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We now have a vintage CB t-shirt rack at our Shilshole location. All shirts on that rack are only $10!

Restricted Access IPA

IPA  |  7.2% ABV  |  60 IBU

Yeah, so, kind of a funny story…we were staring at a bunch of boxes of Idaho 7 hops in our cooler (which are delicious btw – PREFACE: not everything or everyone is bad in Idaho!) and our attention wandered over to thinking about how FUCKING BULLSHIT Idaho’s restrictive abortion laws are. How restrictive are they? Well, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights, Idaho already had a trigger ban on the books prior to CORRUPT OLD WHITE MEN + CLARENCE overturning Roe v. Wade – so it was quick & easy to enact a 6 week abortion ban, prohibit D&X procedures, install a mandatory 24 hour waiting period, and criminalize assistance to those who aid abortion, among several other bogus rules. SERIOUSLY WTF IDAHO. But as infuriating and disheartening all that is – YOU CAN HELP!  Just by buying this beer! As 100% of the profits of this IPA sold at both our tasting rooms will go to the Northwest Abortion Access Fund (, an organization in our own backyard that directly helps all genders in need of abortion assistance – from a toll-free helplines to funding clinics & services to figuring out travel & care logistics. Body autonomy is being threatened every 👏 damn 👏 day, and we’ll continue to fight (& drink) for our freedom and yours. End of not so funny story.