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Touch Grass IPA

IPA  |  6.9% ABV  |  60 IBU

Ok ok ok so don’t you think it’s strange that there’s very little data on first wort hopping? And then double that fact when you use WHOLE CONE hops. Like, if we do this…how much bitterness will we get?! WHERE’S THE UTILIZATION CALCS. AND ARE THEY EVEN ACCURATE?? What about TEMP RAMP? WHAT ABOUT THE “FLAVOR LOCKING”?!? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So we did OUR OWN RESEARCH for this IPA. That’s right – we used whole cone CHINOOK for a big ass first wort addition. But then you go from first wort hopping to cold whirlpool additions and just HOPS, MAN like where do they even COME FROM?! We’re talking about PROPAGATION and that shit will BLOW YOUR MIND. Like you’ve got old hops and new hops and triploids and rhizomes and crosses and zygotes and cuts and babies and have you even thought about FUCKING DIRT DUDE?! Each one of these things have their own complicated pathways, most of them dead ends. UNTIL all the sudden you get an Amarillo or a Simcoe or a YQH 1320 or a Vista, which is A GOVERNMENT FUNDED variety btw, and here we are, just making “IPA” which, coincidentally is now all the sudden the most popular beer style IN THE WORLD?! SOMETHING DOESN’T ADD UP. TIME TO START SNIFFING AND START SIPPING AND SAVING THOSE TIN FOIL BAGS.