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We now have a vintage CB t-shirt rack at our Shilshole location. All shirts on that rack are only $10!

The Great Simcoelio IPA

IPA  |  6.9% ABV  |  67 IBU

Ok, we get it, we’re a bunch of single hop buttheads. We’ve already done Citra (Snoozefest), Mosaic (Mosaicin’ me CrAzY), Strata (Stratabulous), & Chinook (Take A Look), so it was inevitable that Simcoe was going to show up to the party all riled up and kick you in the nuts. Heh – Heh. This IPA is loaded with 5 different lots of Simcoe – 3 crop years of T90s from Sodbuster Farm, Wyckoff Farms, & Pearmine Farm, and 2 separate CRYO lots from Shinn & Son and Wyckoff – and it’s kick ass. Don’t be a monkeyspank. Come to Simcoe.