Stratabulous! IPA
From the brewers that NEVER…er, RARELY…brew single hop beers…other than Snoozefest, and Mosaicin’ Me Crazy…yes, we made each of those a few times…ANYWAYS…we proudly offer our newest and nextest iteration: STRATABULOUS! In this rendition, we used 7 unique lots of Strata, spanning 2 harvests (2020 + 2021) from four farms (Crosby, Goschie, Roy & Coleman) to give you depth and complexity like you’ve never tasted before. There are notes of Guava! Passionfruit! Ruby Red Grapefruit! And Tangerines! So don’t be fooled by the horrible name of this beer – it’s magical. It’s mesmerizing. It’s fantastic. It’s fabulous.