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We now have a vintage CB t-shirt rack at our Shilshole location. All shirts on that rack are only $10!

Your Own Research

New Zealand Pale Ale  |  5.7% ABV  |  45 IBU

Wait wait, don’t cringe! We’re on the same team! Like, we also cringe when somebody proclaims they “did their own research” because usually that means they went to some horribly unreliable internet website or online forum or listened to some fringe conspiracy podcast or has a cousin who knows somebody on the “inside”…YIKES. ANYWAYS, they are rarely a scientist or a professional in a credible research field, and more specifically the field they’d like to expound upon. Okay? Ok. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here’s a pale ale we made with an experimental hop out of New Zealand called NZ 102. We’ve never used it before and we’ve never tasted it in another beer – so this is TECHNICALLY research we did, that you can smell and taste, think about it, and come to a conclusion regarding it’s expressive, bright tangerine notes with subtle floral and tropical undertones.