Maximize Profits IPA
If you know us, like REALLY know us, then you know we’re all about that bottom line. #CASHRULESEVERYTHINGAROUNDUS We eat, sleep, dream, live BUSINESS STUFF. How do we make money? Spend money. With efficiency. And then manipulate the market. While value adding. And thinking about synergy, alignment, and bandwidth to move the needle. Sometimes we take a deep dive, and then deep dive within a deep dive to go deeper diving. While constantly lowering our overhead and COGS but raising our OPEX, ROI, EBITDA retaining Motivation. Hunger. Thirst. Raising the Bar. Also – Forecast, Forecast, Forecast. Do another Forecast for core competency sake. And after all that, you keep producing widgets, like beer, and add three diversified portfolio lots of Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand while feathering in some Citra to tax harvest and we churn it out like diamond hands for you to enjoy because money never sleeps, and our IPAs don’t either.