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The Ultimate Rush IPA

IPA  |  6.7% ABV  |  54 IBU

When you watch Point Break like a bazillion times, weird pieces of the script get buried in the nether regions of your brain and just kinda stick with you, ready to spring from your memory at the slightest inclination. Like, when you’re designing an IPA recipe around New Zealand Waimea hops. We had an untouched box of them in the cooler, so we  just paddled in and went for it. Total Commitment. Er, virtually complete commitment. Because we used some Citra on the hot side. And then added some Mosaic Cryo on the dry hop. BUT WAIMEA IS THERE, EVERYWHERE, FULLY TORQUED, SWOLLEN ROLLIN’ RIDIN’ VIBIN’ BRUHHHH. Ok, that’s not from the movie. But it could’ve been. Just call timeout and ride this wave of rainier cherries, apricots, & white grapefruit over an easy break and dry finish.