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Infinite Time Loop Situation IPA

IPA  |  6.7% ABV  |  60 IBU

So, this is today. Today is yesterday. And tomorrow is also today. And this IPA? Well it’s hopped with Citra & Mosaic, and then Mosaic & Citra. Both Pellets & Cryo. Over and over again. IN PERPETUITY. It’s like you’ve had this before. But not THIS one, that was another one. And it’s also like you’ll have it again – this very one – right now, a little bit later, further down the road, a road that never ends, that goes on and on. But it’s OK! You know why? Because it tastes FUCKING GLORIOUS. Who doesn’t want a forever of smooth, juicy, citrusy and tropical highs and lows? Nobody. That’s who.