin Raiders
Lost and Found and Lost Again.
IPA|7.3%|60 IBU
Sometimes, in the rarest of circumstances, brewers searching for the wettest, freshest Citra are called upon for a seemingly impossible mission: find the holy grail, conquer the evil kilners, and use wet hops for the greater good. Following that call, we traveled deep into the valley, under the shadow of hops, with our fearless friends from Cellarmaker, in hopes of finding, saving, and using the bestest, wettest Citra in the world. They say these hops have limitless powers, and in the wrong hands, could be the end to all wet hop beers as we know it. Lucky for us (and you), we found what we were searching for at not one, but two farms - Perrault & Loftus Ranches. Fate was with us as we also stumbled across a secret stash of glorious smelling Sabro from Perrault, so we saved a few scores of that as well during our harrowing journey. The end result is a vortex of all encompassing wetness, with Angels of Wetness screaming in fury, melting your face, blowing your head off, and sealing in the wetness for years to come to those who seek it.
7.3% abv, 60 IBUs
Lost and Found and Lost Again.
The Splash Zone
It was wet.
Pale|5.6%|50 IBU
Attention! This pale ale was brewed 24#/bbl of Day 1 Organic Simcoe from Perrault Farms. It is one of the wettest hopped beers we’ve ever brewed. And to top is all off, we also had the Seattle Times follow us around from farm to brewery. Before they entered our worlds, they were warned. Flash photography and video cameras are permitted in most of the areas. However, the brewery and farm are not liable for any damages to phones/cameras/video cameras/tape recorders, nor are they liable for any injuries or complications from excessive wetness; extreme freshness; intense aromatics of ruby red grapefruit, fruity pebbles,and pine needles; distinct vegetal mouthfeel; and crisp, bright finishes resulting in ecstatic, excessive sipping. Enjoy as many as you like at your own risk.
5.6% abv, 50 IBUs
It was wet.
Still searching for dry land...
IPA|7.3%|52 IBU
In a post apocalyptic world far off in the distant future, the earth lies beneath an overgrown mess of hop bines. Dirt is a rare commodity and humans are addicted to hop terpines. Those that survived have adapted to a new world, and travel the earth on top cutters. Little remains of non-brewer civilization. This place, this whole way of hopping, is ending unless we follow the map and discover that mythological place with the wettest, freshest hops in all the world - Yakima Valley. That is not our destination, but our destiny. It’s a world unlike any you have ever seen.
545 pounds of first day harvested Wet Amarillo hops from Virgil Gamache Farms
7.3% abv, 52 IBUs
Still searching for dry land...
thank u, next ipa
thought it was the one, but it wasn't a match
IPA|7.1%|65 IBU
Thought we’d end up with Bangerz, but it wasn’t a match. Brewed some named for Kanye, now we sippin’ and laugh. Even almost miss Snoozefest, and for Cool Story we’re thankful. Wish we could say thank you to Slap Bag, ‘cause that beer was an angel. One taught us salts. One taught us dankness. One taught us cryo, now we dialin’ profile. We’ve loved and we’ve lost, but that’s not what we need. So look what you’ve got, a new IPA indeed. This one has Vic Secret. This one has Blanc. This one has Mosaic. Now you’ll sip and taste it. And after this you’ll move on, just like the rest. Just look back briefly, and say “thank you, next.”
7.1% abv, 65 IBUs
thought it was the one, but it wasn't a match
Talk Amongst Yourselves
We Gave you a Topic. It was Discussed.
Double Coffee Stout
Dark Stuff|8.3%|39 IBU
Hello and welcome to this beer. Inspired by our favorite midday program, Coffee Talk with host Linda Richman, we decided to create something special for all the Bubbalas. We started with a roast forward double stout loaded with oats and dark malts and a touch of lactose. Let me tell you, this base beer - it’s so smooth it’s like velvet. But wait there’s more! We then made our own cold brew with beans from Lighthouse Roasters and infused it during conditioning. A dream come true, seriously. If you like stout and you like coffeeee...it might make you emotional. Oy, here we go again. We’re getting choked up. We’re verklempt. We’ll give you a topic: The New Deal was neither new nor a deal. Discuss…..Ok, there it passed. Take a sip now, give a call, we’ll talk, enjoy.
7.2% abv, 39 IBUs
We Gave you a Topic. It was Discussed.
Toothless IPA
Train the Styrian Dragon
IPA|7%|62 IBU
This is a story about young & little known dual purpose hop from Slovenia named Styrian Dragon. There wasn’t much information out there - some said notes o