Jesus Take The Wheel IPA
Umm, so…this is where we’re at right now. It’s been a long ride throughout this pandemic, and a couple months ago it felt *almost* normal but here we are, asking people to wear masks again and checking vaccination cards to keep the people inside our space as safe and healthy as possible. And while over 80% of Seattlites have gotten vaccinated (WHICH IS AWESOME), there’s still a portion of this country (who are traveling?! To HERE!? WHY.) that come up with some illogical/selfish/misinformed/conspiratorial/uneducated reasoning to not get the vaccine. [If you are one of those aforementioned people, and reading this rn, your money is probably better spent elsewhere, like at a business that shares your “beliefs”…] ANYWAYS it is almost like, maybe we should start to believe in God, or something? No no, that’s not where we’re going with this. But it’d be cool if SOMEBODY could take this virus from our hands and make it go away. We really want to let go. And let loose. And bring this delicious IPA brewed with Motueka, Citra, & Comet hops to a party, and not stress out about everything and just get lost in meaningful conversation while inhaling notes of mandarin oranges, meyer lemon, & lime leaf jumping out of the glass and laughing at a joke Dave made, because Dave is FUNNY and always there for us, and wait, maybe Dave can take the wheel?