I’m Turning Into My Father
We just want you to know, if you ever need anything, don’t be shy, ok? There are NO rules for this beer. It’s not like a regular dad beer, it’s a COOL dad beer. And ‘tis the season, if you know what we mean! The weather gets colder and wetter, and winter warmers start to hit the shelves. With each passing year, we find ourselves more and more excited to brew, and drink, hoppy red ales. Are they exciting? Not really. Are they cool? Nope. Do we care? Nada. But just like your dad’s favorite brewery slogan: we brew the beer we want to drink – and sell the rest! Bahaha…ok, we’re finished laughing at our own joke. This recipe was blended with multiple crystal malts, hopped with Simcoe, Chinook, Mosaic, and still finishes dry and bitter for the style. It’s burnt breadcrusty and piney and resinousy and roasty. We hope you appreciate and love it for what it is, even if you don’t always agree with it.