More Tigers, More Lazerbeams
That original beer, some eight years ago, light with a touch of wheat – a perfect vehicle for a new, multi-faceted and complex hop called HBC 369. It was clean, vibrant and tropical, with subtle savory and citrus undertones. But it needed a name, and it needed a label. We threw around ideas of neon, of Lisa Frank, of Ken Kesey, maybe with sharks or a snake – a Boomslang, perhaps?! – or maybe a Tiger? YES! A Tiger, a white tiger, shooting sparkly, neon Laserbeams from it’s eyes!…
…well we DID it again. But made it more awesome. How so? More TIGERS, more LASERBEAMS, more MALT, more HOPS, more ALCOHOL, more INDEPENDENCE, more SOUL, more CHARACTER.
Warrior, Centennial, El Dorado & LOADS of Mosaic
and brewed in Seattle by an adamantly small, forever independent brewery that former Elysian employees still work at.