Line Starts Here
This past Winter, we brewed one of our favorite AND slowest moving beers of all time. A traditional English Dark Mild, a homage to Bill Arnott and Machine House Brewing. It had body, it had balance, it had deep flavor, and it was low in alcohol. What more could you want?! NOT A THING. Since then, BIll has been quoted in Forbes, Imbibe, and THE NEW YORK TIMES…coincidence? Maybe. Maybe Not. But apparently, Dark Mild’s are gaining traction, and we want in on this three hundred year trend. Still, why are they brewed, and bought, so infrequently? Is it because they are so damn sexy that it is downright intimidating to muster up the confidence to order one, let along taste it? Or maybe it’s semantics? English Dark Mild? What. Dark Summer Ale? Ok! Either way, we made some tweaks to our original recipe and it’s even more fire emoji than before. So much so, that we fully expect LINES FOR DAYS for this beer, so just as preemptive clarification…the line starts here.