No Experience Needed IPA
Why would we brew an IPA with Mandarina, Hallertau Blanc, Callista & Huell Melon – a bunch of meddling newer German hop varieties that do great in fruit forward pale lagers but don’t have the power, analytics, or experience to carry something as important as a “Cloudburst IPA” recipe? Because they are RICH in history, with a privileged lineage and VERY IMPORTANT parents, and they’re blindly LOYAL to our cooler. Like, some of them have been in our cooler for years, just cheering us on as YES MEN when we use other varieties. And yeah, occasionally their shadowy affiliated company makes a HUGE DONATION to us. With times like these, we wanted to buck the trend and go with some OUTSIDERS that we owed. The end result tastes of RIDICULOUS tangerine, IDIOTIC white grape, and INSANE honeydew melon – which is kinda WEIRD, but at least it won’t destroy humanity, our country or the entire world?